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Notation"_ - _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
Notation"_ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
Notation"_ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
Notation"_ >= _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
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Notation"_ * _" was already used in scope nat_scope.
Require Export prosa.util.rel.Require Export prosa.util.list.(** * The FP, JLFP, and JLDP Priority Classes *)(** In this module, we define the three well-known classes of priority relations: (1) fixed-priority (FP) policies, (2) job-level fixed-priority (JLFP) polices, and (3) job-level dynamic-priority (JLDP) policies, where (2) is a subset of (3), and (1) a subset of (2). *)(** As a convention, we use "hep" to mean "higher or equal priority." *)(** We define an FP policy as a relation among tasks, ... *)ClassFP_policy (Task: TaskType) := hep_task : rel Task.(** ... a JLFP policy as a relation among jobs, and ... *)ClassJLFP_policy (Job: JobType) := hep_job : rel Job.(** ... a JLDP policy as a relation among jobs that may vary over time. *)ClassJLDP_policy (Job: JobType) := hep_job_at : instant -> rel Job.(** NB: The preceding definitions currently make it difficult to express priority policies in which the priority of a job at a given time varies depending on the preceding schedule prefix (e.g., least-laxity first). That is, there is room for an even more general notion of a schedule-dependent JLDP policy, where the priority relation among jobs may vary depending both on time and the schedule prefix prior to a given time. This is left to future work. *)(** ** Properties of Priority Policies *)(** In the following section, we define key properties of common priority policies that proofs often depend on. *)SectionPriorities.(** Consider any type of tasks ... *)Context {Task : TaskType}.Context `{TaskCost Task}.(** ... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks, ... *)Context {Job : JobType}.Context `{JobTask Job Task}.(** .. and assume that jobs have a cost and an arrival time. *)Context `{JobArrival Job}.Context `{JobCost Job}.(** In the following section, we define properties of JLDP policies, and by extension also properties of FP and JLFP policies. *)SectionJLDP.(** Consider any JLDP policy. *)Context (JLDP : JLDP_policy Job).(** We define what it means for a JLDP policy to be reflexive, transitive, and total. *)(** A JLDP policy is reflexive if the relation among "jobs" is reflexive at "every point in time." *)Definitionreflexive_priorities := forallt, reflexive (hep_job_at t).(** A JLDP policy is transitive if the relation among "jobs" is transitive at "every point in time." *)Definitiontransitive_priorities := forallt, transitive (hep_job_at t).(** A JLDP policy is total if the relation among "jobs" is total at "every point in time." *)Definitiontotal_priorities := forallt, total (hep_job_at t).EndJLDP.(** Next, we define properties of JLFP policies. *)SectionJLFP.(** Consider any JLFP policy. *)Context (JLFP : JLFP_policy Job).(** We define what it means for a JLFP policy to be reflexive, transitive, and total. *)(** A JLFP policy is reflexive if the relation among "jobs" is reflexive. *)Definitionreflexive_job_priorities := reflexive hep_job.(** A JLFP policy is transitive if the relation among "jobs" is transitive. *)Definitiontransitive_job_priorities := transitive hep_job.(** A JLFP policy is total if the relation among "jobs" is total. *)Definitiontotal_job_priorities := total hep_job.(** Recall that jobs of a sequential task are necessarily executed in the order that they arrive. An arbitrary JLFP policy, however, can violate the sequential tasks hypothesis. For example, consider two jobs [j1], [j2] of the same task such that [job_arrival j1 < job_arrival j2]. It is possible that a JLFP priority policy [π] will assign a higher priority to the second job [π j2 j1 = true]. But such a situation would contradict the natural execution order of sequential tasks. It is therefore sometimes necessary to restrict the space of JLFP policies to those that assign priorities in a way that is consistent with sequential tasks. To this end, we say that a policy respects sequential tasks if, for any two jobs [j1], [j2] of the same task, [job_arrival j1 <= job_arrival j2] implies [π j1 j2 = true]. *)Definitionpolicy_respects_sequential_tasks :=
job_task j1 == job_task j2 ->
job_arrival j1 <= job_arrival j2 ->
hep_job j1 j2.EndJLFP.(** Finally, we define properties of FP policies. *)SectionFP.(** Consider any FP policy. *)Context (FP : FP_policy Task).(** We define what it means for an FP policy to be reflexive, transitive, and total. *)(** An FP policy is reflexive if the relation among "tasks" is reflexive. *)Definitionreflexive_task_priorities := reflexive hep_task.(** An FP policy is transitive if the relation among "tasks" is transitive. *)Definitiontransitive_task_priorities := transitive hep_task.(** An FP policy is total if the relation among "tasks" is total. *)Definitiontotal_task_priorities := total hep_task.(** To express the common assumption that task priorities are unique, we define whether the given FP policy is antisymmetric over a task set [ts]. *)Definitionantisymmetric_over_taskset (ts : seq Task) :=
antisymmetric_over_list hep_task ts.EndFP.EndPriorities.(** ** Derived Priority Relations *)(** In the following section, we derive two auxiliary priority relations for JLFP policies. *)SectionJLFPDerivedPriorityRelations.(** Consider any type of tasks ... *)Context {Task : TaskType}.(** ... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks. *)Context {Job : JobType}.Context `{JobTask Job Task}.(** Consider a JLFP-policy that indicates a higher-or-equal priority relation. *)Context `{JLFP_policy Job}.(** First, we introduce a relation that defines whether job [j1] has a priority no less than job [j2] and [j1] is not equal to [j2]. *)Definitionanother_hep_jobj1j2 := hep_job j1 j2 && (j1 != j2).(** Next, we introduce a relation that defines whether a job [j1] has priority no less than job [j2] and the task of [j1] is not equal to task of [j2]. *)Definitionanother_task_hep_jobj1j2 :=
hep_job j1 j2 && (job_task j1 != job_task j2).(** Finally, we introduce a relation that defines whether a job [j1] has priority no less than another job [j2] from the same task. *)Definitionanother_hep_job_of_same_taskj1j2 :=
another_hep_job j1 j2 && (job_task j1 == job_task j2).EndJLFPDerivedPriorityRelations.(** In the following section, we derive two more auxiliary priority relations for FP policies to incorporate the notions of higher and equal priority of tasks. *)SectionFPDerivedPriorityRelations.(** Consider any type of tasks and an FP policy that indicates a higher-or-equal priority relation on the tasks. *)Context {Task : TaskType} {FP_policy : FP_policy Task}.(** First, we introduce a relation that defines whether task [tsk1] has higher priority than task [tsk2] ,i.e., [tsk1] has higher-or-equal priority than [tsk2] but [tsk2] does not have higher-or-equal priority than [tsk1].*)Definitionhp_task (tsk1tsk2 : Task) :=
hep_task tsk1 tsk2 && ~~ hep_task tsk2 tsk1.(** Next, we introduce a relation that defines whether task [tsk1] has equal priority as task [tsk2] ,i.e., [tsk1] has higher-or-equal priority than [tsk2] and [tsk2] has higher-or-equal priority than [tsk1]. *)Definitionep_task (tsk1tsk2 : Task) :=
hep_task tsk1 tsk2 && hep_task tsk2 tsk1.EndFPDerivedPriorityRelations.