Library prosa.analysis.abstract.restricted_supply.task_intra_interference_bound

Task Intra-Supply Interference is Bounded

In this file, we define the task intra-supply IBF task_intra_IBF assuming that we have two functions: one bounding service inversion and the other bounding the higher-or-equal-priority workload (w.r.t. a job under analysis). We then prove that task_intra_IBF indeed bounds the cumulative task intra-supply interference.
Consider any type of tasks ...
  Context {Task : TaskType}.

... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context {Cost : JobCost Job}.
  Context `{JobArrival Job}.
  Context `{JobTask Job Task}.

Consider any kind of fully supply-consuming unit-supply uniprocessor model.
Consider a JLFP policy that indicates a higher-or-equal-priority relation, and assume that the relation is reflexive.
Note that we do not relate the JLFP policy with the scheduler. However, we define functions for Interference and Interfering Workload that actively use the concept of priorities. We require the JLFP policy to be reflexive, so a job cannot cause lower-priority interference (i.e. priority inversion) to itself.
We also assume that the policy respects sequential tasks, meaning that later-arrived jobs of a task don't have higher priority than earlier-arrived jobs of the same task.
Consider any valid arrival sequence ...
... and a schedule of this arrival sequence ...
... where jobs do not execute before their arrival nor after completion.
We say that job j incurs interference at time t iff it cannot execute due to (1) the lack of supply at time t, (2) service inversion (i.e., a lower-priority job receiving service at t), or a higher-or-equal-priority job receiving service.
The interfering workload, in turn, is defined as the sum of the blackout predicate, service-inversion predicate, and the interfering workload of jobs with higher or equal priority.
Let tsk be any task to be analyzed.
  Variable tsk : Task.

Assume that there exists a bound on the length of any service inversion experienced by any job of task tsk.
Assume that there exists a bound on the higher-or-equal-priority (w.r.t. a tsk's job) workload of tasks different from tsk.
Finally, we define the interference-bound function (task_intra_IBF).
Next, we prove that task_intra_IBF is indeed an interference bound.