Library prosa.analysis.abstract.restricted_supply.search_space.fifo
Require Export prosa.analysis.facts.model.rbf.
Require Export prosa.analysis.abstract.search_space.
Require Import prosa.analysis.facts.priority.fifo.
Require Import prosa.analysis.definitions.sbf.pred.
Require Export prosa.analysis.abstract.search_space.
Require Import prosa.analysis.facts.priority.fifo.
Require Import prosa.analysis.definitions.sbf.pred.
The Abstract Search Space is a Subset of the FIFO Search Space
Consider a restricted-supply uniprocessor model where the
minimum amount of supply is defined via a monotone
unit-supply-bound function SBF.
Consider any type of tasks.
Consider an arbitrary task set ts.
Let max_arrivals be a family of valid arrival curves, i.e.,
for any task tsk in ts max_arrival tsk is (1) an arrival
bound of tsk, and (2) it is a monotonic function that equals
0 for the empty interval delta = 0.
Context `{MaxArrivals Task}.
Hypothesis H_valid_arrival_curve :
valid_taskset_arrival_curve ts max_arrivals.
Hypothesis H_valid_arrival_curve :
valid_taskset_arrival_curve ts max_arrivals.
For brevity, let's denote the request-bound function of a task
as rbf.
Let L be an arbitrary positive constant. Typically, L
denotes an upper bound on the length of a busy interval of a job
of tsk. In this file, however, L can be any positive
In the case of FIFO, the concrete search space is the set of
offsets less than L such that there exists a task tsk in
ts such that rbf tsk (A) ≠ rbf tsk (A + ε).
Definition is_in_search_space (A : duration) :=
let rbf_makes_a_step tsk := rbf tsk A != rbf tsk (A + ε) in
(A < L) && has rbf_makes_a_step ts.
let rbf_makes_a_step tsk := rbf tsk A != rbf tsk (A + ε) in
(A < L) && has rbf_makes_a_step ts.
To rule out pathological cases with the search space, we assume
that the task cost is positive and the arrival curve is
Hypothesis H_task_cost_pos : 0 < task_cost tsk.
Hypothesis H_arrival_curve_pos : 0 < max_arrivals tsk ε.
Hypothesis H_arrival_curve_pos : 0 < max_arrivals tsk ε.
For brevity, let us introduce a shorthand for an IBF (used by
aRTA). The abstract search space is derived via IBF.
Local Definition IBF (A F : duration) :=
(F - SBF F) + (total_request_bound_function ts (A + ε) - task_cost tsk).
(F - SBF F) + (total_request_bound_function ts (A + ε) - task_cost tsk).
Then, abstract RTA's standard search space is a subset of the
computation-oriented version defined above.
Lemma search_space_sub :
∀ A,
abstract.search_space.is_in_search_space L IBF A →
is_in_search_space A.
End SearchSpaceSubset.
∀ A,
abstract.search_space.is_in_search_space L IBF A →
is_in_search_space A.
End SearchSpaceSubset.