Library prosa.analysis.definitions.progress

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Welcome to Coq 8.13.0 (January 2021)

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Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.behavior.service.

Job Progress (or Lack Thereof)

In the following section, we define a notion of "job progress", and conversely a notion of a lack of progress.

Section Progress.

Consider any type of jobs with a known cost...
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobCost Job}.

... and any kind of schedule.
  Context {PState : Type}.
  Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.

For a given job and a given schedule...
  Variable sched : schedule PState.
  Variable j : Job.

  Section NotionsOfProgress.

...and two ordered points in time...
    Variable t1 t2 : nat.
    Hypothesis H_t1_before_t2: t1 t2.

... we say that the job has progressed between the two points iff its total received service has increased.
    Definition job_has_progressed := service sched j t1 < service sched j t2.

Conversely, if the accumulated service does not change, there is no progress.
    Definition no_progress := service sched j t1 == service sched j t2.

We note that the negation of the former is equivalent to the latter definition.
    Lemma no_progress_equiv: ~~ job_has_progressed no_progress.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 31)
  Job : JobType
  H : JobCost Job
  PState : Type
  H0 : ProcessorState Job PState
  sched : schedule PState
  j : Job
  t1, t2 : nat
  H_t1_before_t2 : t1 <= t2
  ~~ job_has_progressed <-> no_progress

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      rewrite /job_has_progressed /no_progress.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 33)
  Job : JobType
  H : JobCost Job
  PState : Type
  H0 : ProcessorState Job PState
  sched : schedule PState
  j : Job
  t1, t2 : nat
  H_t1_before_t2 : t1 <= t2
  ~~ (service sched j t1 < service sched j t2) <->
  service sched j t1 == service sched j t2

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(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

2 subgoals (ID 35)
  Job : JobType
  H : JobCost Job
  PState : Type
  H0 : ProcessorState Job PState
  sched : schedule PState
  j : Job
  t1, t2 : nat
  H_t1_before_t2 : t1 <= t2
  ~~ (service sched j t1 < service sched j t2) ->
  service sched j t1 == service sched j t2

subgoal 2 (ID 36) is:
 service sched j t1 == service sched j t2 ->
 ~~ (service sched j t1 < service sched j t2)

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(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 35)
  Job : JobType
  H : JobCost Job
  PState : Type
  H0 : ProcessorState Job PState
  sched : schedule PState
  j : Job
  t1, t2 : nat
  H_t1_before_t2 : t1 <= t2
  ~~ (service sched j t1 < service sched j t2) ->
  service sched j t1 == service sched j t2

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rewrite -leqNgt leq_eqVlt ⇒ /orP [EQ|LT]; first by rewrite eq_sym.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 87)
  Job : JobType
  H : JobCost Job
  PState : Type
  H0 : ProcessorState Job PState
  sched : schedule PState
  j : Job
  t1, t2 : nat
  H_t1_before_t2 : t1 <= t2
  LT : service sched j t2 < service sched j t1
  service sched j t1 == service sched j t2

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(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 93)
  Job : JobType
  H : JobCost Job
  PState : Type
  H0 : ProcessorState Job PState
  sched : schedule PState
  j : Job
  t1, t2 : nat
  H_t1_before_t2 : t1 <= t2
  LT : service sched j t2 < service sched j t1

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        have MONO: service sched j t1 service sched j t2
          by apply service_monotonic.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 106)
  Job : JobType
  H : JobCost Job
  PState : Type
  H0 : ProcessorState Job PState
  sched : schedule PState
  j : Job
  t1, t2 : nat
  H_t1_before_t2 : t1 <= t2
  LT : service sched j t2 < service sched j t1
  MONO : service sched j t1 <= service sched j t2

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        have NOT_MONO: ~~ (service sched j t1 service sched j t2)
          by apply /negPf; apply ltn_geF.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 136)
  Job : JobType
  H : JobCost Job
  PState : Type
  H0 : ProcessorState Job PState
  sched : schedule PState
  j : Job
  t1, t2 : nat
  H_t1_before_t2 : t1 <= t2
  LT : service sched j t2 < service sched j t1
  MONO : service sched j t1 <= service sched j t2
  NOT_MONO : ~~ (service sched j t1 <= service sched j t2)

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        move: NOT_MONO ⇒ /negP NOT_MONO.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 163)
  Job : JobType
  H : JobCost Job
  PState : Type
  H0 : ProcessorState Job PState
  sched : schedule PState
  j : Job
  t1, t2 : nat
  H_t1_before_t2 : t1 <= t2
  LT : service sched j t2 < service sched j t1
  MONO : service sched j t1 <= service sched j t2
  NOT_MONO : ~ service sched j t1 <= service sched j t2

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(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal

subgoal 1 (ID 36) is:
 service sched j t1 == service sched j t2 ->
 ~~ (service sched j t1 < service sched j t2)

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(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 36)
  Job : JobType
  H : JobCost Job
  PState : Type
  H0 : ProcessorState Job PState
  sched : schedule PState
  j : Job
  t1, t2 : nat
  H_t1_before_t2 : t1 <= t2
  service sched j t1 == service sched j t2 ->
  ~~ (service sched j t1 < service sched j t2)

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(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 36)
  Job : JobType
  H : JobCost Job
  PState : Type
  H0 : ProcessorState Job PState
  sched : schedule PState
  j : Job
  t1, t2 : nat
  H_t1_before_t2 : t1 <= t2
  service sched j t1 == service sched j t2 ->
  ~~ (service sched j t1 < service sched j t2)

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move ⇒ /eqP →.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 199)
  Job : JobType
  H : JobCost Job
  PState : Type
  H0 : ProcessorState Job PState
  sched : schedule PState
  j : Job
  t1, t2 : nat
  H_t1_before_t2 : t1 <= t2
  ~~ (service sched j t2 < service sched j t2)

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        rewrite -leqNgt.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 203)
  Job : JobType
  H : JobCost Job
  PState : Type
  H0 : ProcessorState Job PState
  sched : schedule PState
  j : Job
  t1, t2 : nat
  H_t1_before_t2 : t1 <= t2
  service sched j t2 <= service sched j t2

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        by apply service_monotonic.
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No more subgoals.

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(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

No more subgoals.

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  End NotionsOfProgress.

For convenience, we define a lack of progress also in terms of given reference point [t] and the length of the preceding interval of inactivity [delta], meaning that no progress has been made for at least [delta] time units.
  Definition no_progress_for (t : instant) (delta : duration) := no_progress (t - delta) t.

End Progress.