Library rt.restructuring.model.task.concept

From mathcomp Require Export ssrbool.
Require Export rt.restructuring.behavior.all.

Task Type

As in case of the job model, we make no assumptions about the structure or type of tasks, i.e., like jobs, we consider tasks to be mathematically opaque objects. We only assume that any type that represents tasks has a decidable equality.
Definition TaskType := eqType.

Task Model Core Parameters

In the following, we define three central parameters of the task model: how jobs map to tasks, deadlines of tasks, and each task's WCET parameter.
First, we define a job-model parameter job_task that maps each job to its corresponding task.
Class JobTask (Job : JobType) (Task : TaskType) := job_task : Job Task.

Second, we define a task-model parameter to express each task's relative deadline.
Third, we define a task-model parameter to express each task's worst-case execution cost (WCET).
Class TaskCost (Task : TaskType) := task_cost : Task duration.

Task Model Validity

In the following section, we introduce properties that a reasonable task model must satisfy.
Section ModelValidity.

Consider any type of tasks with WCETs and relative deadlines.
  Context {Task : TaskType}.
  Context `{TaskCost Task}.
  Context `{TaskDeadline Task}.

First, we constrain the possible WCET values of a valid task.
  Section ValidCost.

Consider an arbitrary task.
    Variable tsk: Task.

The WCET of the task should be positive.
    Definition task_cost_positive := task_cost tsk > 0.

The WCET should not be larger than the deadline, as otherwise the task is trivially infeasible.
Second, we relate the cost of a task's jobs to its WCET.
  Section ValidJobCost.

Consider any type of jobs associated with the tasks ...
    Context {Job : JobType}.
    Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
... and consider the cost of each job.
    Context `{JobCost Job}.

The cost of any job j cannot exceed the WCET of its respective task.
    Definition valid_job_cost j :=
      job_cost j task_cost (job_task j).

... and any arrival sequence.
    Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.

The cost of a job from the arrival sequence cannot be larger than the task cost.
    Definition arrivals_have_valid_job_costs :=
        arrives_in arr_seq j
        valid_job_cost j.

  End ValidJobCost.

End ModelValidity.

Task Sets

Next, we introduce the notion of a task set and define properties of valid task sets.
For simplicity, we represent sets of such tasks simply as (finite) sequences of tasks.
Definition TaskSet := seq.

Section ValidTaskSet.

Consider any type of tasks with WCETs ...
  Context {Task : TaskType}.
  Context `{TaskCost Task}.

... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks ...
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
... as well as their individual execution costs.
  Context `{JobCost Job}.

Further, consider an arrival sequence of these jobs...
  Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.

...and the set of tasks that generate them.
  Variable ts : TaskSet Task.

All jobs in the arrival sequence should come from the task set.
  Definition all_jobs_from_taskset :=
      arrives_in arr_seq j
      job_task j \in ts.

End ValidTaskSet.

Finally, for readability, we define two ways in which jobs and tasks relate.
Section SameTask.

For any type of job associated with any type of tasks...
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context {Task : TaskType}.
  Context `{JobTask Job Task}.

... we say that two jobs j1 and j2 are from the same task iff job_task j1 is equal to job_task j2.
  Definition same_task (j1 j2 : Job) := job_task j1 == job_task j2.

We further say that a job j is a job of task tsk iff job_task j is equal to tsk.
  Definition job_of_task (tsk : Task) (j : Job) := job_task j == tsk.

End SameTask.