Built with Alectryon, running Coq+SerAPI v8.20.0+0.20.0. Bubbles () indicate interactive fragments: hover for details, tap to reveal contents. Use Ctrl+↑ Ctrl+↓ to navigate, Ctrl+🖱️ to focus. On Mac, use instead of Ctrl.
[Loading ML file ring_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file ssrmatching_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file ssreflect_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Serlib plugin: coq-elpi.elpi is not available: serlib support is missing. Incremental checking for commands in this plugin will be impacted.
[Loading ML file coq-elpi.elpi ... done]
[Loading ML file zify_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file micromega_core_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file micromega_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
[Loading ML file btauto_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Serlib plugin: coq-paramcoq.plugin is not available: serlib support is missing. Incremental checking for commands in this plugin will be impacted.
[Loading ML file paramcoq.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Notation "_ + _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ - _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ >= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ > _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ <= _ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ < _ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ <= _ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ < _ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ * _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notations "[ eta _ ]" defined at level 0 and "[ TASK id: _ cost: _ deadline: _ arrival: _ priority: _ ]" defined at level 6 have incompatible prefixes. One of them will likely not work. [notation-incompatible-prefix,parsing,default]
Notations "[ eta _ ]" defined at level 0 and "[ PERIODIC-TASK id: _ cost: _ deadline: _ period: _ priority: _ ]" defined at level 6 have incompatible prefixes. One of them will likely not work. [notation-incompatible-prefix,parsing,default]
Notations "[ eta _ ]" defined at level 0 and "[ SPORADIC-TASK id: _ cost: _ deadline: _ separation: _ priority: _ ]" defined at level 6 have incompatible prefixes. One of them will likely not work. [notation-incompatible-prefix,parsing,default]
Notations "[ eta _ ]" defined at level 0 and "[ CURVE horizon: _ steps: _ ]" defined at level 6 have incompatible prefixes. One of them will likely not work. [notation-incompatible-prefix,parsing,default]
Require Export prosa.implementation.refinements.arrival_bound. (** Throughout this file, we work with Prosa's fixed-priority policy implementation. *) #[local] Existing Instance NumericFPAscending. (** We begin by defining a generic version of the functions we seek to define. *) Section Definitions. (** Consider a generic type T supporting basic arithmetic operations, neutral elements, and comparisons. *) Context `{T : Type}. Context `{!zero_of T, !one_of T, !sub_of T, !add_of T, !mul_of T, !div_of T, !mod_of T, !eq_of T, !leq_of T, !lt_of T}. Context `{!eq_of (seq T)}. Context {eq_of2 : eq_of (@task_T T)}. (** We define a generic version of higher-or-equal priority task, ... *) Definition hep_task_T tsk_o tsk := (task_priority_T tsk <= @task_priority_T T tsk_o)%C. (** ... of total request-bound function of higher-or-equal priority task, ... *) Definition total_hep_rbf_T (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T) (Δ : T) : T := let hep_ts := filter (fun tsk' => hep_task_T tsk' tsk) ts in let work_ts := map (fun tsk' => task_rbf_T tsk' Δ) hep_ts in foldr +%C 0%C work_ts. (** ... an analogous version of [hep_task] in without symmetry, ... *) Definition ohep_task_T tsk_o tsk := (hep_task_T tsk_o tsk) && (~~ (eq_of2 tsk_o tsk)%C). (** ... with a respective cumulative version. *) Definition total_ohep_rbf_T (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T) (Δ : T) : T := let hep_ts := filter (fun tsk' => ohep_task_T tsk' tsk) ts in let work_ts := map (fun tsk' => task_rbf_T tsk' Δ) hep_ts in foldr +%C 0%C work_ts. (** Next, we define a generic version of [check_point_FP], ... *) Definition check_point_FP_T (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T) (R : T) (P : T * T) : bool := (task_rbf_T tsk (P.1 + 1) + total_ohep_rbf_T ts tsk (P.1 + P.2) <= P.1 + P.2)%C && (P.2 <= R)%C. (** ... a generic version of [blocking_bound_NP], ... *) Definition blocking_bound_NP_T (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T) := let lp_ts := filter (fun tsk_o => ~~ hep_task_T tsk_o tsk) ts in let block_ts := map (fun tsk_o => task_cost_T tsk_o - 1)%C lp_ts in foldr maxn_T 0%C block_ts. (** ... and of [check_point_NP]. *) Definition check_point_NP_T (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T) (R : T) (P : T * T) : bool := (blocking_bound_NP_T ts tsk + (task_rbf_T tsk (P.1 + 1) - (task_cost_T tsk - 1)) + total_ohep_rbf_T ts tsk (P.1 + P.2) <= P.1 + P.2)%C && (P.2 + (task_cost_T tsk - 1) <= R)%C. End Definitions. (** In this section, we introduce some functions operating on binary numbers. *) Section DefinitionsN. (** We provide a definition of [iota], ... *) Definition iota_N (a Δ : N) := iota_T a Δ. (** ... of [search_space_emax_FP_h], ... *) Definition search_space_emax_FP_h_N (tsk : task_T) (l r : N) : seq N := let h := get_horizon_of_task_T tsk in let offsets := map (N.mul h) (iota_N l r) in let emax_offsets := repeat_steps_with_offset_T tsk offsets in map predn_T emax_offsets. (** ... and of [search_space_emax_FP]. *) Definition search_space_emax_FP_N (tsk : task_T) (L : N) := let h := get_horizon_of_task_T tsk in search_space_emax_FP_h_N tsk 0 (((L %/ h)+1))%C. End DefinitionsN. (** ** Refinements *) (** We now establish the desired refinements. *) (** First, we prove a refinement for the [search_space_emax_h] function. *)

refines (Rtask ==> Rnat ==> Rnat ==> list_R Rnat) search_space_emax_FP_h search_space_emax_FP_h_N

refines (Rtask ==> Rnat ==> Rnat ==> list_R Rnat) search_space_emax_FP_h search_space_emax_FP_h_N
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: Rtask tsk tsk'
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
r: nat
r': N
Rr: Rnat r r'

list_R Rnat (search_space_emax_FP_h tsk l r) (search_space_emax_FP_h_N tsk' l' r')
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: Rtask tsk tsk'
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
r: nat
r': N
Rr: Rnat r r'

refines (list_R Rnat) [seq i.-1 | i <- repeat_steps_with_offset tsk [seq get_horizon_of_task tsk * i | i <- iota l r]] [seq predn_T i | i <- repeat_steps_with_offset_T tsk' [seq (get_horizon_of_task_T tsk' * i)%num | i <- iota_N l' r']]
by refines_apply; refines_abstr. Qed. (** Next, we prove a refinement for the [search_space_emax_FP] function. *)

forall tsk : task_T, refines (Rnat ==> list_R Rnat) (search_space_emax_FP (taskT_to_task tsk)) (search_space_emax_FP_N tsk)

forall tsk : task_T, refines (Rnat ==> list_R Rnat) (search_space_emax_FP (taskT_to_task tsk)) (search_space_emax_FP_N tsk)
tsk: task_T

refines (Rnat ==> list_R Rnat) (search_space_emax_FP (taskT_to_task tsk)) (search_space_emax_FP_N tsk)
tsk: task_T
δ: nat
δ': N
: Rnat δ δ'

list_R Rnat (search_space_emax_FP (taskT_to_task tsk) δ) (search_space_emax_FP_N tsk δ')
tsk: task_T
δ: nat
δ': N
: Rnat δ δ'

list_R Rnat (search_space_emax_FP_h (taskT_to_task tsk) 0 (δ %/ get_horizon_of_task (taskT_to_task tsk)).+1) (search_space_emax_FP_h_N tsk 0 (δ' %/ get_horizon_of_task_T tsk + 1)%C)
tsk: task_T
δ: nat
δ': N
: Rnat δ δ'

refines (list_R Rnat) (search_space_emax_FP_h (taskT_to_task tsk) 0 (δ %/ get_horizon_of_task (taskT_to_task tsk) + 1)) (search_space_emax_FP_h_N tsk 0 (δ' %/ get_horizon_of_task_T tsk + 1)%C)
by refines_apply; rewrite refinesE; unfold Rtask, fun_hrel. Qed. (** Next, we prove a refinement for the [hep_task] function. *)

refines (Rtask ==> Rtask ==> bool_R) hep_task hep_task_T

refines (Rtask ==> Rtask ==> bool_R) hep_task hep_task_T

forall (a : Task) (b : task_T), refines Rtask a b -> forall (a' : Task) (b' : task_T), refines Rtask a' b' -> refines bool_R (hep_task a a') (hep_task_T b b')

forall (a : Task) (b : task_T), refines Rtask a b -> forall (a' : Task) (b' : task_T), refines Rtask a' b' -> refines bool_R (task_priority a' <= task_priority a) (task_priority_T b' <= task_priority_T b)%C
tsk1: Task
tsk1': task_T
Rtsk1: refines Rtask tsk1 tsk1'
tsk2: Task
tsk2': task_T
Rtsk2: refines Rtask tsk2 tsk2'

refines bool_R (task_priority tsk2 <= task_priority tsk1) (task_priority_T tsk2' <= task_priority_T tsk1')%C
by refines_apply. Qed. (** Next, we prove a refinement for the [total_hep_rbf] function. *)

refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat ==> Rnat) total_hep_rbf total_hep_rbf_T

refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat ==> Rnat) total_hep_rbf total_hep_rbf_T
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'

refines (Rtask ==> Rnat ==> Rnat) (total_hep_rbf ts) (total_hep_rbf_T ts')
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'

refines (Rnat ==> Rnat) (total_hep_rbf ts tsk) (total_hep_rbf_T ts' tsk')
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'

refines Rnat (total_hep_rbf ts tsk Δ) (total_hep_rbf_T ts' tsk' Δ')
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'

refines Rnat (\sum_(tsk_other <- ts | hep_task tsk_other tsk) task_request_bound_function tsk_other Δ) (foldr +%C 0%C [seq task_rbf_T tsk' Δ' | tsk' <- [seq tsk'0 <- ts' | hep_task_T tsk'0 tsk']])
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'

refines (list_R ?rT) ts ts'
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'
refines (?rT ==> Rnat) (task_request_bound_function^~ Δ) (task_rbf_T^~ Δ')
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'
refines (?rT ==> bool_R) (hep_task^~ tsk) (hep_task_T^~ tsk')
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'

refines (list_R ?rT) ts ts'
by apply Rts.
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'

refines (Rtask ==> Rnat) (task_request_bound_function^~ Δ) (task_rbf_T^~ Δ')
by apply refines_abstr; move => tsk1 tsk1' Rtsk1; tc.
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'

refines (Rtask ==> bool_R) (hep_task^~ tsk) (hep_task_T^~ tsk')
by apply refines_abstr; move => tsk1 tsk1' Rtsk1; tc. Qed. (** Next, we prove a special-case refinement for the [total_hep_rbf] function when applied to a refined task set and a refined task. This special case is required to guide the typeclass engine. *)

forall (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T), refines (Rnat ==> Rnat) (total_hep_rbf [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk)) (total_hep_rbf_T ts tsk)

forall (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T), refines (Rnat ==> Rnat) (total_hep_rbf [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk)) (total_hep_rbf_T ts tsk)
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
δ: nat
δ': N
: Rnat δ δ'

Rnat (total_hep_rbf [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) δ) (total_hep_rbf_T ts tsk δ')
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
δ: nat
δ': N
: Rnat δ δ'
RTS: refines (unify (A:=seq task_T) ==> list_R Rtask) (map taskT_to_task) id

Rnat (total_hep_rbf [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) δ) (total_hep_rbf_T ts tsk δ')
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
δ: nat
δ': N
: Rnat δ δ'
RTS: (unify (A:=seq task_T) ==> list_R Rtask)%rel (map taskT_to_task) id

Rnat (total_hep_rbf [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) δ) (total_hep_rbf_T ts tsk δ')
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
δ: nat
δ': N
: Rnat δ δ'
RTS: list_R Rtask [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] ts

Rnat (total_hep_rbf [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) δ) (total_hep_rbf_T ts tsk δ')
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
δ: nat
δ': N
: Rnat δ δ'
RTS: list_R Rtask [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] ts

refines Rnat (total_hep_rbf [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) δ) (total_hep_rbf_T ts tsk δ')
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
δ: nat
δ': N
: Rnat δ δ'
RTS: list_R Rtask [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] ts
EQ: refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat ==> Rnat) total_hep_rbf total_hep_rbf_T

refines Rnat (total_hep_rbf [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) δ) (total_hep_rbf_T ts tsk δ')
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
δ: nat
δ': N
: Rnat δ δ'
RTS: list_R Rtask [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] ts
EQ: refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat ==> Rnat) total_hep_rbf total_hep_rbf_T

refines Rtask (taskT_to_task tsk) tsk
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
δ: nat
δ': N
: Rnat δ δ'
RTS: list_R Rtask [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] ts
EQ: refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat ==> Rnat) total_hep_rbf total_hep_rbf_T
Rtsk: refines (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask) taskT_to_task id

refines Rtask (taskT_to_task tsk) tsk
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
δ: nat
δ': N
: Rnat δ δ'
RTS: list_R Rtask [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] ts
EQ: refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat ==> Rnat) total_hep_rbf total_hep_rbf_T
Rtsk: (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask)%rel taskT_to_task id

Rtask (taskT_to_task tsk) tsk
by apply Rtsk. Qed. (** Next, we provide equality comparisons between different pairs of objects manipulated in Poet's certificates. *) Global Instance eq_listN : eq_of (seq N) := fun x y => x == y. Global Instance eq_listNN : eq_of (seq (prod N N)) := fun x y => x == y. Global Instance eq_NlistNN : eq_of (prod N (seq (prod N N))) := fun x y => x == y. Global Instance eq_taskab : eq_of (@task_arrivals_bound_T N) := taskab_eqdef_T. Global Instance eq_task : eq_of (@task_T N) := task_eqdef_T. (** Next, we prove a refinement for the [task_eqdef] function. *)

refines (Rtask ==> Rtask ==> bool_R) task_eqdef task_eqdef_T

refines (Rtask ==> Rtask ==> bool_R) task_eqdef task_eqdef_T

forall (a : Task) (b : task_T), refines Rtask a b -> forall (a' : Task) (b' : task_T), refines Rtask a' b' -> refines bool_R (task_eqdef a a') (task_eqdef_T b b')
a: Task
a': task_T
Ra: refines Rtask a a'
b: Task
b': task_T
Rb: refines Rtask b b'

refines bool_R (task_eqdef a b) (task_eqdef_T a' b')
a: Task
a': task_T
Ra: refines Rtask a a'
b: Task
b': task_T
Rb: refines Rtask b b'

refines bool_R ((task_id a == task_id b) && (task_cost a == task_cost b) && (task_arrival a == task_arrival b) && (task_deadline a == task_deadline b) && (task_priority a == task_priority b)) ((task_id_T a' == task_id_T b')%C && (task_cost_T a' == task_cost_T b')%C && (task_arrival_T a' == task_arrival_T b')%C && (task_deadline_T a' == task_deadline_T b')%C && (task_priority_T a' == task_priority_T b')%C)
by rewrite refinesE; repeat apply andb_R; apply refinesP; refines_apply. Qed. (** Next, we prove a refinement for the [ohep_task] function. *)

refines (Rtask ==> Rtask ==> bool_R) ohep_task ohep_task_T

refines (Rtask ==> Rtask ==> bool_R) ohep_task ohep_task_T

forall (a : Task) (b : task_T), refines Rtask a b -> forall (a' : Task) (b' : task_T), refines Rtask a' b' -> refines bool_R (ohep_task a a') (ohep_task_T b b')

forall (a : Task) (b : task_T), refines Rtask a b -> forall (a' : Task) (b' : task_T), refines Rtask a' b' -> refines bool_R (hep_task a a' && (a != a')) (hep_task_T b b' && ~~ eq_task b b')
tsk1: Task
tsk1': task_T
Rtsk1: refines Rtask tsk1 tsk1'
tsk2: Task
tsk2': task_T
Rtsk2: refines Rtask tsk2 tsk2'

refines bool_R (hep_task tsk1 tsk2 && (tsk1 != tsk2)) (hep_task_T tsk1' tsk2' && ~~ eq_task tsk1' tsk2')
by refines_apply. Qed. (** Next, we prove a refinement for the [total_ohep_rbf] function. *)

refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat ==> Rnat) total_ohep_rbf total_ohep_rbf_T

refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat ==> Rnat) total_ohep_rbf total_ohep_rbf_T
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'

refines (Rtask ==> Rnat ==> Rnat) (total_ohep_rbf ts) (total_ohep_rbf_T ts')
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'

refines (Rnat ==> Rnat) (total_ohep_rbf ts tsk) (total_ohep_rbf_T ts' tsk')
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'

refines Rnat (total_ohep_rbf ts tsk Δ) (total_ohep_rbf_T ts' tsk' Δ')
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'

refines Rnat (total_ohep_rbf ts tsk Δ) (total_ohep_rbf_T ts' tsk' Δ')
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'

refines (list_R ?rT) ts ts'
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'
refines (?rT ==> Rnat) (task_request_bound_function^~ Δ) (task_rbf_T^~ Δ')
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'
refines (?rT ==> bool_R) (fun x : Task => hep_task x tsk && (x != tsk)) (ohep_task_T^~ tsk')
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'

refines (list_R ?rT) ts ts'
by apply Rts.
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'

refines (Rtask ==> Rnat) (task_request_bound_function^~ Δ) (task_rbf_T^~ Δ')
by apply refines_abstr; move => tsk1 tsk1' Rtsk1; tc.
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: refines (list_R Rtask) ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: refines Rtask tsk tsk'
Δ: nat
Δ': N
: refines Rnat Δ Δ'

refines (Rtask ==> bool_R) (fun x : Task => hep_task x tsk && (x != tsk)) (ohep_task_T^~ tsk')
by unfold ohep_task_T; apply refines_abstr; move => tsk1 tsk1' Rtsk1; tc. Qed. (** Next, we prove a refinement for the [check_point_FP] function. *)

refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R) check_point_FP check_point_FP_T

refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R) check_point_FP check_point_FP_T
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: list_R Rtask ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: Rtask tsk tsk'
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'

bool_R (check_point_FP ts tsk l p) (check_point_FP_T ts' tsk' l' p')
by unfold check_point_FP, check_point_FP_T; apply andb_R; apply refinesP; tc. Qed. (** Next, we prove a special-case refinement for the [check_point_FP] function when applied to a refined task set and a refined task. This special case is required to guide the typeclass engine. *)

forall (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T), refines (Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R) (check_point_FP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk)) (check_point_FP_T ts tsk)

forall (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T), refines (Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R) (check_point_FP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk)) (check_point_FP_T ts tsk)
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'

bool_R (check_point_FP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) l p) (check_point_FP_T ts tsk l' p')
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'

refines bool_R (task_rbf (taskT_to_task tsk) (p.1 + 1) + total_ohep_rbf [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) (p.1 + p.2) <= p.1 + p.2) (task_rbf_T tsk (p'.1 + 1) + total_ohep_rbf_T ts tsk (p'.1 + p'.2) <= p'.1 + p'.2)%C
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'
RT: refines (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask) taskT_to_task id

refines bool_R (task_rbf (taskT_to_task tsk) (p.1 + 1) + total_ohep_rbf [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) (p.1 + p.2) <= p.1 + p.2) (task_rbf_T tsk (p'.1 + 1) + total_ohep_rbf_T ts tsk (p'.1 + p'.2) <= p'.1 + p'.2)%C
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'
RT: refines (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask) taskT_to_task id
RTS: refines (unify (A:=seq task_T) ==> list_R Rtask) (map taskT_to_task) id

refines bool_R (task_rbf (taskT_to_task tsk) (p.1 + 1) + total_ohep_rbf [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) (p.1 + p.2) <= p.1 + p.2) (task_rbf_T tsk (p'.1 + 1) + total_ohep_rbf_T ts tsk (p'.1 + p'.2) <= p'.1 + p'.2)%C
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'
RT: (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask)%rel taskT_to_task id
RTS: (unify (A:=seq task_T) ==> list_R Rtask)%rel (map taskT_to_task) id

refines bool_R (task_rbf (taskT_to_task tsk) (p.1 + 1) + total_ohep_rbf [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) (p.1 + p.2) <= p.1 + p.2) (task_rbf_T tsk (p'.1 + 1) + total_ohep_rbf_T ts tsk (p'.1 + p'.2) <= p'.1 + p'.2)%C
by refines_apply; rewrite refinesE; [apply RT | apply RTS | apply RT]. Qed. (** Next, we prove a refinement for the [blocking_bound_NP] function. *)

refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat) blocking_bound_NP blocking_bound_NP_T

refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat) blocking_bound_NP blocking_bound_NP_T
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: list_R Rtask ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: Rtask tsk tsk'

Rnat (blocking_bound_NP ts tsk) (blocking_bound_NP_T ts' tsk')
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: list_R Rtask ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: Rtask tsk tsk'

Rnat (blocking_bound_NP ts tsk) (foldr maxn_T 0%C [seq (task_cost_T tsk_o - 1)%C | tsk_o <- ts' & ~~ hep_task_T tsk_o tsk'])
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: list_R Rtask ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: Rtask tsk tsk'

refines (list_R ?rT) ts ts'
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: list_R Rtask ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: Rtask tsk tsk'
refines (?rT ==> Rnat) (fun x : Task => concept.task_cost x - 1) (fun x' : task_T => (task_cost_T x' - 1)%C)
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: list_R Rtask ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: Rtask tsk tsk'
refines (?rT ==> bool_R) (fun x : Task => ~~ hep_task x tsk) (fun x' : task_T => ~~ hep_task_T x' tsk')
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: list_R Rtask ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: Rtask tsk tsk'

refines (list_R ?rT) ts ts'
by rewrite refinesE; apply Rts.
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: list_R Rtask ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: Rtask tsk tsk'

refines (Rtask ==> Rnat) (fun x : Task => concept.task_cost x - 1) (fun x' : task_T => (task_cost_T x' - 1)%C)
by apply refines_abstr; move => tsk1 tsk1' Rtsk1; tc.
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: list_R Rtask ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: Rtask tsk tsk'

refines (Rtask ==> bool_R) (fun x : Task => ~~ hep_task x tsk) (fun x' : task_T => ~~ hep_task_T x' tsk')
by apply refines_abstr; move => tsk1 tsk1' Rtsk1; tc. Qed. (** Next, we prove a special-case refinement for the [blocking_bound_NP] function when applied to a refined task set and a refined task. This special case is required to guide the typeclass engine. *)

forall (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T), refines Rnat (blocking_bound_NP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk)) (blocking_bound_NP_T ts tsk)

forall (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T), refines Rnat (blocking_bound_NP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk)) (blocking_bound_NP_T ts tsk)
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T

Rnat (blocking_bound_NP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk)) (blocking_bound_NP_T ts tsk)
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
RT: refines (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask) taskT_to_task id

Rnat (blocking_bound_NP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk)) (blocking_bound_NP_T ts tsk)
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
RT: refines (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask) taskT_to_task id
RTS: refines (unify (A:=seq task_T) ==> list_R Rtask) (map taskT_to_task) id

Rnat (blocking_bound_NP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk)) (blocking_bound_NP_T ts tsk)
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
RT: (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask)%rel taskT_to_task id
RTS: (unify (A:=seq task_T) ==> list_R Rtask)%rel (map taskT_to_task) id

Rnat (blocking_bound_NP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk)) (blocking_bound_NP_T ts tsk)
by apply refinesP; refines_apply; (rewrite refinesE; (apply RT || apply RTS)). Qed. (** Next, we prove a refinement for the [check_point_NP] function. *)

refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R) check_point_NP check_point_NP_T

refines (list_R Rtask ==> Rtask ==> Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R) check_point_NP check_point_NP_T
ts: seq Task
ts': seq task_T
Rts: list_R Rtask ts ts'
tsk: Task
tsk': task_T
Rtsk: Rtask tsk tsk'
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'

bool_R (check_point_NP ts tsk l p) (check_point_NP_T ts' tsk' l' p')
by unfold check_point_NP, check_point_NP_T; apply andb_R; apply refinesP; tc. Qed. (** Finally, we prove a special-case refinement for the [check_point_NP] function when applied to a refined task set and a refined task. This special case is required to guide the typeclass engine. *)

forall (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T), refines (Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R) (check_point_NP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk)) (check_point_NP_T ts tsk)

forall (ts : seq task_T) (tsk : task_T), refines (Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R) (check_point_NP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk)) (check_point_NP_T ts tsk)
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'

bool_R (check_point_NP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) l p) (check_point_NP_T ts tsk l' p')
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'
RT: refines (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask) taskT_to_task id

bool_R (check_point_NP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) l p) (check_point_NP_T ts tsk l' p')
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'
RT: refines (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask) taskT_to_task id
RTS: refines (unify (A:=seq task_T) ==> list_R Rtask) (map taskT_to_task) id

bool_R (check_point_NP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) l p) (check_point_NP_T ts tsk l' p')
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'
RT: (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask)%rel taskT_to_task id
RTS: (unify (A:=seq task_T) ==> list_R Rtask)%rel (map taskT_to_task) id

bool_R (check_point_NP [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] (taskT_to_task tsk) l p) (check_point_NP_T ts tsk l' p')
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'
RT: (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask)%rel taskT_to_task id
RTS: (unify (A:=seq task_T) ==> list_R Rtask)%rel (map taskT_to_task) id

refines Rtask (taskT_to_task tsk) tsk
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'
RT: (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask)%rel taskT_to_task id
RTS: (unify (A:=seq task_T) ==> list_R Rtask)%rel (map taskT_to_task) id
refines Rtask (taskT_to_task tsk) tsk
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'
RT: (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask)%rel taskT_to_task id
RTS: (unify (A:=seq task_T) ==> list_R Rtask)%rel (map taskT_to_task) id
refines (list_R Rtask) [seq taskT_to_task i | i <- ts] ts
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'
RT: (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask)%rel taskT_to_task id
RTS: (unify (A:=seq task_T) ==> list_R Rtask)%rel (map taskT_to_task) id
refines Rtask (taskT_to_task tsk) tsk
ts: seq task_T
tsk: task_T
l: nat
l': N
Rl: Rnat l l'
p: (nat * nat)%type
p': (N * N)%type
Rp: prod_R Rnat Rnat p p'
RT: (unify (A:=task_T) ==> Rtask)%rel taskT_to_task id
RTS: (unify (A:=seq task_T) ==> list_R Rtask)%rel (map taskT_to_task) id
refines Rtask (taskT_to_task tsk) tsk
all: try by (rewrite refinesE; (apply RT || apply RTS)). Qed.