Library rt.restructuring.model.preemption.job.instance.nonpreemptive

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From rt.util Require Import all.
From rt.restructuring.behavior Require Import all.
From rt.restructuring.model.preemption Require Import job.parameters.

Platform for Fully Non-Preemptive Model

In this section, we instantiate [job_preemptable] for the fully non-preemptive model.
Consider any type of jobs.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobCost Job}.

We say that the model is fully non-preemptive iff no job can be preempted until its completion.
  Global Instance fully_nonpreemptive_model : JobPreemptable Job :=
      job_preemptable (j : Job) (ρ : work) := (ρ == 0) || (ρ == job_cost j)

End FullyNonPreemptiveModel.