Library prosa.analysis.transform.edf_trans

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Require Export prosa.analysis.transform.prefix.
Require Export prosa.analysis.transform.swap.
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.ideal_schedule.

In this file we define the EDF transformation of a schedule, which turns a (finite prefix of a) schedule into an EDF schedule. This operation is at the core of the EDF optimality proof.
Consider any given type of jobs...
  Context {Job : JobType} `{JobCost Job} `{JobDeadline Job} `{JobArrival Job}.

... and ideal uni-processor schedules.
We say that a state [s1] "has an earlier or equal deadline" than a state [s2] if the job scheduled in state [s1] has has an earlier or equal deadline than the job scheduled in state [s2]. This function is never used on idle states, so the default values are irrelevant.
  Definition earlier_deadline (s1 s2: PState) :=
    (oapp job_deadline 0 s1) (oapp job_deadline 0 s2).

We say that a state is relevant (for the purpose of the transformation) if it is not idle and if the job scheduled in it has arrived prior to some given reference time.
  Definition relevant_pstate (reference_time: instant) (s: PState) :=
    match s with
    | Nonefalse
    | Some j'job_arrival j' reference_time

Next, we define a central element of the EDF transformation procedure: given a job scheduled at a time [t1], find a later time [t2] before the job's deadline at which a job with an earlier-or-equal deadline is scheduled. In other words, find a job that causes the [EDF_at] property to be violated at time [t1].
  Definition find_swap_candidate (sched: SchedType) (t1: instant) (j: Job) :=
    if search_arg sched (relevant_pstate t1) earlier_deadline t1 (job_deadline j) is Some t
    then t
    else 0.

The point-wise EDF transformation procedure: given a schedule and a time [t1], ensure that the schedule satisfies [EDF_at] at time [t1].
  Definition make_edf_at (sched: SchedType) (t1: instant): SchedType :=
    match sched t1 with
    | Nonesched (* leave idle instants alone *)
    | Some j
        t2 := find_swap_candidate sched t1 j
      in swapped sched t1 t2

To transform a finite prefix of a given reference schedule, apply [make_edf_at] to every point up to the given finite horizon.
  Definition edf_transform_prefix (sched: SchedType) (horizon: instant): SchedType :=
    prefix_map sched make_edf_at horizon.

Finally, a full EDF schedule (i.e., one that satisfies [EDF_at] at any time) is obtained by first computing an EDF prefix up to and including the requested time [t], and by then looking at the last point of the prefix.
  Definition edf_transform (sched: SchedType) (t: instant): ideal.processor_state Job :=
      edf_prefix := edf_transform_prefix sched t.+1
    in edf_prefix t.

End EDFTransformation.