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Require Export prosa.implementation.refinements.refinements.[Loading ML file ring_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done ] [Loading ML file ssrmatching_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done ] [Loading ML file ssreflect_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done ] Serlib plugin: coq-elpi.elpi is not available: serlib support is missing.
Incremental checking for commands in this plugin will be impacted. [Loading ML file coq-elpi.elpi ... done ] [Loading ML file zify_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done ] [Loading ML file micromega_core_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done ] [Loading ML file micromega_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done ] [Loading ML file btauto_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done ] Serlib plugin: coq-paramcoq.plugin is not available: serlib support is missing.
Incremental checking for commands in this plugin will be impacted. [Loading ML file paramcoq.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done ] Notation "_ + _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing,default]Notation "_ - _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing,default]Notation "_ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing,default]Notation "_ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing,default]Notation "_ >= _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing,default]Notation "_ > _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
[notation-overridden,parsing,default]Notation "_ <= _ <= _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]Notation "_ < _ <= _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]Notation "_ <= _ < _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]Notation "_ < _ < _" was already used in scope
nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]Notation "_ * _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
Require Export prosa.implementation.definitions.arrival_bound.
(** In this section, we define a generic version of arrival bound and
prove that it is isomorphic to the standard, natural-number-based
definition. *)
Section Definitions .
(** Consider a generic type [T], for which all the basic arithmetical
operations, ordering, and equality are defined. *)
Context {T : Type }.
Context `{!zero_of T, !one_of T, !sub_of T, !add_of T, !mul_of T,
!div_of T, !mod_of T, !eq_of T, !leq_of T, !lt_of T}.
Context `{!eq_of (seq T)}.
Context `{!eq_of (T * seq (T * T))}.
(** As in the natural-numbers-based definition, an arrival curve prefix
is composed of an horizon and a list of steps. *)
Let ArrivalCurvePrefix : Type := T * seq (T * T).
(** A task's arrival bound is an inductive type comprised of three types of
arrival patterns: (a) periodic, characterized by a period between consequent
activation of a task, (b) sporadic, characterized by a minimum inter-arrival
time, or (c) arrival-curve prefix, characterized by a finite prefix of an
arrival curve. *)
Inductive task_arrivals_bound_T :=
| Periodic_T : T -> task_arrivals_bound_T
| Sporadic_T : T -> task_arrivals_bound_T
| ArrivalPrefix_T : T * seq (T * T) -> task_arrivals_bound_T.
(** Further, we define the equality for two generic tasks as the equality
of each attribute. *)
Definition taskab_eqdef_T (tb1 tb2 : task_arrivals_bound_T) : bool :=
match tb1, tb2 with
| Periodic_T p1, Periodic_T p2 => (p1 == p2)%C
| Sporadic_T s1, Sporadic_T s2 => (s1 == s2)%C
| ArrivalPrefix_T s1, ArrivalPrefix_T s2 => (s1 == s2)%C
| _, _ => false
end .
(** The first component of arrival-curve prefix [ac_prefix] is called horizon. *)
Definition horizon_of_T (ac_prefix_vec : T * seq (T * T)) := fst ac_prefix_vec.
(** The second component of [ac_prefix] is called steps. *)
Definition steps_of_T (ac_prefix_vec : T * seq (T * T)) := snd ac_prefix_vec.
(** The time steps of [ac_prefix] are the first components of the
steps. That is, these are time instances before the horizon
where the corresponding arrival curve makes a step. *)
Definition time_steps_of_T (ac_prefix_vec : T * seq (T * T)) := map fst (steps_of_T ac_prefix_vec).
(** The function [step_at] returns the last step ([duration ×
value]) such that [duration ≤ t]. *)
Definition step_at_T (ac_prefix_vec : T * seq (T * T)) (t : T) :=
(last (0 , 0 ) [ seq step <- steps_of_T ac_prefix_vec | fst step <= t ])%C.
(** The function [value_at] returns the _value_ of the last step
([duration × value]) such that [duration ≤ t] *)
Definition value_at_T (ac_prefix_vec : T * seq (T * T)) (t : T) := snd (step_at_T ac_prefix_vec t).
(** Finally, we define a generic version of the function [extrapolated_arrival_curve]
that performs the periodic extension of the arrival-curve prefix (and
hence, defines an arrival curve). *)
Definition extrapolated_arrival_curve_T (ac_prefix_vec : T * seq (T * T)) (t : T) :=
let h := horizon_of_T ac_prefix_vec in
(t %/ h * value_at_T ac_prefix_vec h + value_at_T ac_prefix_vec (t %% h))%C.
(** Steps should be strictly increasing both in time steps and values. *)
Definition ltn_steps_T (a b : T * T) := (fst a < fst b)%C && (snd a < snd b)%C.
Definition sorted_ltn_steps_T (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) :=
sorted ltn_steps_T (steps_of_T ac_prefix).
(** We also define a predicate for non-decreasing order that is
more convenient for proving some of the claims. *)
Definition leq_steps_T (a b : T * T) := (fst a <= fst b)%C && (snd a <= snd b)%C.
(** Horizon should be positive. *)
Definition positive_horizon_T (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) := (0 < horizon_of_T ac_prefix)%C.
(** Horizon should bound time steps. *)
Definition large_horizon_T (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) : bool :=
all (fun s => s <= horizon_of_T ac_prefix)%C (time_steps_of_T ac_prefix).
(** There should be no infinite arrivals; that is, [value_at 0 = 0]. *)
Definition no_inf_arrivals_T (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) :=
(value_at_T ac_prefix 0 == 0 )%C.
(** Bursts must be specified; that is, [steps_of] should contain a
pair [(ε, b)]. *)
Definition specified_bursts_T (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) :=
has (fun step => step == 1 )%C (time_steps_of_T ac_prefix).
(** The conjunction of the 5 afore-defined properties defines a
valid arrival-curve prefix. *)
Definition valid_extrapolated_arrival_curve_T (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) : bool :=
positive_horizon_T ac_prefix
&& large_horizon_T ac_prefix
&& no_inf_arrivals_T ac_prefix
&& specified_bursts_T ac_prefix
&& sorted_ltn_steps_T ac_prefix.
End Definitions .
Section Translation .
(** First, we define the function that maps a generic arrival-curve prefix to a natural-number
one... *)
Definition ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix (ac_prefix_vec_T : N * seq (N * N)) : ArrivalCurvePrefix :=
(nat_of_bin (horizon_of_T ac_prefix_vec_T), m_tb2tn (steps_of_T ac_prefix_vec_T)).
(** ... and its function relationship. *)
Definition RArrivalCurvePrefix := fun_hrel ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix.
(** Next, we define the converse function, mapping a natural-number arrival-curve prefix
task to a generic one. *)
Definition ACPrefix_to_ACPrefixT (ac_prefix_vec : ArrivalCurvePrefix) : (N * seq (N * N)) :=
(bin_of_nat (horizon_of ac_prefix_vec), m_tn2tb (steps_of ac_prefix_vec)).
(** Further, we define the function that maps a generic task arrival-bound to a natural-number
one... *)
Definition task_abT_to_task_ab (ab : @task_arrivals_bound_T N) : task_arrivals_bound :=
match ab with
| Periodic_T p => Periodic p
| Sporadic_T m => Sporadic m
| ArrivalPrefix_T ac_prefix_vec => ArrivalPrefix (ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix ac_prefix_vec)
end .
(** ... and its function relationship. *)
Definition Rtask_ab := fun_hrel task_abT_to_task_ab.
(** Finally, we define the converse function, mapping a natural-number task arrival-bound
task to a generic one. *)
Definition task_ab_to_task_abT (ab : task_arrivals_bound) : @task_arrivals_bound_T N :=
match ab with
| Periodic p => Periodic_T (bin_of_nat p)
| Sporadic m => Sporadic_T (bin_of_nat m)
| ArrivalPrefix ac_prefix_vec => ArrivalPrefix_T (ACPrefix_to_ACPrefixT ac_prefix_vec)
end .
End Translation .
Section Lemmas .
(** We prove that [leq_steps_T] is transitive... *)
Lemma leq_stepsT_is_transitive :
transitive (@leq_steps_T N leq_N).transitive (T:=N * N) leq_steps_T
Proof .transitive (T:=N * N) leq_steps_T
move => a b c /andP [FSTab SNDab] /andP [FSTbc SNDbc].a, b, c : (N * N)%type FSTab : (b.1 <= a.1 )%C SNDab : (b.2 <= a.2 )%C FSTbc : (a.1 <= c.1 )%C SNDbc : (a.2 <= c.2 )%C
leq_steps_T b c
rewrite /leq_steps_T.a, b, c : (N * N)%type FSTab : (b.1 <= a.1 )%C SNDab : (b.2 <= a.2 )%C FSTbc : (a.1 <= c.1 )%C SNDbc : (a.2 <= c.2 )%C
(b.1 <= c.1 )%C && (b.2 <= c.2 )%C
destruct a as [a1 a2], b as [b1 b2], c as [c1 c2]; simpl in *.a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2 : N FSTab : (b1 <= a1)%C SNDab : (b2 <= a2)%C FSTbc : (a1 <= c1)%C SNDbc : (a2 <= c2)%C
(b1 <= c1)%C && (b2 <= c2)%C
apply /andP; split .a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2 : N FSTab : (b1 <= a1)%C SNDab : (b2 <= a2)%C FSTbc : (a1 <= c1)%C SNDbc : (a2 <= c2)%C
(b1 <= c1)%C
- a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2 : N FSTab : (b1 <= a1)%C SNDab : (b2 <= a2)%C FSTbc : (a1 <= c1)%C SNDbc : (a2 <= c2)%C
(b1 <= c1)%C
by apply /N.leb_spec0; eapply N.le_trans;
[apply /N.leb_spec0; apply FSTab
| apply /N.leb_spec0; apply FSTbc].
- a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2 : N FSTab : (b1 <= a1)%C SNDab : (b2 <= a2)%C FSTbc : (a1 <= c1)%C SNDbc : (a2 <= c2)%C
(b2 <= c2)%C
by apply /N.leb_spec0; eapply N.le_trans;
[apply /N.leb_spec0; apply SNDab
| apply /N.leb_spec0; apply SNDbc].
Qed .
(** ... and so is [ltn_steps_T]. *)
Lemma ltn_stepsT_is_transitive :
transitive (@ltn_steps_T N lt_N).transitive (T:=N * N) ltn_steps_T
Proof .transitive (T:=N * N) ltn_steps_T
move => a b c /andP [FSTab SNDab] /andP [FSTbc SNDbc].a, b, c : (N * N)%type FSTab : (b.1 < a.1 )%C SNDab : (b.2 < a.2 )%C FSTbc : (a.1 < c.1 )%C SNDbc : (a.2 < c.2 )%C
ltn_steps_T b c
rewrite /ltn_steps_T.a, b, c : (N * N)%type FSTab : (b.1 < a.1 )%C SNDab : (b.2 < a.2 )%C FSTbc : (a.1 < c.1 )%C SNDbc : (a.2 < c.2 )%C
(b.1 < c.1 )%C && (b.2 < c.2 )%C
destruct a as [a1 a2], b as [b1 b2], c as [c1 c2]; simpl in *.a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2 : N FSTab : (b1 < a1)%C SNDab : (b2 < a2)%C FSTbc : (a1 < c1)%C SNDbc : (a2 < c2)%C
(b1 < c1)%C && (b2 < c2)%C
apply /andP; split .a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2 : N FSTab : (b1 < a1)%C SNDab : (b2 < a2)%C FSTbc : (a1 < c1)%C SNDbc : (a2 < c2)%C
(b1 < c1)%C
- a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2 : N FSTab : (b1 < a1)%C SNDab : (b2 < a2)%C FSTbc : (a1 < c1)%C SNDbc : (a2 < c2)%C
(b1 < c1)%C
by apply /N.ltb_spec0; eapply N.lt_trans;
[apply /N.ltb_spec0; apply FSTab
| apply /N.ltb_spec0; apply FSTbc].
- a1, a2, b1, b2, c1, c2 : N FSTab : (b1 < a1)%C SNDab : (b2 < a2)%C FSTbc : (a1 < c1)%C SNDbc : (a2 < c2)%C
(b2 < c2)%C
by apply /N.ltb_spec0; eapply N.lt_trans;
[apply /N.ltb_spec0; apply SNDab
| apply /N.ltb_spec0; apply SNDbc].
Qed .
End Lemmas .
(** In this fairly technical section, we prove a series of refinements
aimed to be able to convert between a standard natural-number task
and a generic task. *)
Section Refinements .
(** We prove the refinement for the [leq_steps] function. *)
Global Instance refine_leq_steps :
refines (prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R)%rel leq_steps leq_steps_T.refines
(prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R)
leq_steps leq_steps_T
Proof .refines
(prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R)
leq_steps leq_steps_T
rewrite /leq_steps /leq_steps_T refinesE => a a' Ra b b' Rb.a : (nat * nat)%type a' : (N * N)%type Ra : prod_R Rnat Rnat a a' b : (nat * nat)%type b' : (N * N)%type Rb : prod_R Rnat Rnat b b'
bool_R ((a.1 <= b.1 ) && (a.2 <= b.2 ))
((a'.1 <= b'.1 )%C && (a'.2 <= b'.2 )%C)
by apply refinesP; refines_apply.
Qed .
(** Next, we prove the refinement for the [ltn_steps] function. *)
Global Instance refine_ltn_steps :
refines (prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R)%rel ltn_steps ltn_steps_T.refines
(prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R)
ltn_steps ltn_steps_T
Proof .refines
(prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R)
ltn_steps ltn_steps_T
rewrite /ltn_steps /ltn_steps_T refinesE => a a' Ra b b' Rb.a : (nat * nat)%type a' : (N * N)%type Ra : prod_R Rnat Rnat a a' b : (nat * nat)%type b' : (N * N)%type Rb : prod_R Rnat Rnat b b'
bool_R ((a.1 < b.1 ) && (a.2 < b.2 ))
((a'.1 < b'.1 )%C && (a'.2 < b'.2 )%C)
destruct a as [a1 a2], a' as [a1' a2'], b as [b1 b2], b' as [b1' b2']; simpl in *.a1, a2 : nat a1', a2' : N Ra : prod_R Rnat Rnat (a1, a2) (a1', a2') b1, b2 : nat b1', b2' : N Rb : prod_R Rnat Rnat (b1, b2) (b1', b2')
bool_R ((a1 < b1) && (a2 < b2))
((a1' < b1')%C && (a2' < b2')%C)
inversion Ra; subst .a1, a2 : nat a1', a2' : N Ra : prod_R Rnat Rnat (a1, a2) (a1', a2') b1, b2 : nat b1', b2' : N Rb : prod_R Rnat Rnat (b1, b2) (b1', b2') a_R : Rnat a1 a1' b_R : Rnat a2 a2'
bool_R ((a1 < b1) && (a2 < b2))
((a1' < b1')%C && (a2' < b2')%C)
inversion Rb; subst .a1, a2 : nat a1', a2' : N Ra : prod_R Rnat Rnat (a1, a2) (a1', a2') b1, b2 : nat b1', b2' : N Rb : prod_R Rnat Rnat (b1, b2) (b1', b2') a_R : Rnat a1 a1' b_R : Rnat a2 a2' a_R0 : Rnat b1 b1' b_R0 : Rnat b2 b2'
bool_R ((a1 < b1) && (a2 < b2))
((a1' < b1')%C && (a2' < b2')%C)
by apply andb_R; apply refine_ltn.
Qed .
(** Next, we prove the refinement for the [ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix] function. *)
Local Instance refine_ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix :
refines (unify (A:=N * seq (N * N)) ==> prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)))%rel ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix id.refines
(unify (A:=N * seq (N * N)) ==>
prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)))
ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix id
Proof .refines
(unify (A:=N * seq (N * N)) ==>
prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)))
ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix id
rewrite refinesE => evec evec' Revec.evec, evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : unify evec evec'
prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix evec) evec'
unfold unify in *; subst evec'.evec : (N * seq (N * N))%type
prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix evec) evec
destruct evec as [h st].h : N st : seq (N * N)
prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix (h, st)) (h, st)
apply prod_R_pair_R.h : N st : seq (N * N)
Rnat (horizon_of_T (h, st)) h
- h : N st : seq (N * N)
Rnat (horizon_of_T (h, st)) h
by compute .
- h : N st : seq (N * N)
list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)
(m_tb2tn (steps_of_T (h, st))) st
simpl ; clear h; elim : st => [|a st IHst].list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (m_tb2tn [::]) [::]
+ list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (m_tb2tn [::]) [::]
apply list_R_nil_R.
+ a : (N * N)%type st : seq (N * N) IHst : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (m_tb2tn st) st
list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (m_tb2tn (a :: st))
(a :: st)
simpl ; apply list_R_cons_R; last by done .a : (N * N)%type st : seq (N * N) IHst : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (m_tb2tn st) st
prod_R Rnat Rnat (tb2tn a) a
destruct a; unfold tb2tn, tmap; simpl .n, n0 : N st : seq (N * N) IHst : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (m_tb2tn st) st
prod_R Rnat Rnat (n, n0) (n, n0)
by apply refinesP; refines_apply.
Qed .
(** Next, we prove the refinement for the [ltn_steps_sorted] function. *)
Global Instance refine_ltn_steps_sorted :
forall xs xs' ,
refines ( list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) )%rel xs xs' ->
refines ( bool_R )%rel (sorted ltn_steps xs) (sorted ltn_steps_T xs').forall (xs : seq (nat * nat)) (xs' : seq (N * N)),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')
Proof .forall (xs : seq (nat * nat)) (xs' : seq (N * N)),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')
elim => [|x xs IHxs] xs' Rxs.xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) [::] xs'
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps [::])
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')
{ xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) [::] xs'
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps [::])
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')
destruct xs' as [ | x' xs']; first by tc.x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) [::] (x' :: xs')
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps [::])
(sorted ltn_steps_T (x' :: xs'))
by rewrite refinesE in Rxs; inversion Rxs. } x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) xs'
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps (x :: xs))
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')
{ x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) xs'
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps (x :: xs))
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')
destruct xs' as [ | x' xs']; first by rewrite refinesE in Rxs; inversion Rxs.x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) (x' :: xs')
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps (x :: xs))
(sorted ltn_steps_T (x' :: xs'))
rewrite //= !path_sortedE; first last .x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) (x' :: xs')
transitive (T:=nat * nat) ltn_steps
{ x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) (x' :: xs')
transitive (T:=nat * nat) ltn_steps
by apply ltn_steps_is_transitive. } x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) (x' :: xs')
transitive (T:=N * N) ltn_steps_T
{ x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) (x' :: xs')
transitive (T:=N * N) ltn_steps_T
by apply ltn_stepsT_is_transitive. } x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) (x' :: xs')
refines bool_R
(all (ltn_steps x) xs && sorted ltn_steps xs)
(all (ltn_steps_T x') xs' && sorted ltn_steps_T xs')
{ x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) (x' :: xs')
refines bool_R
(all (ltn_steps x) xs && sorted ltn_steps xs)
(all (ltn_steps_T x') xs' && sorted ltn_steps_T xs')
rewrite refinesE in Rxs; inversion Rxs; subst .x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (x :: xs) (x' :: xs') a_R : prod_R Rnat Rnat x x' l_R : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) xs xs'
refines bool_R
(all (ltn_steps x) xs && sorted ltn_steps xs)
(all (ltn_steps_T x') xs' && sorted ltn_steps_T xs')
rewrite refinesE; apply andb_R.x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (x :: xs) (x' :: xs') a_R : prod_R Rnat Rnat x x' l_R : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) xs xs'
bool_R (all (ltn_steps x) xs)
(all (ltn_steps_T x') xs')
- x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (x :: xs) (x' :: xs') a_R : prod_R Rnat Rnat x x' l_R : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) xs xs'
bool_R (all (ltn_steps x) xs)
(all (ltn_steps_T x') xs')
apply refinesP; refines_apply.
- x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs)
(sorted ltn_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (x :: xs) (x' :: xs') a_R : prod_R Rnat Rnat x x' l_R : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) xs xs'
bool_R (sorted ltn_steps xs) (sorted ltn_steps_T xs')
by apply refinesP; apply IHxs; rewrite refinesE. } }
Qed .
(** Next, we prove the refinement for the [leq_steps_sorted] function. *)
Global Instance refine_leq_steps_sorted :
forall xs xs' ,
refines ( list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) )%rel xs xs' ->
refines ( bool_R )%rel (sorted leq_steps xs) (sorted leq_steps_T xs').forall (xs : seq (nat * nat)) (xs' : seq (N * N)),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')
Proof .forall (xs : seq (nat * nat)) (xs' : seq (N * N)),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')
elim => [|x xs IHxs] xs' Rxs.xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) [::] xs'
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps [::])
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')
{ xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) [::] xs'
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps [::])
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')
destruct xs' as [ | x' xs']; first by tc.x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) [::] (x' :: xs')
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps [::])
(sorted leq_steps_T (x' :: xs'))
by rewrite refinesE in Rxs; inversion Rxs. } x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) xs'
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps (x :: xs))
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')
{ x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) xs'
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps (x :: xs))
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')
destruct xs' as [ | x' xs']; first by rewrite refinesE in Rxs; inversion Rxs.x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) (x' :: xs')
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps (x :: xs))
(sorted leq_steps_T (x' :: xs'))
rewrite //= !path_sortedE; first last .x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) (x' :: xs')
transitive (T:=nat * nat) leq_steps
{ x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) (x' :: xs')
transitive (T:=nat * nat) leq_steps
by apply leq_steps_is_transitive. } x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) (x' :: xs')
transitive (T:=N * N) leq_steps_T
{ x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) (x' :: xs')
transitive (T:=N * N) leq_steps_T
by apply leq_stepsT_is_transitive. } x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) (x' :: xs')
refines bool_R
(all (leq_steps x) xs && sorted leq_steps xs)
(all (leq_steps_T x') xs' && sorted leq_steps_T xs')
{ x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(x :: xs) (x' :: xs')
refines bool_R
(all (leq_steps x) xs && sorted leq_steps xs)
(all (leq_steps_T x') xs' && sorted leq_steps_T xs')
rewrite refinesE in Rxs; inversion Rxs; subst .x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (x :: xs) (x' :: xs') a_R : prod_R Rnat Rnat x x' l_R : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) xs xs'
refines bool_R
(all (leq_steps x) xs && sorted leq_steps xs)
(all (leq_steps_T x') xs' && sorted leq_steps_T xs')
rewrite refinesE; apply andb_R.x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (x :: xs) (x' :: xs') a_R : prod_R Rnat Rnat x x' l_R : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) xs xs'
bool_R (all (leq_steps x) xs)
(all (leq_steps_T x') xs')
- x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (x :: xs) (x' :: xs') a_R : prod_R Rnat Rnat x x' l_R : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) xs xs'
bool_R (all (leq_steps x) xs)
(all (leq_steps_T x') xs')
by apply refinesP; refines_apply.
- x : (nat * nat)%type xs : seq (nat * nat) IHxs : forall xs' : seq (N * N),
refines (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) xs xs' ->
refines bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs)
(sorted leq_steps_T xs')x' : (N * N)%type xs' : seq (N * N) Rxs : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (x :: xs) (x' :: xs') a_R : prod_R Rnat Rnat x x' l_R : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) xs xs'
bool_R (sorted leq_steps xs) (sorted leq_steps_T xs')
by apply refinesP; apply IHxs; rewrite refinesE. } }
Qed .
(** Next, we prove the refinement for the [value_at] function. *)
Global Instance refine_value_at :
refines (prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==> Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel value_at value_at_T.refines
(prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==>
Rnat ==> Rnat) value_at value_at_T
Proof .refines
(prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==>
Rnat ==> Rnat) value_at value_at_T
rewrite refinesE => evec evec' Revec δ δ' Rδ.evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ'
Rnat (value_at evec δ) (value_at_T evec' δ')
unfold value_at, value_at_T, step_at, step_at_T.evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ'
(last (0 , 0 )
[seq step <- steps_of evec | step.1 <= δ]).2
(last (0 %C, 0 %C)
[seq step <- steps_of_T evec' | (step.1 <= δ')%C]).2
have RP := refines_snd_R Rnat Rnat.evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ' RP : refines (prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> Rnat) snd snd
(last (0 , 0 )
[seq step <- steps_of evec | step.1 <= δ]).2
(last (0 %C, 0 %C)
[seq step <- steps_of_T evec' | (step.1 <= δ')%C]).2
rewrite refinesE in RP.evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ' RP : (prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel snd snd
(last (0 , 0 )
[seq step <- steps_of evec | step.1 <= δ]).2
(last (0 %C, 0 %C)
[seq step <- steps_of_T evec' | (step.1 <= δ')%C]).2
eapply RP; clear RP.evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ'
prod_R Rnat Rnat
(last (0 , 0 )
[seq step <- steps_of evec | step.1 <= δ])
(last (0 %C, 0 %C)
[seq step <- steps_of_T evec' | (step.1 <= δ')%C])
have RL := @refine_last _ _ (prod_R Rnat Rnat).evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ' RL : refines
(prod_R Rnat Rnat ==>
list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat)
last last
prod_R Rnat Rnat
(last (0 , 0 )
[seq step <- steps_of evec | step.1 <= δ])
(last (0 %C, 0 %C)
[seq step <- steps_of_T evec' | (step.1 <= δ')%C])
rewrite refinesE in RL.evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ' RL : (prod_R Rnat Rnat ==>
list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat)%rel
last last
prod_R Rnat Rnat
(last (0 , 0 )
[seq step <- steps_of evec | step.1 <= δ])
(last (0 %C, 0 %C)
[seq step <- steps_of_T evec' | (step.1 <= δ')%C])
apply RL; clear RL.evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ'
prod_R Rnat Rnat (0 , 0 ) (0 %C, 0 %C)
- evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ'
prod_R Rnat Rnat (0 , 0 ) (0 %C, 0 %C)
by apply refinesP; refines_apply.
- evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ'
list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)
[seq step <- steps_of evec | step.1 <= δ]
[seq step <- steps_of_T evec' | (step.1 <= δ')%C]
apply filter_R.evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ'
forall (t₁ : nat * nat) (t₂ : N * N),
prod_R Rnat Rnat t₁ t₂ ->
bool_R (t₁.1 <= δ) (t₂.1 <= δ')%C
+ evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ'
forall (t₁ : nat * nat) (t₂ : N * N),
prod_R Rnat Rnat t₁ t₂ ->
bool_R (t₁.1 <= δ) (t₂.1 <= δ')%C
move => _ _ [n1 n1' Rn1 _ _ _] /=.evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ' n1 : nat n1' : N Rn1 : Rnat n1 n1'
bool_R (n1 <= δ) (n1' <= δ')%C
by apply : refinesP; apply : refines_apply.
+ evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ'
list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (steps_of evec)
(steps_of_T evec')
unfold steps_of, steps_of_T.evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ'
list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) evec.2 evec'.2
by apply refinesP; refines_apply.
Qed .
(** Next, we prove the refinement for the [time_steps_of] function. *)
Global Instance refine_get_time_steps :
refines (prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==> list_R Rnat)%rel time_steps_of time_steps_of_T.refines
(prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==>
list_R Rnat) time_steps_of time_steps_of_T
Proof .refines
(prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==>
list_R Rnat) time_steps_of time_steps_of_T
rewrite refinesE => evec evec' Revec.evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
list_R Rnat (time_steps_of evec)
(time_steps_of_T evec')
destruct evec as [h st], evec' as [h' st'].h : nat st : seq (nat * nat) h' : N st' : seq (N * N) Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(h, st) (h', st')
list_R Rnat (time_steps_of (h, st))
(time_steps_of_T (h', st'))
case : Revec => n1 n1' Rn1 n2 n2' Rn2.h : nat st : seq (nat * nat) h' : N st' : seq (N * N) n1 : nat n1' : N Rn1 : Rnat n1 n1' n2 : seq (nat * nat) n2' : seq (N * N) Rn2 : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) n2 n2'
list_R Rnat (time_steps_of (n1, n2))
(time_steps_of_T (n1', n2'))
by apply : refinesP; apply : refines_apply.
Qed .
(** Next, we prove the refinement for the [extrapolated_arrival_curve] function. *)
Global Instance refine_arrival_curve_prefix :
refines (prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==> Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel extrapolated_arrival_curve extrapolated_arrival_curve_T.refines
(prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==>
Rnat ==> Rnat) extrapolated_arrival_curve
Proof .refines
(prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==>
Rnat ==> Rnat) extrapolated_arrival_curve
rewrite refinesE => evec evec' Revec δ δ' Rδ.evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ'
Rnat (extrapolated_arrival_curve evec δ)
(extrapolated_arrival_curve_T evec' δ')
unfold extrapolated_arrival_curve, extrapolated_arrival_curve_T.evec : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type evec' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Revec : prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) evec
evec' δ : nat δ' : N Rδ : Rnat δ δ'
(δ %/ horizon_of evec *
value_at evec (horizon_of evec) +
value_at evec (δ %% horizon_of evec))
(δ' %/ horizon_of_T evec' *
value_at_T evec' (horizon_of_T evec') +
value_at_T evec' (δ' %% horizon_of_T evec'))%C
by apply refinesP; refines_apply.
Qed .
(** Next, we prove the refinement for the [ArrivalCurvePrefix] function. *)
Global Instance refine_ArrivalPrefix :
refines (prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==> Rtask_ab)%rel ArrivalPrefix ArrivalPrefix_T.refines
(prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==>
Rtask_ab) ArrivalPrefix ArrivalPrefix_T
Proof .refines
(prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==>
Rtask_ab) ArrivalPrefix ArrivalPrefix_T
rewrite refinesE => arrival_curve_prefix arrival_curve_prefix' Rarrival_curve_prefix.arrival_curve_prefix : (nat * seq (nat * nat))%type arrival_curve_prefix' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Rarrival_curve_prefix : prod_R Rnat
(list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
Rtask_ab (ArrivalPrefix arrival_curve_prefix)
(ArrivalPrefix_T arrival_curve_prefix')
destruct arrival_curve_prefix as [h steps], arrival_curve_prefix' as [h' steps'].h : nat steps : seq (nat * nat) h' : N steps' : seq (N * N) Rarrival_curve_prefix : prod_R Rnat
(list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))
(h, steps) (h', steps')
Rtask_ab (ArrivalPrefix (h, steps))
(ArrivalPrefix_T (h', steps'))
case : Rarrival_curve_prefix => {}h {}h' Rh {}steps {}steps' Rsteps.h : nat h' : N Rh : Rnat h h' steps : seq (nat * nat) steps' : seq (N * N) Rsteps : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) steps steps'
Rtask_ab (ArrivalPrefix (h, steps))
(ArrivalPrefix_T (h', steps'))
rewrite /Rtask_ab /fun_hrel /task_abT_to_task_ab /ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix /=.h : nat h' : N Rh : Rnat h h' steps : seq (nat * nat) steps' : seq (N * N) Rsteps : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) steps steps'
ArrivalPrefix (h', m_tb2tn steps') =
ArrivalPrefix (h, steps)
have ->: nat_of_bin h' = h by rewrite -Rh.h : nat h' : N Rh : Rnat h h' steps : seq (nat * nat) steps' : seq (N * N) Rsteps : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) steps steps'
ArrivalPrefix (h, m_tb2tn steps') =
ArrivalPrefix (h, steps)
have ->: m_tb2tn steps' = steps; last by done .h : nat h' : N Rh : Rnat h h' steps : seq (nat * nat) steps' : seq (N * N) Rsteps : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) steps steps'
m_tb2tn steps' = steps
clear h h' Rh; elim : steps steps' Rsteps => [|a steps IHsteps] steps' Rsteps.steps' : seq (N * N) Rsteps : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) [::] steps'
m_tb2tn steps' = [::]
- steps' : seq (N * N) Rsteps : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) [::] steps'
m_tb2tn steps' = [::]
by destruct steps'; [done | inversion Rsteps].
- a : (nat * nat)%type steps : seq (nat * nat) IHsteps : forall steps' : seq (N * N),
list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) steps steps' ->
m_tb2tn steps' = stepssteps' : seq (N * N) Rsteps : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) (a :: steps) steps'
m_tb2tn steps' = a :: steps
destruct steps' as [|p steps']; first by inversion Rsteps.a : (nat * nat)%type steps : seq (nat * nat) IHsteps : forall steps' : seq (N * N),
list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) steps steps' ->
m_tb2tn steps' = stepsp : (N * N)%type steps' : seq (N * N) Rsteps : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)
(a :: steps) (p :: steps')
m_tb2tn (p :: steps') = a :: steps
inversion_clear Rsteps as [|? ? Rap ? ? Rstep].a : (nat * nat)%type steps : seq (nat * nat) IHsteps : forall steps' : seq (N * N),
list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) steps steps' ->
m_tb2tn steps' = stepsp : (N * N)%type steps' : seq (N * N) Rap : prod_R Rnat Rnat a p Rstep : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) steps steps'
m_tb2tn (p :: steps') = a :: steps
rewrite /m_tb2tn/= /tb2tn/tmap/=.a : (nat * nat)%type steps : seq (nat * nat) IHsteps : forall steps' : seq (N * N),
list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) steps steps' ->
m_tb2tn steps' = stepsp : (N * N)%type steps' : seq (N * N) Rap : prod_R Rnat Rnat a p Rstep : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) steps steps'
(p.1 , p.2 ) :: [seq (t.1 , t.2 ) | t <- steps'] =
a :: steps
congr cons; first by case : Rap => _ {}a <- _ b <-.a : (nat * nat)%type steps : seq (nat * nat) IHsteps : forall steps' : seq (N * N),
list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) steps steps' ->
m_tb2tn steps' = stepsp : (N * N)%type steps' : seq (N * N) Rap : prod_R Rnat Rnat a p Rstep : list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) steps steps'
[seq (t.1 , t.2 ) | t <- steps'] = steps
exact : IHsteps.
Qed .
(** Next, we define some useful equality functions to guide the typeclass engine. *)
Global Instance eq_listN : eq_of (seq N) := fun x y => x == y.
Global Instance eq_NlistNN : eq_of (prod N (seq (prod N N))) := fun x y => x == y.
Global Instance eq_taskab : eq_of (@task_arrivals_bound_T N) := taskab_eqdef_T.
(** Finally, we prove the refinement for the [ArrivalCurvePrefix] function. *)
Global Instance refine_task_ab_eq :
refines (Rtask_ab ==> Rtask_ab ==> bool_R)%rel eqtype.eq_op eq_taskab.refines (Rtask_ab ==> Rtask_ab ==> bool_R) eq_op
Proof .refines (Rtask_ab ==> Rtask_ab ==> bool_R) eq_op
rewrite refinesE => tb1 tb1' Rtb1 tb2 tb2' Rtb2.tb1 : task_arrivals_bound tb1' : task_arrivals_bound_T Rtb1 : Rtask_ab tb1 tb1' tb2 : task_arrivals_bound tb2' : task_arrivals_bound_T Rtb2 : Rtask_ab tb2 tb2'
bool_R (tb1 == tb2) (eq_taskab tb1' tb2')
destruct tb1 as [per1 | spor1 | evec1], tb1' as [per1' | spor1' | evec1'];
destruct tb2 as [per2 | spor2 | evec2], tb2' as [per2' | spor2' | evec2'].per1 : nat per1' : N Rtb1 : Rtask_ab (Periodic per1) (Periodic_T per1') per2 : nat per2' : N Rtb2 : Rtask_ab (Periodic per2) (Periodic_T per2')
bool_R (Periodic per1 == Periodic per2)
(eq_taskab (Periodic_T per1') (Periodic_T per2'))
all : try (inversion Rtb1; fail ); try (inversion Rtb2; fail ); try (compute ; constructor ).per1 : nat per1' : N Rtb1 : Rtask_ab (Periodic per1) (Periodic_T per1') per2 : nat per2' : N Rtb2 : Rtask_ab (Periodic per2) (Periodic_T per2')
bool_R (Periodic per1 == Periodic per2)
(eq_taskab (Periodic_T per1') (Periodic_T per2'))
{ per1 : nat per1' : N Rtb1 : Rtask_ab (Periodic per1) (Periodic_T per1') per2 : nat per2' : N Rtb2 : Rtask_ab (Periodic per2) (Periodic_T per2')
bool_R (Periodic per1 == Periodic per2)
(eq_taskab (Periodic_T per1') (Periodic_T per2'))
replace (Periodic per1 == Periodic per2) with (per1 == per2) by constructor .per1 : nat per1' : N Rtb1 : Rtask_ab (Periodic per1) (Periodic_T per1') per2 : nat per2' : N Rtb2 : Rtask_ab (Periodic per2) (Periodic_T per2')
bool_R (per1 == per2)
(eq_taskab (Periodic_T per1') (Periodic_T per2'))
replace (eq_taskab(Periodic_T per1')(Periodic_T per2'))%C with (per1' == per2') by constructor .per1 : nat per1' : N Rtb1 : Rtask_ab (Periodic per1) (Periodic_T per1') per2 : nat per2' : N Rtb2 : Rtask_ab (Periodic per2) (Periodic_T per2')
bool_R (per1 == per2) (per1' == per2')
inversion Rtb1; inversion Rtb2; subst ; clear .per1', per2' : N
bool_R (per1' == per2') (per1' == per2')
by apply refinesP; refines_apply. } spor1 : nat spor1' : N Rtb1 : Rtask_ab (Sporadic spor1) (Sporadic_T spor1') spor2 : nat spor2' : N Rtb2 : Rtask_ab (Sporadic spor2) (Sporadic_T spor2')
bool_R (Sporadic spor1 == Sporadic spor2)
(eq_taskab (Sporadic_T spor1') (Sporadic_T spor2'))
{ spor1 : nat spor1' : N Rtb1 : Rtask_ab (Sporadic spor1) (Sporadic_T spor1') spor2 : nat spor2' : N Rtb2 : Rtask_ab (Sporadic spor2) (Sporadic_T spor2')
bool_R (Sporadic spor1 == Sporadic spor2)
(eq_taskab (Sporadic_T spor1') (Sporadic_T spor2'))
replace (Sporadic spor1 == Sporadic spor2) with (spor1 == spor2) by constructor .spor1 : nat spor1' : N Rtb1 : Rtask_ab (Sporadic spor1) (Sporadic_T spor1') spor2 : nat spor2' : N Rtb2 : Rtask_ab (Sporadic spor2) (Sporadic_T spor2')
bool_R (spor1 == spor2)
(eq_taskab (Sporadic_T spor1') (Sporadic_T spor2'))
have ->: (eq_taskab (Sporadic_T spor1') (Sporadic_T spor2'))%C = (spor1' == spor2') by constructor .spor1 : nat spor1' : N Rtb1 : Rtask_ab (Sporadic spor1) (Sporadic_T spor1') spor2 : nat spor2' : N Rtb2 : Rtask_ab (Sporadic spor2) (Sporadic_T spor2')
bool_R (spor1 == spor2) (spor1' == spor2')
inversion Rtb1; inversion Rtb2; subst ; clear .spor1', spor2' : N
bool_R (spor1' == spor2') (spor1' == spor2')
by apply refinesP; refines_apply. } evec1 : ArrivalCurvePrefix evec1' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Rtb1 : Rtask_ab (ArrivalPrefix evec1)
(ArrivalPrefix_T evec1') evec2 : ArrivalCurvePrefix evec2' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Rtb2 : Rtask_ab (ArrivalPrefix evec2)
(ArrivalPrefix_T evec2')
bool_R (ArrivalPrefix evec1 == ArrivalPrefix evec2)
(eq_taskab (ArrivalPrefix_T evec1')
(ArrivalPrefix_T evec2'))
{ evec1 : ArrivalCurvePrefix evec1' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Rtb1 : Rtask_ab (ArrivalPrefix evec1)
(ArrivalPrefix_T evec1') evec2 : ArrivalCurvePrefix evec2' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Rtb2 : Rtask_ab (ArrivalPrefix evec2)
(ArrivalPrefix_T evec2')
bool_R (ArrivalPrefix evec1 == ArrivalPrefix evec2)
(eq_taskab (ArrivalPrefix_T evec1')
(ArrivalPrefix_T evec2'))
replace (ArrivalPrefix evec1 == ArrivalPrefix evec2) with (evec1 == evec2) by constructor .evec1 : ArrivalCurvePrefix evec1' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Rtb1 : Rtask_ab (ArrivalPrefix evec1)
(ArrivalPrefix_T evec1') evec2 : ArrivalCurvePrefix evec2' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Rtb2 : Rtask_ab (ArrivalPrefix evec2)
(ArrivalPrefix_T evec2')
bool_R (evec1 == evec2)
(eq_taskab (ArrivalPrefix_T evec1')
(ArrivalPrefix_T evec2'))
replace (eq_taskab (ArrivalPrefix_T evec1') (ArrivalPrefix_T evec2'))%C with (evec1' == evec2')%C by constructor .evec1 : ArrivalCurvePrefix evec1' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Rtb1 : Rtask_ab (ArrivalPrefix evec1)
(ArrivalPrefix_T evec1') evec2 : ArrivalCurvePrefix evec2' : (N * seq (N * N))%type Rtb2 : Rtask_ab (ArrivalPrefix evec2)
(ArrivalPrefix_T evec2')
bool_R (evec1 == evec2) (evec1' == evec2')%C
inversion Rtb1; inversion Rtb2; subst ; clear .evec1', evec2' : (N * seq (N * N))%type
(ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix evec1' ==
ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix evec2') (evec1' == evec2')%C
rename evec1' into evec1, evec2' into evec2.evec1, evec2 : (N * seq (N * N))%type
(ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix evec1 ==
ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix evec2) (evec1 == evec2)%C
destruct evec1 as [h1 evec1], evec2 as [h2 evec2].h1 : N evec1 : seq (N * N) h2 : N evec2 : seq (N * N)
(ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix (h1, evec1) ==
ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix (h2, evec2))
((h1, evec1) == (h2, evec2))%C
rewrite /ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix //= !xpair_eqE.h1 : N evec1 : seq (N * N) h2 : N evec2 : seq (N * N)
((h1 == h2) && (m_tb2tn evec1 == m_tb2tn evec2))
((h1, evec1) == (h2, evec2))%C
have -> : ((h1, evec1) == (h2, evec2))%C = ((h1 == h2) && (evec1 == evec2))%C by constructor .h1 : N evec1 : seq (N * N) h2 : N evec2 : seq (N * N)
((h1 == h2) && (m_tb2tn evec1 == m_tb2tn evec2))
((h1 == h2) && (evec1 == evec2))
apply andb_R; first by apply refinesP; refines_apply.h1 : N evec1 : seq (N * N) h2 : N evec2 : seq (N * N)
bool_R (m_tb2tn evec1 == m_tb2tn evec2)
(evec1 == evec2)
clear h1 h2; move : evec2; elim : evec1 => [[] //|h1 evec1 IHevec1].h1 : (N * N)%type evec1 : seq (N * N) IHevec1 : forall evec2 : seq (N * N),
bool_R (m_tb2tn evec1 == m_tb2tn evec2)
(evec1 == evec2)
forall evec2 : seq (N * N),
bool_R (m_tb2tn (h1 :: evec1) == m_tb2tn evec2)
(h1 :: evec1 == evec2)
case => [//|h2 evec2].h1 : (N * N)%type evec1 : seq (N * N) IHevec1 : forall evec2 : seq (N * N),
bool_R (m_tb2tn evec1 == m_tb2tn evec2)
(evec1 == evec2)h2 : (N * N)%type evec2 : seq (N * N)
(m_tb2tn (h1 :: evec1) == m_tb2tn (h2 :: evec2))
(h1 :: evec1 == h2 :: evec2)
rewrite //= !eqseq_cons.h1 : (N * N)%type evec1 : seq (N * N) IHevec1 : forall evec2 : seq (N * N),
bool_R (m_tb2tn evec1 == m_tb2tn evec2)
(evec1 == evec2)h2 : (N * N)%type evec2 : seq (N * N)
((tb2tn h1 == tb2tn h2) &&
(m_tb2tn evec1 == m_tb2tn evec2))
((h1 == h2) && (evec1 == evec2))
apply andb_R; last by apply IHevec1.h1 : (N * N)%type evec1 : seq (N * N) IHevec1 : forall evec2 : seq (N * N),
bool_R (m_tb2tn evec1 == m_tb2tn evec2)
(evec1 == evec2)h2 : (N * N)%type evec2 : seq (N * N)
bool_R (tb2tn h1 == tb2tn h2) (h1 == h2)
move : h1 h2 => [n n0] [n1 n2].evec1 : seq (N * N) IHevec1 : forall evec2 : seq (N * N),
bool_R (m_tb2tn evec1 == m_tb2tn evec2)
(evec1 == evec2)evec2 : seq (N * N) n, n0, n1, n2 : N
bool_R (tb2tn (n, n0) == tb2tn (n1, n2))
((n, n0) == (n1, n2))
rewrite /tb2tn /tmap /=.evec1 : seq (N * N) IHevec1 : forall evec2 : seq (N * N),
bool_R (m_tb2tn evec1 == m_tb2tn evec2)
(evec1 == evec2)evec2 : seq (N * N) n, n0, n1, n2 : N
bool_R ((n, n0) == (n1, n2)) ((n, n0) == (n1, n2))
replace ((n, n0) == (n1, n2)) with ((n == n1) && (n0 == n2)) by constructor .evec1 : seq (N * N) IHevec1 : forall evec2 : seq (N * N),
bool_R (m_tb2tn evec1 == m_tb2tn evec2)
(evec1 == evec2)evec2 : seq (N * N) n, n0, n1, n2 : N
bool_R ((n, n0) == (n1, n2)) ((n == n1) && (n0 == n2))
replace ((nat_of_bin n, nat_of_bin n0) == (nat_of_bin n1, nat_of_bin n2)) with
((nat_of_bin n == nat_of_bin n1) && (nat_of_bin n0 == nat_of_bin n2)) by constructor .evec1 : seq (N * N) IHevec1 : forall evec2 : seq (N * N),
bool_R (m_tb2tn evec1 == m_tb2tn evec2)
(evec1 == evec2)evec2 : seq (N * N) n, n0, n1, n2 : N
bool_R ((n == n1) && (n0 == n2))
((n == n1) && (n0 == n2))
apply refinesP; refines_apply. }
Qed .
End Refinements .