Require Import prosa.classic.util.all.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.arrival.basic.job.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.schedule.uni.service
(* Let's import definition of nonpreemptive schedule. *)
Require Import prosa.classic.model.schedule.uni.nonpreemptive.schedule.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
(* In this file, we provide additional definitions and
lemmas about lock-in-serivce-compliant schedules. *)
Import Job Service UniprocessorSchedule.
Section Definitions.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Variable task_cost: Task → time.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job → time.
Variable job_cost: Job → time.
Variable job_task: Job → Task.
(* Consider any arrival sequence... *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* ...and any uniprocessor schedule. *)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* We define the notion of lock-in service: lock-in service is the amount of service
after which a job cannot be preempted until its completion. *)
Variable job_lock_in_service: Job → time.
(* We require the lock-in service to be positive for any job, i.e., in order to
become non-preemptive a job must receive at least one unit of service. *)
Definition job_lock_in_service_positive :=
∀ j,
arrives_in arr_seq j →
job_cost_positive job_cost j →
0 < job_lock_in_service j.
(* We also require a job's lock-in service to be at most the cost of the job. *)
Definition job_lock_in_service_le_job_cost :=
∀ j,
arrives_in arr_seq j →
job_cost_positive job_cost j →
job_lock_in_service j ≤ job_cost j.
(* In order to get a consistent schedule, the scheduler should respect the notion of
lock-in service. We assume that, after a job reaches its lock-in service, it
cannot be preempted until its completion. *)
Definition job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service :=
∀ j t t',
arrives_in arr_seq j →
t ≤ t' →
job_lock_in_service j ≤ service sched j t →
~~ completed_by job_cost sched j t' →
scheduled_at sched j t'.
(* We say that job_lock_in_service is a proper job lock-in service iff for all jobs in the
arrival sequence the lock-in service is (1) positive, (2) no bigger than the costs of
the corresponding jobs, and (3) a job becomes nonpreemptive after it reaches the
lock-in service. *)
Definition proper_job_lock_in_service :=
job_lock_in_service_positive ∧
job_lock_in_service_le_job_cost ∧
(* Similarly, we define the notion of task lock-in service: task lock-in service is the
amount of service after which any job from a task reaches its lock-in service. *)
Variable task_lock_in_service: Task → time.
(* A task's lock-in service should be at most the cost of the task. *)
Definition task_lock_in_service_le_task_cost tsk :=
task_lock_in_service tsk ≤ task_cost tsk.
(* We say that the lock-in service of a task tsk bounds the job lock-in service iff for any
job j of task tsk the job lock-in service is less-than-or-equal to the task lock-in
service. *)
Definition task_lock_in_service_bounds_job_lock_in_service tsk :=
∀ j,
arrives_in arr_seq j →
job_task j = tsk →
job_lock_in_service j ≤ task_lock_in_service tsk.
(* We say that task_lock_in_service is a proper task lock-in service for some task tsk
iff task_lock_in_service tsk is (1) no bigger than tsk's cost, (2) for any job of
task tsk job_lock_in_service is bounded by task_lock_in_service. *)
Definition proper_task_lock_in_service tsk :=
task_lock_in_service_le_task_cost tsk ∧
task_lock_in_service_bounds_job_lock_in_service tsk.
End Definitions.
Section Examples.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job → time.
Variable job_cost: Job → time.
(* Consider any arrival sequence... *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* ...and any uniprocessor schedule. *)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* Assume that completed jobs do not execute. *)
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
(* In this section we prove that in case of the fully preemptive scheduling model
the job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service hypothesis becomes trivial. *)
Section FullyPreemptiveModel.
(* In the fully preemptive model any job can be preempted at any moment. *)
Let job_lock_in_service (j: Job) := job_cost j.
(* Then, we prove that the job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service hypothesis is trivial. *)
Lemma job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service_trivial:
job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service job_cost arr_seq sched job_lock_in_service .
intros j ? ? ARR LE SERV NCOMP.
move: NCOMP ⇒ /negP NCOMP; exfalso; apply: NCOMP.
move: (H_completed_jobs_dont_execute j t) ⇒ SERV2.
by apply completion_monotonic with t.
End FullyPreemptiveModel.
(* In this section we prove that in case of the fully nonpreemptive scheduling model
the job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service hypothesis holds. *)
Section FullyNonPreemptiveModel.
(* In fully nonpreemptive model any job becomes nonpreemptive as soon as it receives one unit of service. *)
Let job_lock_in_service (j: Job) := ε.
(* Next, we assume that the schedule is fully nonpreemptive. *)
Hypothesis H_is_nonpreemptive_schedule:
NonpreemptiveSchedule.is_nonpreemptive_schedule job_cost sched.
(* Then, we prove that the job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service hypothesis holds. *)
Lemma property_last_segment_is_nonpreemptive_holds:
job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service job_cost arr_seq sched job_lock_in_service .
unfold NonpreemptiveSchedule.is_nonpreemptive_schedule in ×.
intros j ? ? ARR LE NEQ NCOMPL; unfold job_lock_in_service in ×.
have POS: 0 < job_cost j.
{ rewrite -[0 < _]Bool.negb_involutive -eqn0Ngt; apply/negP; intros ZERO.
move: ZERO ⇒ /eqP ZERO.
rewrite /completed_by in NCOMPL.
rewrite ZERO -lt0n in NCOMPL.
move: (H_completed_jobs_dont_execute j t') ⇒ NN.
by rewrite ZERO leqNgt in NN; move: NN ⇒ /negP NN; apply: NN.
move: NEQ; rewrite sum_nat_gt0 filter_predT ⇒ /hasP[ts IN SCHED].
rewrite lt0b in SCHED.
apply H_is_nonpreemptive_schedule with ts; try done.
apply ltnW, leq_trans with t; last by done.
by rewrite mem_iota add0n subn0 in IN; move: IN ⇒ /andP [_ IN].
End FullyNonPreemptiveModel.
End Examples.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.arrival.basic.job.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.schedule.uni.service
(* Let's import definition of nonpreemptive schedule. *)
Require Import prosa.classic.model.schedule.uni.nonpreemptive.schedule.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
(* In this file, we provide additional definitions and
lemmas about lock-in-serivce-compliant schedules. *)
Import Job Service UniprocessorSchedule.
Section Definitions.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Variable task_cost: Task → time.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job → time.
Variable job_cost: Job → time.
Variable job_task: Job → Task.
(* Consider any arrival sequence... *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* ...and any uniprocessor schedule. *)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* We define the notion of lock-in service: lock-in service is the amount of service
after which a job cannot be preempted until its completion. *)
Variable job_lock_in_service: Job → time.
(* We require the lock-in service to be positive for any job, i.e., in order to
become non-preemptive a job must receive at least one unit of service. *)
Definition job_lock_in_service_positive :=
∀ j,
arrives_in arr_seq j →
job_cost_positive job_cost j →
0 < job_lock_in_service j.
(* We also require a job's lock-in service to be at most the cost of the job. *)
Definition job_lock_in_service_le_job_cost :=
∀ j,
arrives_in arr_seq j →
job_cost_positive job_cost j →
job_lock_in_service j ≤ job_cost j.
(* In order to get a consistent schedule, the scheduler should respect the notion of
lock-in service. We assume that, after a job reaches its lock-in service, it
cannot be preempted until its completion. *)
Definition job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service :=
∀ j t t',
arrives_in arr_seq j →
t ≤ t' →
job_lock_in_service j ≤ service sched j t →
~~ completed_by job_cost sched j t' →
scheduled_at sched j t'.
(* We say that job_lock_in_service is a proper job lock-in service iff for all jobs in the
arrival sequence the lock-in service is (1) positive, (2) no bigger than the costs of
the corresponding jobs, and (3) a job becomes nonpreemptive after it reaches the
lock-in service. *)
Definition proper_job_lock_in_service :=
job_lock_in_service_positive ∧
job_lock_in_service_le_job_cost ∧
(* Similarly, we define the notion of task lock-in service: task lock-in service is the
amount of service after which any job from a task reaches its lock-in service. *)
Variable task_lock_in_service: Task → time.
(* A task's lock-in service should be at most the cost of the task. *)
Definition task_lock_in_service_le_task_cost tsk :=
task_lock_in_service tsk ≤ task_cost tsk.
(* We say that the lock-in service of a task tsk bounds the job lock-in service iff for any
job j of task tsk the job lock-in service is less-than-or-equal to the task lock-in
service. *)
Definition task_lock_in_service_bounds_job_lock_in_service tsk :=
∀ j,
arrives_in arr_seq j →
job_task j = tsk →
job_lock_in_service j ≤ task_lock_in_service tsk.
(* We say that task_lock_in_service is a proper task lock-in service for some task tsk
iff task_lock_in_service tsk is (1) no bigger than tsk's cost, (2) for any job of
task tsk job_lock_in_service is bounded by task_lock_in_service. *)
Definition proper_task_lock_in_service tsk :=
task_lock_in_service_le_task_cost tsk ∧
task_lock_in_service_bounds_job_lock_in_service tsk.
End Definitions.
Section Examples.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_arrival: Job → time.
Variable job_cost: Job → time.
(* Consider any arrival sequence... *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* ...and any uniprocessor schedule. *)
Variable sched: schedule Job.
(* Assume that completed jobs do not execute. *)
Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
completed_jobs_dont_execute job_cost sched.
(* In this section we prove that in case of the fully preemptive scheduling model
the job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service hypothesis becomes trivial. *)
Section FullyPreemptiveModel.
(* In the fully preemptive model any job can be preempted at any moment. *)
Let job_lock_in_service (j: Job) := job_cost j.
(* Then, we prove that the job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service hypothesis is trivial. *)
Lemma job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service_trivial:
job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service job_cost arr_seq sched job_lock_in_service .
intros j ? ? ARR LE SERV NCOMP.
move: NCOMP ⇒ /negP NCOMP; exfalso; apply: NCOMP.
move: (H_completed_jobs_dont_execute j t) ⇒ SERV2.
by apply completion_monotonic with t.
End FullyPreemptiveModel.
(* In this section we prove that in case of the fully nonpreemptive scheduling model
the job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service hypothesis holds. *)
Section FullyNonPreemptiveModel.
(* In fully nonpreemptive model any job becomes nonpreemptive as soon as it receives one unit of service. *)
Let job_lock_in_service (j: Job) := ε.
(* Next, we assume that the schedule is fully nonpreemptive. *)
Hypothesis H_is_nonpreemptive_schedule:
NonpreemptiveSchedule.is_nonpreemptive_schedule job_cost sched.
(* Then, we prove that the job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service hypothesis holds. *)
Lemma property_last_segment_is_nonpreemptive_holds:
job_nonpreemptive_after_lock_in_service job_cost arr_seq sched job_lock_in_service .
unfold NonpreemptiveSchedule.is_nonpreemptive_schedule in ×.
intros j ? ? ARR LE NEQ NCOMPL; unfold job_lock_in_service in ×.
have POS: 0 < job_cost j.
{ rewrite -[0 < _]Bool.negb_involutive -eqn0Ngt; apply/negP; intros ZERO.
move: ZERO ⇒ /eqP ZERO.
rewrite /completed_by in NCOMPL.
rewrite ZERO -lt0n in NCOMPL.
move: (H_completed_jobs_dont_execute j t') ⇒ NN.
by rewrite ZERO leqNgt in NN; move: NN ⇒ /negP NN; apply: NN.
move: NEQ; rewrite sum_nat_gt0 filter_predT ⇒ /hasP[ts IN SCHED].
rewrite lt0b in SCHED.
apply H_is_nonpreemptive_schedule with ts; try done.
apply ltnW, leq_trans with t; last by done.
by rewrite mem_iota add0n subn0 in IN; move: IN ⇒ /andP [_ IN].
End FullyNonPreemptiveModel.
End Examples.