Library rt.restructuring.model.processor.ideal

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

Welcome to Coq 8.10.1 (October 2019)

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From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From rt.restructuring.behavior Require Export all.

First let us define the notion of an ideal schedule state, as done in Prosa so far: either a job is scheduled or the system is idle.

Section State.

  Variable Job: JobType.

  Definition processor_state := option Job.

  Global Program Instance pstate_instance : ProcessorState Job (option Job) :=
As this is a uniprocessor model, cores are implicitly defined as the unit type containing a single element as a placeholder.
      scheduled_on j s (_ : unit) := s == Some j;
      service_in j s := s == Some j;
  Next Obligation.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 297)
  Job : JobType
  j : Job
  s : option Job
  H : ~~ [exists c, s == Some j]
  (s == Some j) = 0

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    rewrite /nat_of_bool.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 303)
  Job : JobType
  j : Job
  s : option Job
  H : ~~ [exists c, s == Some j]
  (if s == Some j then 1 else 0) = 0

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    case: ifP H=>//=_/existsP[].

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 421)
  Job : JobType
  j : Job
  s : option Job
  exists _ : unit_finType, true

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    by tt.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

No more subgoals.

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End State.

In this section we define the notion of idleness for ideal uni-processor.
Section IsIdle.

Consider any type of job.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobArrival Job}.
  Context `{JobCost Job}.

Consider any arrival sequence...
  Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.

... and any ideal uniprocessor schedule of this arrival sequence.
  Variable sched : schedule ((*ideal*)processor_state Job).

We say that the processor is idle at time t iff there is no job being scheduled.
  Definition is_idle (t : instant) := sched t == None.

End IsIdle.