Library rt.restructuring.model.schedule.edf

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From mathcomp Require Import ssrnat ssrbool fintype.
From rt.restructuring.behavior Require Export all.

In this file, we define what it means to be an "EDF schedule".
Section DefinitionOfEDF.

For any given type of jobs...
  Context {Job : JobType} `{JobCost Job} `{JobDeadline Job} `{JobArrival Job}.

... any given type of processor states:
  Context {PState: eqType}.
  Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.

We say that a schedule is locally an EDF schedule at a point in time [t] if the job scheduled at time [t] has a deadline that is earlier than or equal to the deadline of any other job that could be scheduled at time t but is scheduled later.
Note that this simple definition is (intentionally) oblivious to (i.e., not compatible with) issues such as non-preemptive regions or self-suspensions.
  Definition EDF_at (sched: schedule PState) (t: instant) :=
     (j: Job),
      scheduled_at sched j t
       (t': instant) (j': Job),
        t t'
        scheduled_at sched j' t'
        job_arrival j' t
        job_deadline j job_deadline j'.

A schedule is an EDF schedule if it is locally EDF at every point in time.
  Definition is_EDF_schedule (sched: schedule PState) := t, EDF_at sched t.

End DefinitionOfEDF.