Library prosa.implementation.refinements.refinements
Require Export prosa.implementation.definitions.task.
Require Export prosa.implementation.facts.extrapolated_arrival_curve.
Require Export NArith.
From CoqEAL Require Export hrel param refinements binnat.
Export Refinements.Op.
Require Export prosa.implementation.facts.extrapolated_arrival_curve.
Require Export NArith.
From CoqEAL Require Export hrel param refinements binnat.
Export Refinements.Op.
Refinements Library
Brief Introduction
Auxiliary Definitions
... and an analogous version that works on pairs.
Definition tmap {X Y : Type} (f : X → Y) (t : X × X) := (f (fst t), f (snd t)).
Definition tb2tn t := tmap nat_of_bin t.
Definition tn2tb t := tmap bin_of_nat t.
Definition m_tb2tn xs := map tb2tn xs.
Definition m_tn2tb xs := map tn2tb xs.
Definition tb2tn t := tmap nat_of_bin t.
Definition tn2tb t := tmap bin_of_nat t.
Definition m_tb2tn xs := map tb2tn xs.
Definition m_tn2tb xs := map tn2tb xs.
Basic Arithmetic
Consider a generic type T supporting basic arithmetic operations,
neutral elements, and comparisons.
Context {T : Type}.
Context `{!zero_of T, !one_of T, !sub_of T, !add_of T, !mul_of T,
!div_of T, !mod_of T, !eq_of T, !leq_of T, !lt_of T}.
Context `{!zero_of T, !one_of T, !sub_of T, !add_of T, !mul_of T,
!div_of T, !mod_of T, !eq_of T, !leq_of T, !lt_of T}.
We redefine the predecessor function. Note that, although this
definition uses common notation, the %C indicates that we
refer to the generic type T defined above.
Further, we redefine the maximum and minimum functions...
Definition maxn_T (m n : T) := (if m < n then n else m)%C.
Definition minn_T (m n : T) := (if m < n then m else n)%C.
Definition minn_T (m n : T) := (if m < n then m else n)%C.
... the "divides" function...
... and the division with ceiling function.
Definition div_ceil_T (a : T) (b : T) :=
if dvdn_T b a then (a %/ b)%C else (1 + a %/ b)%C.
End Definitions.
if dvdn_T b a then (a %/ b)%C else (1 + a %/ b)%C.
End Definitions.
Global Instance refine_b2n :
refines (unify (A:=N) ==> Rnat)%rel nat_of_bin id.
apply refines_abstr; move ⇒ n n' Rn.
compute in Rn; destruct refines_key in Rn; subst.
by apply trivial_refines.
refines (unify (A:=N) ==> Rnat)%rel nat_of_bin id.
apply refines_abstr; move ⇒ n n' Rn.
compute in Rn; destruct refines_key in Rn; subst.
by apply trivial_refines.
Second, we prove a refinement for the predecessor function.
Global Instance Rnat_pred :
refines (Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel predn predn_T.
rewrite !refinesE ⇒ a a' Ra.
rewrite -subn1 /predn_T.
by apply: refinesP.
refines (Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel predn predn_T.
rewrite !refinesE ⇒ a a' Ra.
rewrite -subn1 /predn_T.
by apply: refinesP.
Next, we prove a refinement for the "divides" function.
Global Instance refine_dvdn :
refines (Rnat ==> Rnat ==> bool_R)%rel dvdn dvdn_T.
apply refines_abstr2; unfold "%|", dvdn_T; move⇒ x x' rx y y' ry.
by exact: refines_apply.
refines (Rnat ==> Rnat ==> bool_R)%rel dvdn dvdn_T.
apply refines_abstr2; unfold "%|", dvdn_T; move⇒ x x' rx y y' ry.
by exact: refines_apply.
Next, we prove a refinement for the division with ceiling.
Global Instance refine_div_ceil :
refines (Rnat ==> Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel div_ceil div_ceil_T.
apply refines_abstr2; unfold div_ceil, div_ceil_T.
move ⇒ x x' Rx y y' Ry.
have <-: y %| x = dvdn_T y' x'.
{ eapply refines_eq.
apply refines_bool_eq; unfold "%|", dvdn_T.
by refines_apply. }
destruct (y %| x) eqn:B; first by eapply refines_apply;[refines_abstr| exact: Ry].
{ eapply refines_apply.
- refines_abstr.
- eapply refines_apply.
+ by refines_abstr.
+ exact: Ry. }
refines (Rnat ==> Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel div_ceil div_ceil_T.
apply refines_abstr2; unfold div_ceil, div_ceil_T.
move ⇒ x x' Rx y y' Ry.
have <-: y %| x = dvdn_T y' x'.
{ eapply refines_eq.
apply refines_bool_eq; unfold "%|", dvdn_T.
by refines_apply. }
destruct (y %| x) eqn:B; first by eapply refines_apply;[refines_abstr| exact: Ry].
{ eapply refines_apply.
- refines_abstr.
- eapply refines_apply.
+ by refines_abstr.
+ exact: Ry. }
Next, we prove a refinement for the minimum function.
Global Instance refine_minn :
refines (Rnat ==> Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel minn minn_T.
intros *; rewrite refinesE ⇒ a a' Ra b b' Rb; unfold minn, minn_T.
compute in Ra, Rb; subst.
rename a' into a, b' into b.
have <- : (a < b) = (a < b)%C; last by destruct (a < b).
unfold lt_op, lt_N.
destruct (a < b) eqn:EQ; symmetry; first by apply N.ltb_lt; apply /Rnat_ltP.
apply N.ltb_ge.
apply negbT in EQ; rewrite -leqNgt in EQ.
apply /N.leb_spec0.
by move: Rnat_leE ⇒ LE; unfold leq_op, leq_N in LE; rewrite LE.
refines (Rnat ==> Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel minn minn_T.
intros *; rewrite refinesE ⇒ a a' Ra b b' Rb; unfold minn, minn_T.
compute in Ra, Rb; subst.
rename a' into a, b' into b.
have <- : (a < b) = (a < b)%C; last by destruct (a < b).
unfold lt_op, lt_N.
destruct (a < b) eqn:EQ; symmetry; first by apply N.ltb_lt; apply /Rnat_ltP.
apply N.ltb_ge.
apply negbT in EQ; rewrite -leqNgt in EQ.
apply /N.leb_spec0.
by move: Rnat_leE ⇒ LE; unfold leq_op, leq_N in LE; rewrite LE.
Finally, we prove a refinement for the maximum function.
Global Instance refine_maxn :
refines (Rnat ==> Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel maxn maxn_T.
intros *; rewrite refinesE ⇒ a a' Ra b b' Rb; unfold maxn, maxn_T.
compute in Ra, Rb; subst.
rename a' into a, b' into b.
have <- : (a < b) = (a < b)%C; last by destruct (a < b).
unfold lt_op, lt_N.
destruct (a < b) eqn:EQ; symmetry; first by apply N.ltb_lt; apply /Rnat_ltP.
apply N.ltb_ge.
apply negbT in EQ; rewrite -leqNgt in EQ.
apply /N.leb_spec0.
by move: Rnat_leE ⇒ LE; unfold leq_op, leq_N in LE; rewrite LE.
refines (Rnat ==> Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel maxn maxn_T.
intros *; rewrite refinesE ⇒ a a' Ra b b' Rb; unfold maxn, maxn_T.
compute in Ra, Rb; subst.
rename a' into a, b' into b.
have <- : (a < b) = (a < b)%C; last by destruct (a < b).
unfold lt_op, lt_N.
destruct (a < b) eqn:EQ; symmetry; first by apply N.ltb_lt; apply /Rnat_ltP.
apply N.ltb_ge.
apply negbT in EQ; rewrite -leqNgt in EQ.
apply /N.leb_spec0.
by move: Rnat_leE ⇒ LE; unfold leq_op, leq_N in LE; rewrite LE.
Supporting Lemmas
Lemma posBinNatNotZero:
∀ p, ¬ (nat_of_bin (N.pos p)) = O.
rewrite -[0]bin_of_natK.
intros p EQ.
have BJ := @Bijective _ _ nat_of_bin bin_of_nat.
feed_n 2 BJ.
{ by intros ?; rewrite bin_of_natE; apply nat_of_binK. }
{ by apply bin_of_natK. }
apply bij_inj in BJ; apply BJ in EQ; clear BJ.
by destruct p.
∀ p, ¬ (nat_of_bin (N.pos p)) = O.
rewrite -[0]bin_of_natK.
intros p EQ.
have BJ := @Bijective _ _ nat_of_bin bin_of_nat.
feed_n 2 BJ.
{ by intros ?; rewrite bin_of_natE; apply nat_of_binK. }
{ by apply bin_of_natK. }
apply bij_inj in BJ; apply BJ in EQ; clear BJ.
by destruct p.
Next, we prove that, if the successor of a unary number b corresponds to a
positive binary number p, then b corresponds to the predecessor of
Lemma eq_SnPos_to_nPred:
∀ b p, Rnat b.+1 (N.pos p) → Rnat b (Pos.pred_N p).
move ⇒ b p.
rewrite /Rnat /fun_hrel ⇒ EQ.
rewrite -addn1 in EQ.
apply /eqP; rewrite -(eqn_add2r 1) -EQ; apply /eqP.
move: (nat_of_add_bin (Pos.pred_N p) 1%N) ⇒ EQadd1.
by rewrite -EQadd1 N.add_1_r N.succ_pos_pred.
∀ b p, Rnat b.+1 (N.pos p) → Rnat b (Pos.pred_N p).
move ⇒ b p.
rewrite /Rnat /fun_hrel ⇒ EQ.
rewrite -addn1 in EQ.
apply /eqP; rewrite -(eqn_add2r 1) -EQ; apply /eqP.
move: (nat_of_add_bin (Pos.pred_N p) 1%N) ⇒ EQadd1.
by rewrite -EQadd1 N.add_1_r N.succ_pos_pred.
Finally, we prove that if two unary numbers a and b have the same
numeral as, respectively, two binary numbers a' and b', then a<b is
rewritable into a'<b'.
Lemma refine_ltn :
∀ a a' b b',
Rnat a a' →
Rnat b b' →
bool_R (a < b) (a' < b')%C.
move⇒ a a' b b' Ra Rb.
replace (@lt_op N lt_N a' b') with (@leq_op N leq_N (1 + a')%N b');
first by apply refinesP; refines_apply.
unfold leq_op, leq_N, lt_op, lt_N.
apply /N.leb_spec0; case (a' <? b')%N eqn:LT.
- by move: LT ⇒ /N.ltb_spec0 LT; rewrite N.add_1_l; apply N.le_succ_l.
- rewrite N.add_1_l ⇒ CONTR; apply N.le_succ_l in CONTR.
by move: LT ⇒ /negP LT; apply: LT; apply /N.ltb_spec0.
∀ a a' b b',
Rnat a a' →
Rnat b b' →
bool_R (a < b) (a' < b')%C.
move⇒ a a' b b' Ra Rb.
replace (@lt_op N lt_N a' b') with (@leq_op N leq_N (1 + a')%N b');
first by apply refinesP; refines_apply.
unfold leq_op, leq_N, lt_op, lt_N.
apply /N.leb_spec0; case (a' <? b')%N eqn:LT.
- by move: LT ⇒ /N.ltb_spec0 LT; rewrite N.add_1_l; apply N.le_succ_l.
- rewrite N.add_1_l ⇒ CONTR; apply N.le_succ_l in CONTR.
by move: LT ⇒ /negP LT; apply: LT; apply /N.ltb_spec0.
Functions on Lists
Consider a generic type T supporting basic arithmetic operations
and comparisons
Context {T : Type}.
Context `{!zero_of T, !one_of T, !sub_of T, !add_of T, !mul_of T,
!div_of T, !mod_of T, !eq_of T, !leq_of T, !lt_of T}.
Context `{!zero_of T, !one_of T, !sub_of T, !add_of T, !mul_of T,
!div_of T, !mod_of T, !eq_of T, !leq_of T, !lt_of T}.
We redefine the iota function, ...
Fixpoint iota_T (a : T) (b : nat): seq T :=
match b with
| 0 ⇒ [::]
| S b' ⇒ a :: iota_T (a + 1)%C b'
match b with
| 0 ⇒ [::]
| S b' ⇒ a :: iota_T (a + 1)%C b'
... the size function, ...
Fixpoint size_T {X : Type} (s : seq X): T :=
match s with
| [::] ⇒ 0%C
| _ :: s' ⇒ (1 + size_T s')%C
match s with
| [::] ⇒ 0%C
| _ :: s' ⇒ (1 + size_T s')%C
... the forward-shift function, ...
... and the backwards-shift function.
Definition shift_points_neg_T (xs : seq T) (s : T) : seq T :=
let nonsmall := filter (fun x ⇒ s ≤ x)%C xs in
map (fun x ⇒ x - s)%C nonsmall.
End Definitions.
let nonsmall := filter (fun x ⇒ s ≤ x)%C xs in
map (fun x ⇒ x - s)%C nonsmall.
End Definitions.
Global Instance refine_map :
∀ {A A' B B': Type}
(F : A → B) (F' : A' → B')
(rA : A → A' → Type) (rB : B → B' → Type) xs xs',
refines (list_R rA) xs xs' →
refines (rA ==> rB)%rel F F' →
refines (list_R rB)%rel (map F xs) (map F' xs').
intros × Rxs RF; rewrite refinesE.
eapply map_R; last first.
- by rewrite refinesE in Rxs; apply Rxs.
- by intros x x' Rx; rewrite refinesE in RF; apply RF.
∀ {A A' B B': Type}
(F : A → B) (F' : A' → B')
(rA : A → A' → Type) (rB : B → B' → Type) xs xs',
refines (list_R rA) xs xs' →
refines (rA ==> rB)%rel F F' →
refines (list_R rB)%rel (map F xs) (map F' xs').
intros × Rxs RF; rewrite refinesE.
eapply map_R; last first.
- by rewrite refinesE in Rxs; apply Rxs.
- by intros x x' Rx; rewrite refinesE in RF; apply RF.
Second, we prove a refinement for the zip function.
Global Instance refine_zip :
refines (list_R Rnat ==> list_R Rnat ==> list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))%rel zip zip.
Proof. by rewrite refinesE ⇒ xs xs' Rxs ys ys' Rys; apply zip_R. Qed.
refines (list_R Rnat ==> list_R Rnat ==> list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat))%rel zip zip.
Proof. by rewrite refinesE ⇒ xs xs' Rxs ys ys' Rys; apply zip_R. Qed.
Next, we prove a refinement for the all function.
Global Instance refine_all :
∀ {A A' : Type} (rA : A → A' → Type),
refines ((rA ==> bool_R) ==> list_R rA ==> bool_R)%rel all all.
rewrite refinesE ⇒ P P' RP xs xs' Rxs.
eapply all_R; last by apply Rxs.
by intros x x' Rx; apply RP.
∀ {A A' : Type} (rA : A → A' → Type),
refines ((rA ==> bool_R) ==> list_R rA ==> bool_R)%rel all all.
rewrite refinesE ⇒ P P' RP xs xs' Rxs.
eapply all_R; last by apply Rxs.
by intros x x' Rx; apply RP.
Next, we prove a refinement for the flatten function.
Global Instance refine_flatten :
∀ {A A': Type} (rA : A → A' → Type),
refines (list_R (list_R rA) ==> list_R rA)%rel flatten flatten.
by intros; rewrite refinesE ⇒ xss xss' Rxss; eapply flatten_R.
∀ {A A': Type} (rA : A → A' → Type),
refines (list_R (list_R rA) ==> list_R rA)%rel flatten flatten.
by intros; rewrite refinesE ⇒ xss xss' Rxss; eapply flatten_R.
Next, we prove a refinement for the cons function.
Global Instance refine_cons A C (rAC : A → C → Type) :
refines (rAC ==> list_R rAC ==> list_R rAC)%rel cons cons.
by rewrite refinesE ⇒ h h' rh t t' rt; apply list_R_cons_R.
refines (rAC ==> list_R rAC ==> list_R rAC)%rel cons cons.
by rewrite refinesE ⇒ h h' rh t t' rt; apply list_R_cons_R.
Next, we prove a refinement for the nil function.
Global Instance refine_nil A C (rAC : A → C → Type) :
refines (list_R rAC) nil nil.
by rewrite refinesE; apply list_R_nil_R.
refines (list_R rAC) nil nil.
by rewrite refinesE; apply list_R_nil_R.
Next, we prove a refinement for the last function.
Global Instance refine_last :
∀ {A B : Type} (rA : A → B → Type),
refines (rA ==> list_R rA ==> rA)%rel last last.
move⇒ A B rA; rewrite refinesE ⇒ d d' Rd xs xs' Rxs.
elim: xs d d' Rd xs' Rxs ⇒ [|a xs IHxs] d d' Rd xs' Rxs.
- by destruct xs'; last inversion Rxs.
- case: xs' Rxs ⇒ [|b xs'] Rxs; first by inversion Rxs.
exact: last_R.
∀ {A B : Type} (rA : A → B → Type),
refines (rA ==> list_R rA ==> rA)%rel last last.
move⇒ A B rA; rewrite refinesE ⇒ d d' Rd xs xs' Rxs.
elim: xs d d' Rd xs' Rxs ⇒ [|a xs IHxs] d d' Rd xs' Rxs.
- by destruct xs'; last inversion Rxs.
- case: xs' Rxs ⇒ [|b xs'] Rxs; first by inversion Rxs.
exact: last_R.
Next, we prove a refinement for the size function.
Global Instance refine_size A C (rAC : A → C → Type) :
refines (list_R rAC ==> Rnat)%rel size size_T.
apply: refines_abstr ⇒ s s'; rewrite !refinesE.
by elim⇒ [//|a a' Ra {}s {}s' Rs IHs] /=; apply: refinesP.
refines (list_R rAC ==> Rnat)%rel size size_T.
apply: refines_abstr ⇒ s s'; rewrite !refinesE.
by elim⇒ [//|a a' Ra {}s {}s' Rs IHs] /=; apply: refinesP.
Next, we prove a refinement for the iota function when applied
to the successor of a number.
Lemma iotaTsuccN :
∀ (a : N) p,
iota_T a (N.succ (Pos.pred_N p)) = a :: iota_T (succN a) (Pos.pred_N p).
move⇒ a p.
destruct (N.succ (Pos.pred_N p)) as [|p0] eqn:EQ; first by move: (N.neq_succ_0 (Pos.pred_N p)).
move: (posBinNatNotZero p0) ⇒ /eqP EQn0.
destruct (nat_of_bin (N.pos p0)) as [|n] eqn:EQn; first by done.
have → : n = Pos.pred_N p; last by rewrite //= /succN /add_N /add_op N.add_comm.
apply /eqP.
rewrite -eqSS -EQn -EQ -addn1.
move: (nat_of_add_bin (Pos.pred_N p) 1%N) ⇒ EQadd1; rewrite -EQadd1.
by rewrite N.add_1_r.
∀ (a : N) p,
iota_T a (N.succ (Pos.pred_N p)) = a :: iota_T (succN a) (Pos.pred_N p).
move⇒ a p.
destruct (N.succ (Pos.pred_N p)) as [|p0] eqn:EQ; first by move: (N.neq_succ_0 (Pos.pred_N p)).
move: (posBinNatNotZero p0) ⇒ /eqP EQn0.
destruct (nat_of_bin (N.pos p0)) as [|n] eqn:EQn; first by done.
have → : n = Pos.pred_N p; last by rewrite //= /succN /add_N /add_op N.add_comm.
apply /eqP.
rewrite -eqSS -EQn -EQ -addn1.
move: (nat_of_add_bin (Pos.pred_N p) 1%N) ⇒ EQadd1; rewrite -EQadd1.
by rewrite N.add_1_r.
Next, we prove a refinement for the iota function.
Global Instance refine_iota :
refines (Rnat ==> Rnat ==> list_R Rnat)%rel iota iota_T.
rewrite refinesE ⇒ a a' Ra b; move: a a' Ra; elim: b ⇒ [|b IHb] a a' Ra b' Rb.
{ destruct b'; first by rewrite //=; apply list_R_nil_R.
by compute in Rb; apply posBinNatNotZero in Rb. }
{ destruct b'; first by compute in Rb; destruct b.
have Rsa := Rnat_S.
rewrite refinesE in Rsa; specialize (Rsa a a' Ra).
specialize (IHb _ _ Rsa).
rewrite //= -N.succ_pos_pred iotaTsuccN.
apply list_R_cons_R; first by done.
apply IHb; clear Rsa Ra IHb.
by apply eq_SnPos_to_nPred. }
refines (Rnat ==> Rnat ==> list_R Rnat)%rel iota iota_T.
rewrite refinesE ⇒ a a' Ra b; move: a a' Ra; elim: b ⇒ [|b IHb] a a' Ra b' Rb.
{ destruct b'; first by rewrite //=; apply list_R_nil_R.
by compute in Rb; apply posBinNatNotZero in Rb. }
{ destruct b'; first by compute in Rb; destruct b.
have Rsa := Rnat_S.
rewrite refinesE in Rsa; specialize (Rsa a a' Ra).
specialize (IHb _ _ Rsa).
rewrite //= -N.succ_pos_pred iotaTsuccN.
apply list_R_cons_R; first by done.
apply IHb; clear Rsa Ra IHb.
by apply eq_SnPos_to_nPred. }
Next, we prove a refinement for the shift_points_pos function.
Global Instance refine_shift_points_pos:
refines (list_R Rnat ==> Rnat ==> list_R Rnat)%rel shift_points_pos shift_points_pos_T.
rewrite refinesE ⇒ xs xs' Rxs s s' Rs.
unfold shift_points_pos, shift_points_pos_T.
apply refinesP; eapply refine_map; first by rewrite refinesE; apply Rxs.
rewrite refinesE ⇒ ? ? ?.
by apply refinesP; tc.
refines (list_R Rnat ==> Rnat ==> list_R Rnat)%rel shift_points_pos shift_points_pos_T.
rewrite refinesE ⇒ xs xs' Rxs s s' Rs.
unfold shift_points_pos, shift_points_pos_T.
apply refinesP; eapply refine_map; first by rewrite refinesE; apply Rxs.
rewrite refinesE ⇒ ? ? ?.
by apply refinesP; tc.
Next, we prove a refinement for the shift_points_neg function.
Global Instance refine_shift_points_neg:
refines (list_R Rnat ==> Rnat ==> list_R Rnat)%rel shift_points_neg shift_points_neg_T.
rewrite refinesE ⇒ xs xs' Rxs s s' Rs.
unfold shift_points_neg, shift_points_neg_T.
apply refinesP; eapply refine_map.
- rewrite refinesE; eapply filter_R; last by eassumption.
by intros; apply refinesP; refines_apply.
- rewrite refinesE ⇒ x x' Rx.
by apply refinesP; refines_apply.
refines (list_R Rnat ==> Rnat ==> list_R Rnat)%rel shift_points_neg shift_points_neg_T.
rewrite refinesE ⇒ xs xs' Rxs s s' Rs.
unfold shift_points_neg, shift_points_neg_T.
apply refinesP; eapply refine_map.
- rewrite refinesE; eapply filter_R; last by eassumption.
by intros; apply refinesP; refines_apply.
- rewrite refinesE ⇒ x x' Rx.
by apply refinesP; refines_apply.
Finally, we prove that the if the nat_of_bin function is applied to a
list, the result is the original list translated to binary.
Global Instance refine_abstract :
∀ xs,
refines (list_R Rnat)%rel (map nat_of_bin xs) xs | 0.
elim⇒ [|a xs IHxs]; first by rewrite refinesE; simpl; apply list_R_nil_R.
rewrite //= refinesE; rewrite refinesE in IHxs.
by apply list_R_cons_R; last by done.
∀ xs,
refines (list_R Rnat)%rel (map nat_of_bin xs) xs | 0.
elim⇒ [|a xs IHxs]; first by rewrite refinesE; simpl; apply list_R_nil_R.
rewrite //= refinesE; rewrite refinesE in IHxs.
by apply list_R_cons_R; last by done.
Supporting Lemmas
Lemma refine_foldr_lemma :
refines ((Rnat ==> Rnat ==> Rnat) ==> Rnat ==> list_R Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel foldr foldr.
rewrite refinesE ⇒ f f' Rf d d' Rd; elim⇒ [|x xs IHxs] xs' Rxs.
{ by destruct xs' as [ | x' xs']; [ done | inversion Rxs ]. }
{ destruct xs' as [ | x' xs']; first by inversion Rxs.
inversion Rxs; subst.
by simpl; apply Rf; [ done | apply IHxs]. }
Section GenericLists.
refines ((Rnat ==> Rnat ==> Rnat) ==> Rnat ==> list_R Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel foldr foldr.
rewrite refinesE ⇒ f f' Rf d d' Rd; elim⇒ [|x xs IHxs] xs' Rxs.
{ by destruct xs' as [ | x' xs']; [ done | inversion Rxs ]. }
{ destruct xs' as [ | x' xs']; first by inversion Rxs.
inversion Rxs; subst.
by simpl; apply Rf; [ done | apply IHxs]. }
Section GenericLists.
Lemma refine_foldr:
∀ (R : T1 → bool) (R' : T2 → bool) (F : T1 → nat) (F' : T2 → N),
∀ (rT : T1 → T2 → Type),
refines ( list_R rT )%rel xs xs' →
refines ( rT ==> Rnat )%rel F F' →
refines ( rT ==> bool_R )%rel R R' →
refines Rnat (\sum_(x <- xs | R x) F x) (foldr +%C 0%C [seq F' x' | x' <- xs' & R' x']).
move⇒ R R' F F' rT Rxs Rf Rr.
have ->: \sum_(x <- xs | R x) F x = foldr addn 0 [seq F x | x <- xs & R x].
{ by rewrite foldrE big_map big_filter. }
- by rewrite refinesE⇒ b b' Rb z z' Rz l l' Rl; eapply foldr_R; eauto.
- by rewrite refinesE ⇒ g g' Rg l l' Rl; eapply map_R; eauto.
- by rewrite refinesE ⇒ p p' Rp l l' Rl; eapply filter_R; eauto.
∀ (R : T1 → bool) (R' : T2 → bool) (F : T1 → nat) (F' : T2 → N),
∀ (rT : T1 → T2 → Type),
refines ( list_R rT )%rel xs xs' →
refines ( rT ==> Rnat )%rel F F' →
refines ( rT ==> bool_R )%rel R R' →
refines Rnat (\sum_(x <- xs | R x) F x) (foldr +%C 0%C [seq F' x' | x' <- xs' & R' x']).
move⇒ R R' F F' rT Rxs Rf Rr.
have ->: \sum_(x <- xs | R x) F x = foldr addn 0 [seq F x | x <- xs & R x].
{ by rewrite foldrE big_map big_filter. }
- by rewrite refinesE⇒ b b' Rb z z' Rz l l' Rl; eapply foldr_R; eauto.
- by rewrite refinesE ⇒ g g' Rg l l' Rl; eapply map_R; eauto.
- by rewrite refinesE ⇒ p p' Rp l l' Rl; eapply filter_R; eauto.
Lemma refine_uncond_foldr :
∀ (F : T1 → nat) (F' : T2 → N),
∀ (rT : T1 → T2 → Type),
refines ( list_R rT )%rel xs xs' →
refines ( rT ==> Rnat )%rel F F' →
refines Rnat (\sum_(x <- xs) F x) (foldr +%C 0%C [seq F' x' | x' <- xs']).
move⇒ F F' rT Rxs Rf.
have ->: \sum_(x <- xs) F x = foldr addn 0 [seq F x | x <- xs] by rewrite foldrE big_map.
by apply refine_foldr_lemma.
∀ (F : T1 → nat) (F' : T2 → N),
∀ (rT : T1 → T2 → Type),
refines ( list_R rT )%rel xs xs' →
refines ( rT ==> Rnat )%rel F F' →
refines Rnat (\sum_(x <- xs) F x) (foldr +%C 0%C [seq F' x' | x' <- xs']).
move⇒ F F' rT Rxs Rf.
have ->: \sum_(x <- xs) F x = foldr addn 0 [seq F x | x <- xs] by rewrite foldrE big_map.
by apply refine_foldr_lemma.
Next, we prove a refinement for the foldr function when applied to a
max operation over a list. In terms, the list is the result of a map
and filter operation.
Lemma refine_foldr_max :
∀ (R : T1 → bool) (R' : T2 → bool)
(F : T1 → nat) (F' : T2 → N),
∀ (rT : T1 → T2 → Type),
refines ( list_R rT )%rel xs xs' →
refines ( rT ==> Rnat )%rel F F' →
refines ( rT ==> bool_R )%rel R R' →
refines Rnat (\max_(x <- xs | R x) F x) (foldr maxn_T 0%C [seq F' x' | x' <- xs' & R' x']).
move⇒ R R' F F' rT Rxs Rf Rr.
have ->: \max_(x <- xs | R x) F x = foldr maxn 0 [seq F x | x <- xs & R x]
by rewrite foldrE big_map big_filter.
- by rewrite refinesE⇒ b b' Rb z z' Rz l l' Rl; eapply foldr_R; eauto.
- by rewrite refinesE ⇒ g g' Rg l l' Rl; eapply map_R; eauto.
- by rewrite refinesE ⇒ p p' Rp l l' Rl; eapply filter_R; eauto.
End GenericLists.
∀ (R : T1 → bool) (R' : T2 → bool)
(F : T1 → nat) (F' : T2 → N),
∀ (rT : T1 → T2 → Type),
refines ( list_R rT )%rel xs xs' →
refines ( rT ==> Rnat )%rel F F' →
refines ( rT ==> bool_R )%rel R R' →
refines Rnat (\max_(x <- xs | R x) F x) (foldr maxn_T 0%C [seq F' x' | x' <- xs' & R' x']).
move⇒ R R' F F' rT Rxs Rf Rr.
have ->: \max_(x <- xs | R x) F x = foldr maxn 0 [seq F x | x <- xs & R x]
by rewrite foldrE big_map big_filter.
- by rewrite refinesE⇒ b b' Rb z z' Rz l l' Rl; eapply foldr_R; eauto.
- by rewrite refinesE ⇒ g g' Rg l l' Rl; eapply map_R; eauto.
- by rewrite refinesE ⇒ p p' Rp l l' Rl; eapply filter_R; eauto.
End GenericLists.