
Platform for fully premptive model

In module we introduce the notion of whether a job can be preempted at a given time (using a predicate can_be_preempted). In this section, we instantiate can_be_preempted for the fully preemptive model and prove its correctness.
Module FullyPreemptivePlatform.

  Import Job SporadicTaskset UniprocessorSchedule Priority
         Service LimitedPreemptionPlatform.

  Section FullyPreemptiveModel.

    Context {Task: eqType}.

    Context {Job: eqType}.
    Variable job_arrival: Job time.
    Variable job_cost: Job time.
    Variable job_task: Job Task.

    (* Consider any job arrival sequence ...*)
    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.

    (* ...and any uniprocessor schedule of these jobs. *)
    Variable sched: schedule Job.

    (* For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
    Let job_pending := pending job_arrival job_cost sched.
    Let job_completed_by := completed_by job_cost sched.
    Let job_scheduled_at := scheduled_at sched.

    (* In the fully preemptive model any job can be preempted at any time. *)
    Definition can_be_preempted_for_fully_preemptive_model (j: Job) (progr: time) := true.

    (* Since in a fully preemptive model a job can be preempted at 
       any time job_max_nps cannot be greater than ε. *)

    Let job_max_nps (j: Job) := ε.

    (*  In order to bound job_max_nps, we can choose task_max_nps that is equal to ε for any task. *)
    Let task_max_nps (tsk: Task) := ε.

    (* Then, we prove that fully_preemptive_model is a correct preemption model... *)
    Lemma fully_preemptive_model_is_correct:
      correct_preemption_model arr_seq sched can_be_preempted_for_fully_preemptive_model.
    Proof. by intros j; split; intros t CONTR. Qed.

    (* ... and has bounded nonpreemptive regions. *)
    Lemma fully_preemptive_model_is_model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_regions:
        job_cost job_task arr_seq can_be_preempted_for_fully_preemptive_model job_max_nps task_max_nps.
      intros j; repeat split; try done.
      intros t; t; split.
      { by apply/andP; split; [ done | rewrite subnn addn0]. }
      { by done. }

  End FullyPreemptiveModel.

End FullyPreemptivePlatform.