Library rt.util.supremum

From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype seq.

Computation of a Sequence's Supremum

This module provides a simple function supremum for the computation of a maximal element of a sequence, according to any given relation R. If the relation R is reflexive, total, and transitive, the result of supremum is indeed the supremum of the set of items in the sequence.

Section SelectSupremum.

Consider any type of elements with decidable equality...
  Context {T : eqType}.

...and any given relation R.
  Variable R : rel T.

We first define a help function choose_superior that, given an element x and maybe a second element y, picks x if R x y holds, and y otherwise.
  Definition choose_superior (x : T) (maybe_y : option T) : option T :=
    match maybe_y with
    | Some yif R x y then Some x else Some y
    | NoneSome x

The supremum of a given sequence s can then be computed by simply folding s with choose_superior.
  Definition supremum (s : seq T) : option T := foldr choose_superior None s.

Next, we establish that supremum satisfies its specification. To this end, we first establish a few simple helper lemmas.
We start with observing how supremum can be unrolled one step.
  Lemma supremum_unfold:
     head tail,
      supremum (head :: tail) = choose_superior head (supremum tail).
    movehead tail.
    by rewrite [LHS]/supremum /foldr -/(foldr choose_superior None tail) -/(supremum tail).

Next, we observe that supremum returns a result for any non-empty list.
  Lemma supremum_exists: x s, x \in s supremum s != None.
    movex s IN.
    elim: s IN; first by done.
    movea l _ _.
    rewrite supremum_unfold.
    destruct (supremum l); rewrite /choose_superior //.
    by destruct (R a s).

Conversely, if supremum finds nothing, then the list is empty.
  Lemma supremum_none: s, supremum s = None s = nil.
    elim: s; first by done.
    movea l IH.
    rewrite supremum_unfold /choose_superior.
    by destruct (supremum l); try destruct (R a s).

Next, we observe that the value found by supremum comes indeed from the list that it was given.
  Lemma supremum_in:
     x s,
      supremum s = Some x
      x \in s.
    elim ⇒ // a l IN_TAIL IN.
    rewrite in_cons; apply /orP.
    move: IN; rewrite supremum_unfold.
    destruct (supremum l); rewrite /choose_superior.
    { elim: (R a s) ⇒ EQ.
      - left; apply /eqP.
        by injection EQ.
      - right; by apply IN_TAIL. }
    { left. apply /eqP.
      by injection IN. }

To prove that supremum indeed computes the given sequence's supremum, we need to make additional assumptions on R.
(1) R is reflexive.
  Hypothesis H_R_reflexive: reflexive R.
(2) R is total.
  Hypothesis H_R_total: total R.
(3) R is transitive.
  Hypothesis H_R_transitive: transitive R.

Based on these assumptions, we show that the function supremum indeed computes an upper bound on all elements in the given sequence.
  Lemma supremum_spec:
     x s,
      supremum s = Some x
        y \in s R x y.
    movex s SOME_x.
    move: x SOME_x (supremum_in _ _ SOME_x).
    elim: s; first by done.
    moves1 sn IH z SOME_z IN_z_s y.
    move: SOME_z. rewrite supremum_unfold /choose_superiorSOME_z.
    destruct (supremum sn) as [b|] eqn:SUPR; last first.
    { apply supremum_none in SUPR; subst.
      rewrite mem_seq1 ⇒ /eqP →.
      by injection SOME_z ⇒ →. }
    { rewrite in_cons ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQy | INy]; last first.
      - have R_by: R b y
          by apply IH ⇒ //; apply supremum_in.
        apply H_R_transitive with (y := b) ⇒ //.
        destruct (R s1 b) eqn:R_s1b;
          by injection SOME_z ⇒ <-.
      - move: IN_z_s; rewrite in_cons ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQz | INz];
          first by subst.
        move: (H_R_total s1 b) ⇒ /orP [R_s1b|R_bs1].
        + move: SOME_z. rewrite R_s1bSOME_z.
          by injection SOME_zEQ; subst.
        + by destruct (R s1 b); injection SOME_zEQ; subst. }

End SelectSupremum.