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Notation "[ rel _ _ | _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ : _ | _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ in _ & _ | _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ in _ & _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ in _ | _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ in _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ + _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ - _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ >= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ > _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ <= _ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ < _ <= _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ <= _ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ < _ < _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "_ * _" was already used in scope nat_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Require Export prosa.behavior.time.
Notation "[ rel _ _ | _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ : _ | _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ in _ & _ | _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ in _ & _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ in _ | _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ in _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ | _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ : _ | _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ in _ & _ | _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ in _ & _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ in _ | _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
Notation "[ rel _ _ in _ ]" was already used in scope fun_scope. [notation-overridden,parsing]
(** This file introduces an implementation of arrival curves via the periodic extension of finite _arrival-curve prefix_. An arrival-curve prefix is a pair comprising a horizon and a list of steps. The horizon defines the domain of the prefix, in which no extrapolation is necessary. The list of steps ([duration × value]) describes the value changes of the corresponding arrival curve within the domain. For time instances outside of an arrival-curve prefix's domain, extrapolation is necessary. Therefore, past the domain, arrival-curve values are extrapolated assuming that the arrival-curve prefix is repeated with a period equal to the horizon. Note that such a periodic extension does not necessarily give the tightest curve, and hence it is not optimal. The advantage is speed of calculation: periodic extension can be done in constant time, whereas the optimal extension takes roughly quadratic time in the number of steps. *) (** An arrival-curve prefix is defined as a pair comprised of a horizon and a list of steps ([duration × value]) that describe the value changes of the described arrival curve. For example, an arrival-curve prefix [(5, [:: (1, 3)])] describes an arrival sequence with job bursts of size [3] happening every [5] time instances. *) Definition ArrivalCurvePrefix : Type := duration * seq (duration * nat). (** Given an inter-arrival time [p] (or period [p]), the corresponding arrival-curve prefix can be defined as [(p, [:: (1, 1)])]. *) Definition inter_arrival_to_prefix (p : nat) : ArrivalCurvePrefix := (p, [:: (1, 1)]). (** The first component of arrival-curve prefix [ac_prefix] is called horizon. *) Definition horizon_of (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) := fst ac_prefix. (** The second component of [ac_prefix] is called steps. *) Definition steps_of (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) := snd ac_prefix. (** The time steps of [ac_prefix] are the first components of the steps. That is, these are time instances before the horizon where the corresponding arrival curve makes a step. *) Definition time_steps_of (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) := map fst (steps_of ac_prefix). (** The function [step_at] returns the last step ([duration × value]) such that [duration ≤ t]. *) Definition step_at (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) (t : duration) := last (0, 0) [ seq step <- steps_of ac_prefix | fst step <= t ]. (* The function [value_at] returns the _value_ of the last step ([duration × value]) such that [duration ≤ t] *) Definition value_at (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) (t : duration) := snd (step_at ac_prefix t). (** Finally, we define a function [extrapolated_arrival_curve] that performs the periodic extension of the arrival-curve prefix (and hence, defines an arrival curve). Value of [extrapolated_arrival_curve t] is defined as [t %/ h * value_at horizon] plus [value_at (t mod horizon)]. The first summand corresponds to [k] full repetitions of the arrival-curve prefix inside interval <<[0,t)>>. The second summand corresponds to the residual change inside interval <<[k*h, t)>>. *) Definition extrapolated_arrival_curve (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) (t : duration) := let h := horizon_of ac_prefix in t %/ h * value_at ac_prefix h + value_at ac_prefix (t %% h). (** In the following section, we define a few validity predicates. *) Section ValidArrivalCurvePrefix. (** Horizon should be positive. *) Definition positive_horizon (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) := horizon_of ac_prefix > 0. (** Horizon should bound time steps. *) Definition large_horizon (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) := forall s, s \in time_steps_of ac_prefix -> s <= horizon_of ac_prefix. (** There should be no infinite arrivals; that is, [value_at 0 = 0]. *) Definition no_inf_arrivals (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) := value_at ac_prefix 0 = 0. (** Bursts must be specified; that is, [steps_of] should contain a pair [(ε, b)]. *) Definition specified_bursts (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) := ε \in time_steps_of ac_prefix. (** Steps should be strictly increasing both in time steps and values. *) Definition ltn_steps a b := (fst a < fst b) && (snd a < snd b). Definition sorted_ltn_steps (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) := sorted ltn_steps (steps_of ac_prefix). (** The conjunction of the 5 afore-defined properties defines a valid arrival-curve prefix. *) Definition valid_arrival_curve_prefix (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) := positive_horizon ac_prefix /\ large_horizon ac_prefix /\ no_inf_arrivals ac_prefix /\ specified_bursts ac_prefix /\ sorted_ltn_steps ac_prefix. (** We also define a predicate for non-decreasing order that is more convenient for proving some of the claims. *) Definition leq_steps a b := (fst a <= fst b) && (snd a <= snd b). Definition sorted_leq_steps (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) := sorted leq_steps (steps_of ac_prefix). End ValidArrivalCurvePrefix.