Library prosa.implementation.definitions.generic_scheduler

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Require Export prosa.analysis.transform.swap.

Generic Reference Scheduler

In this file, we provide a generic procedure that produces a schedule by making a decision on what to schedule at each point in time.
To begin with, we define the notion of a pointwise scheduling policy that makes a decision at a given time [t] based on given prefix up to time [t.-1].
Section PointwisePolicy.
Consider any type of jobs and type of schedule.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Variable PState : Type.

A pointwise scheduling policy is a function that, given a schedule prefix that is valid up to time [t - 1], decides what to schedule at time [t].
Consider any type of jobs and type of schedule.
  Context {Job : JobType} {PState : Type}.
  Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.

Suppose we are given a policy function that, given a schedule prefix that is valid up to time [t - 1], decides what to schedule at time [t].
  Variable policy : PointwisePolicy PState.

Let [idle_state] denote the processor state that indicates that the entire system is idle.
  Variable idle_state : PState.

We construct the schedule step by step starting from an "empty" schedule that is idle at all times as a base case.
  Definition empty_schedule: schedule PState := fun _idle_state.

Next, we define a function that computes a schedule prefix up to a given time horizon [h].
  Fixpoint schedule_up_to (h : instant) :=
      prefix := if h is h'.+1 then schedule_up_to h' else empty_schedule
      replace_at prefix h (policy prefix h).

Finally, we define the generic schedule as follows: for a given point in time [t], we compute the finite prefix up to and including [t], namely [schedule_up_to t], and then return the job scheduled at time [t] in that prefix.
  Definition generic_schedule (t : instant) : PState :=
    schedule_up_to t t.

End GenericSchedule.