Library rt.restructuring.model.readiness.basic

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Welcome to Coq 8.10.1 (October 2019)

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From rt.restructuring.behavior Require Export all.
From rt.restructuring.analysis.basic_facts Require Import completion.

We define the readiness indicator function for the classic Liu & Layland model without jitter and no self-suspensions, where jobs are always ready.
Consider any kind of jobs...
  Context {Job : JobType}.

... and any kind of processor state.
  Context {PState : Type}.
  Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.

Supose jobs have an arrival time and a cost.
  Context `{JobArrival Job} `{JobCost Job}.

In the basic Liu & Layland model, a job is ready iff it is pending.
  Global Program Instance basic_ready_instance : JobReady Job PState :=
      job_ready sched j t := pending sched j t

Under this definition, a schedule satisfies that only ready jobs execute as long as jobs must arrive to execute and completed jobs don't execute, which we note with the following theorem.
  Theorem basic_readiness_compliance:
      jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched
      completed_jobs_dont_execute sched
      jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 77)
  Job : JobType
  PState : Type
  H : ProcessorState Job PState
  H0 : JobArrival Job
  H1 : JobCost Job
  forall sched : schedule PState,
  jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched ->
  completed_jobs_dont_execute sched -> jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched

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    movesched ARR COMP.

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1 subgoal (ID 80)
  Job : JobType
  PState : Type
  H : ProcessorState Job PState
  H0 : JobArrival Job
  H1 : JobCost Job
  sched : schedule PState
  ARR : jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched
  COMP : completed_jobs_dont_execute sched
  jobs_must_be_ready_to_execute sched

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    rewrite /jobs_must_be_ready_to_executej t SCHED.

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1 subgoal (ID 88)
  Job : JobType
  PState : Type
  H : ProcessorState Job PState
  H0 : JobArrival Job
  H1 : JobCost Job
  sched : schedule PState
  ARR : jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched
  COMP : completed_jobs_dont_execute sched
  j : Job
  t : instant
  SCHED : scheduled_at sched j t
  job_ready sched j t

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    rewrite /job_ready /basic_ready_instance /pending.

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1 subgoal (ID 109)
  Job : JobType
  PState : Type
  H : ProcessorState Job PState
  H0 : JobArrival Job
  H1 : JobCost Job
  sched : schedule PState
  ARR : jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched
  COMP : completed_jobs_dont_execute sched
  j : Job
  t : instant
  SCHED : scheduled_at sched j t
  has_arrived j t && ~~ completed_by sched j t

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    apply /andP; split.

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2 subgoals (ID 135)
  Job : JobType
  PState : Type
  H : ProcessorState Job PState
  H0 : JobArrival Job
  H1 : JobCost Job
  sched : schedule PState
  ARR : jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched
  COMP : completed_jobs_dont_execute sched
  j : Job
  t : instant
  SCHED : scheduled_at sched j t
  has_arrived j t

subgoal 2 (ID 136) is:
 ~~ completed_by sched j t

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    - by apply ARR.

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1 subgoal (ID 136)
  Job : JobType
  PState : Type
  H : ProcessorState Job PState
  H0 : JobArrival Job
  H1 : JobCost Job
  sched : schedule PState
  ARR : jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched
  COMP : completed_jobs_dont_execute sched
  j : Job
  t : instant
  SCHED : scheduled_at sched j t
  ~~ completed_by sched j t

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    - rewrite -less_service_than_cost_is_incomplete.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 158)
  Job : JobType
  PState : Type
  H : ProcessorState Job PState
  H0 : JobArrival Job
  H1 : JobCost Job
  sched : schedule PState
  ARR : jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched
  COMP : completed_jobs_dont_execute sched
  j : Job
  t : instant
  SCHED : scheduled_at sched j t
  service sched j t < job_cost j

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      by apply COMP.

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No more subgoals.

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End LiuAndLaylandReadiness.