Library rt.model.jitter.platform

Require Import rt.util.all.
Require Import rt.model.jitter.task rt.model.jitter.job rt.model.jitter.schedule
               rt.model.jitter.priority rt.model.jitter.task_arrival rt.model.jitter.interference.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.

Module Platform.

  Import Job SporadicTaskset ScheduleOfSporadicTaskWithJitter SporadicTaskset SporadicTaskArrival Interference Priority.

  Section Properties.

    Context {sporadic_task: eqType}.
    Variable task_cost: sporadic_task time.
    Variable task_period: sporadic_task time.
    Variable task_deadline: sporadic_task time.

    Context {Job: eqType}.
    Variable job_cost: Job time.
    Variable job_deadline: Job time.
    Variable job_task: Job sporadic_task.
    Variable job_jitter: Job time.

    (* Assume any job arrival sequence... *)
    Context {arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job}.

    (* Consider any schedule. *)
    Context {num_cpus: nat}.
    Variable sched: schedule num_cpus arr_seq.

    Section Execution.

      (* A scheduler is work-conserving iff when a job j is backlogged,
         all processors are busy with other jobs.
         Note: backlogged means that jitter has already passed. *)

      Definition work_conserving :=
         j t,
          backlogged job_cost job_jitter sched j t
           cpu, j_other,
            scheduled_on sched j_other cpu t.

      (* We also provide an alternative, equivalent definition of work-conserving
         based on counting the number of scheduled jobs. *)

      Definition work_conserving_count :=
         j t,
          backlogged job_cost job_jitter sched j t
          size (jobs_scheduled_at sched t) = num_cpus.

    End Execution.

    Section JLDP.

      (* A JLFP/JLDP policy ...*)
      Variable higher_eq_priority: JLDP_policy arr_seq.

      (* ... is enforced by the scheduler iff at any time t,
         a scheduled job has higher (or same) priority than (as)
         a backlogged job. *)

      Definition enforces_JLDP_policy :=
         (j j_hp: JobIn arr_seq) t,
          backlogged job_cost job_jitter sched j t
          scheduled sched j_hp t
          higher_eq_priority t j_hp j.

    End JLDP.

    Section FP.

      (* Given an FP policy, ...*)
      Variable higher_eq_priority: FP_policy sporadic_task.

      (* ... this policy is enforced by the scheduler iff
         a corresponding JLDP policy is enforced by the scheduler. *)

      Definition enforces_FP_policy :=
        enforces_JLDP_policy (FP_to_JLDP job_task higher_eq_priority).

    End FP.

    Section Lemmas.

      (* Assume all jobs have valid parameters, ...*)
      Hypothesis H_valid_job_parameters:
         (j: JobIn arr_seq),
          valid_sporadic_job task_cost task_deadline job_cost job_deadline job_task j.

      (* In this section, we prove that the two definitions of work-conserving are equivalent. *)
      Section EquivalentDefinitions.

        Lemma work_conserving_eq_work_conserving_count :
          work_conserving work_conserving_count.
          unfold work_conserving, work_conserving_count; split.
            intros EX j t BACK.
            specialize (EX j t BACK).
            apply eq_trans with (y := size (enum (processor num_cpus)));
              last by rewrite size_enum_ord.
            unfold jobs_scheduled_at.
            apply eq_trans with (y := size ((\cat_(cpu < num_cpus) map (fun xSome x)
                                              (make_sequence (sched cpu t)))));
              first by rewrite -map_bigcat_ord size_map.
            apply eq_trans with (y := size (\cat_(cpu < num_cpus) [:: sched cpu t])).
              f_equal; apply eq_bigr; intros cpu _.
              destruct (sched cpu t) eqn:SCHED; first by done.
              by specialize (EX cpu); des; move: EX ⇒ /eqP EX; rewrite EX in SCHED.
            rewrite size_bigcat_ord.
            apply eq_trans with (y := \sum_(i < num_cpus) 1);
              last by rewrite big_const_ord iter_addn mul1n addn0 size_enum_ord.
            by apply eq_bigr.
            intros SIZE j t BACK cpu.
            specialize (SIZE j t BACK).
            destruct ([ cpu, sched cpu t = None]) eqn:EX; last first.
              apply negbT in EX; rewrite negb_exists in EX.
              move: EX ⇒ /forallP ALL; specialize (ALL cpu).
              destruct (sched cpu t) eqn:SOME; last by done.
              by j0; apply/eqP.
              move: EX ⇒ /existsP [cpu' /eqP EX].
              unfold jobs_scheduled_at in SIZE.
              move: SIZE ⇒ /eqP SIZE; rewrite -[size _ = _]negbK in SIZE.
              move: SIZE ⇒ /negP SIZE; exfalso; apply SIZE; clear SIZE.
              rewrite neq_ltn; apply/orP; left.
              rewrite size_bigcat_ord.
              rewritebig_mkord_ord with (x0 := 0).
              have MKORD := big_mkord (fun xtrue); rewrite -MKORD.
              have CAT := big_cat_nat _ (fun xtrue).
              rewriteCAT with (n := cpu'); [simpl | by done | by apply ltnW, ltn_ord].
              assert (DIFF: k, num_cpus = (cpu' + k).+1).
                 (num_cpus - cpu').-1.
                rewrite -addnS prednK; last by rewrite ltn_subRL addn0 ltn_ord.
                rewrite addnBA; last by apply ltnW, ltn_ord.
                by rewrite addnC -addnBA // subnn addn0.
              des; rewrite {5}DIFF.
              rewrite big_nat_recl; last by apply leq_addr.
              apply leq_trans with (n := (\sum_(0 i < cpu') 1) + 1 + (\sum_(cpu' i < cpu' + k) 1));
                last first.
                rewrite 2!big_const_nat 2!iter_addn 2!mul1n addn0 subn0.
                rewrite [cpu' + k]addnC -addnBA // subnn 2!addn0.
                by rewrite -addnA [1 + k]addnC addnA addn1 -DIFF.
                rewrite -addn1 addnC [_ + 1]addnC -addnA.
                apply leq_add; first by done.
                rewrite eq_fun_ord_to_nat; unfold make_sequence at 2; rewrite EX /= add0n.
                apply leq_add; apply leq_sum; ins; unfold fun_ord_to_nat; des_eqrefl; try done;
                by unfold make_sequence; desf.

      End EquivalentDefinitions.

    End Lemmas.

  End Properties.

End Platform.