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Serlib plugin: coq-elpi.elpi is not available: serlib support is missing. Incremental checking for commands in this plugin will be impacted.
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Notation "_ + _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ - _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ >= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ > _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ <= _ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ < _ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ <= _ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ < _ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Notation "_ * _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing,default]
Require Export prosa.model.task.concept. (** * Task Preemption Model *) (** In this file, we define the abstract interface for task-level preemption models. Specific preemption models are instantiated in the sibling files in this directory. *) (** ** Preemption-Related Task Parameters *) (** We define three parameters to express the preemption behavior of a given task. *) (** First, we define [task_max_nonpreemptive_segment] to denote a bound on the maximum length of a task's non-preemptive segment. *) Class TaskMaxNonpreemptiveSegment (Task : TaskType) := task_max_nonpreemptive_segment : Task -> work. (** Second, run-to-completion threshold (RTCT) indicates a progress bound with the interpretation that, once a job of a task [tsk] has received at least [task_rtct tsk] time units of service, it will remain nonpreemptive until the end and run to completion. *) Class TaskRunToCompletionThreshold (Task : TaskType) := task_rtct : Task -> work. (** Third, the parameter [task_preemption_points] indicates the non-preemptive segments of a task. Obviously, not all preemption models use this parameter. *) Class TaskPreemptionPoints (Task : TaskType) := task_preemption_points : Task -> seq work. (** ** Derived Properties *) (** In this section, we define the notions of the maximal and the last non-preemptive segments of a task. *) Section MaxAndLastNonpreemptiveSegment. (** Consider any type of tasks with fixed preemption points. *) Context {Task : TaskType}. Context `{TaskPreemptionPoints Task}. (** We define a function [task_max_nonpr_segment] that computes the length of the longest non-preemptive segment of a given task. *) Definition task_max_nonpr_segment (tsk : Task) := max0 (distances (task_preemption_points tsk)). (** Similarly, [task_last_nonpr_segment] is a function that computes the length of the last non-preemptive segment. *) Definition task_last_nonpr_segment (tsk : Task) := last0 (distances (task_preemption_points tsk)). End MaxAndLastNonpreemptiveSegment. (** To avoid having to specify redundant information, we allow Coq to automatically infer a task's maximum non-preemptive segment length if its preemption points are known. *) #[global] Instance TaskPreemptionPoints_to_TaskMaxNonpreemptiveSegment_conversion (Task : TaskType) `{TaskPreemptionPoints Task} : TaskMaxNonpreemptiveSegment Task := task_max_nonpr_segment. (** ** Preemption Model Validity *) (** For analysis purposes, it is important that the distance between any two neighboring preemption points of a job is bounded. We define the validity criterion for the maximum non-preemptive segment length accordingly. *) Section ValidPreemptionModel. (** Consider any type of tasks ... *) Context {Task : TaskType}. (** ... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks. *) Context {Job : JobType}. Context `{JobTask Job Task}. Context `{JobCost Job}. (** Suppose we are given the maximum non-preemptive segment length for each task ... *) Context `{TaskMaxNonpreemptiveSegment Task}. (** ... and a job-level preemption model. *) Context `{JobPreemptable Job}. (** Consider any kind of processor state model, ... *) Context {PState : ProcessorState Job}. (** ... any job arrival sequence, ... *) Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job. (** ... and any given schedule. *) Variable sched : schedule PState. (** First we require that [task_max_nonpreemptive_segment] gives an upper bound on values of the function [job_max_nonpreemptive_segment]. *) Definition job_respects_max_nonpreemptive_segment (j: Job) := job_max_nonpreemptive_segment j <= task_max_nonpreemptive_segment (job_task j). (** Next, we require that all segments of a job [j] have bounded length. That is, for any progress [ρ] of job [j], there exists a preemption point [pp] such that [ρ <= pp <= ρ + (job_max_nps j - ε)]. That is, in any time interval of length [job_max_nps j] during which a job is continuously scheduled, there exists a preemption point that lies in this interval. *) Definition nonpreemptive_regions_have_bounded_length (j : Job) := forall (ρ : duration), 0 <= ρ <= job_cost j -> exists (pp : duration), ρ <= pp <= ρ + (job_max_nonpreemptive_segment j - ε) /\ job_preemptable j pp. (** We say that the schedule exhibits bounded nonpreemptive segments iff the predicate [job_preemptable] satisfies the two preceding conditions. *) Definition model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments := forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_respects_max_nonpreemptive_segment j /\ nonpreemptive_regions_have_bounded_length j. (** Finally, we say that the schedule exhibits _valid_ bounded nonpreemptive segments iff the predicate [job_preemptable] defines a valid preemption model and if this model has non-preemptive segments of bounded length. *) Definition valid_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments := valid_preemption_model arr_seq sched /\ model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments. End ValidPreemptionModel. (** ** Run-to-Completion Threshold Validity *) (** Since a task model may not provide exact information about the preemption points of a task, a task's run-to-completion threshold generally cannot be defined in terms of the preemption points of a task (unlike a job's run-to-completion threshold, which can always be computed from a job's preemption points). Instead, we require each task-level preemption model to specify a task's run-to-completion threshold explicitly. We define its required properties in the following. *) Section ValidTaskRunToCompletionThreshold. (** Consider any type of tasks with bounded WCETs ... *) Context {Task : TaskType}. Context `{TaskCost Task}. (** ... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks ... *) Context {Job : JobType}. Context `{JobTask Job Task}. (** ... where each job has an execution cost. *) Context `{JobCost Job}. (** Suppose we are given a job-level preemption model ... *) Context `{JobPreemptable Job}. (** ...and the run-to-completion threshold for each task. *) Context `{TaskRunToCompletionThreshold Task}. (** Further, consider any kind of processor model, ... *) Context {PState : ProcessorState Job}. (** ... any job arrival sequence, ... *) Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job. (** ... and any given schedule. *) Variable sched: schedule PState. (** A task's run-to-completion threshold must not exceed the WCET of the task. *) Definition task_rtc_bounded_by_cost tsk := task_rtct tsk <= task_cost tsk. (** We say that the run-to-completion threshold of a task [tsk] bounds the job-level run-to-completion threshold iff, for any job [j] of task [tsk], the job's run-to-completion threshold is at most the task's run-to-completion threshold. *) Definition job_respects_task_rtc tsk := forall j, arrives_in arr_seq j -> job_of_task tsk j -> job_rtct j <= task_rtct tsk. (** Finally, we require that a valid run-to-completion threshold parameter will satisfy the two above definitions. *) Definition valid_task_run_to_completion_threshold tsk := task_rtc_bounded_by_cost tsk /\ job_respects_task_rtc tsk. End ValidTaskRunToCompletionThreshold.