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[Loading ML file ssrmatching_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file ssreflect_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file ring_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Serlib plugin: coq-elpi.elpi is not available: serlib support is missing.
Incremental checking for commands in this plugin will be impacted.
[Loading ML file coq-elpi.elpi ... done]
[Loading ML file zify_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file micromega_core_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file micromega_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file btauto_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Notation"_ + _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
Notation"_ - _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
Notation"_ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
Notation"_ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
Notation"_ >= _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
Notation"_ > _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
Notation"_ <= _ <= _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation"_ < _ <= _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation"_ <= _ < _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation"_ < _ < _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation"_ * _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
(** ** Periodic Task Model respects the Task Max Inter-Arrival model. *)(** In this section, we show that the periodic task model respects the task max inter-arrival model (i.e. consecutive jobs of a task are separated at most by a certain duration specified by the [task_max_inter_arrival_time] parameter). *)SectionPeriodicTasksRespectMaxInterArrivalModel.(** Consider any type of periodic tasks, ... *)Context {Task : TaskType} `{PeriodicModel Task}.(** ... any type of jobs associated with the tasks, ... *)Context {Job : JobType} `{JobTask Job Task} `{JobArrival Job}.(** ... and any arrival sequence. *)Variablearr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.(** By using each task's period as its maximum inter-arrival time, ... *)Global Instancemax_inter_eq_period : TaskMaxInterArrival Task :=
task_max_inter_arrival_time := task_period
}.(** ... we observe that for any task [tsk], [task_max_inter_arrival_time tsk] is positive, ... *)