Library prosa.analysis.facts.model.scheduled

Correctness of the Scheduled Job(s)

In this file, we establish the correctness of the computable definition of the (set of) scheduled job(s) and a useful case-analysis lemma.

Section ScheduledJobs.
Consider any type of jobs with arrival times.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobArrival Job}.

Next, consider any kind of processor state model, ...
  Context {PState : ProcessorState Job}.

... any valid arrival sequence, ...
... and any schedule.
  Variable sched : schedule PState.

Now we establish the validity conditions under which these definitions yield the expected results: all jobs must come from the arrival sequence and do not execute before their arrival.
NB: We do not use valid_schedule here to avoid introducing a dependency on a readiness mode.

The Set of Jobs Scheduled at a Given Time

Under these assumptions, scheduled_jobs_at is correct: a job is included in the sequence if and only if it scheduled.
  Lemma scheduled_jobs_at_iff :
     j t,
      j \in scheduled_jobs_at arr_seq sched t = scheduled_at sched j t.

Conversely, if no jobs are in the sequence, then no job is scheduled.
  Lemma scheduled_jobs_at_nil :
      nilp (scheduled_jobs_at arr_seq sched t)
       ( j, ~~ scheduled_at sched j t).

We restate the previous claim for convenience.
  Corollary not_scheduled_when_idle :
     j t,
      is_idle arr_seq sched t ~~ scheduled_at sched j t.

The Job Scheduled on an Ideal Progress Processor

In this section, we prove a simple fact about the relation between scheduled_at and served_at.
  Section IdealProgress.

Assume a scheduled job always receives some positive service.
We prove that if a job j is scheduled at time t, then j is in the set of jobs that are served at time t.
    Lemma scheduled_at_implies_in_served_at :
       j t,
        scheduled_at sched j t
        j \in served_jobs_at arr_seq sched t.

  End IdealProgress.

The Job Scheduled on a Uniprocessor

For convenience, we note similar rewriting rules for uniprocessors.
  Section Uniprocessors.

Suppose we are looking at a uniprocessor.
    Hypothesis H_uni : uniprocessor_model PState.

Then clearly there is at most one job scheduled at any time t.
    Corollary scheduled_jobs_at_seq1 :
        size (scheduled_jobs_at arr_seq sched t) 1.

For convenience, we restate the fact that there is at most one job as a case analysis.
    Corollary scheduled_jobs_at_uni_cases :
        scheduled_jobs_at arr_seq sched t == [::]
         j, scheduled_jobs_at arr_seq sched t == [:: j].

We note the obvious relationship between scheduled_jobs_at and scheduled_job_at ...
    Lemma scheduled_jobs_at_uni :
       j t,
        (scheduled_jobs_at arr_seq sched t == [::j])
        = (scheduled_job_at arr_seq sched t == Some j).

... and observe that scheduled_job_at t behaves as expected: it yields some job j if and only if j is scheduled at time t.
    Corollary scheduled_job_at_scheduled_at :
       j t,
        (scheduled_job_at arr_seq sched t == Some j) = scheduled_at sched j t.

    Corollary scheduled_jobs_at_scheduled_at :
       j t,
        (scheduled_jobs_at arr_seq sched t == [:: j])
        = scheduled_at sched j t.

Conversely, if scheduled_job_at t returns None, then no job is scheduled at time t.
    Corollary scheduled_job_at_none :
        scheduled_job_at arr_seq sched t = None
         ( j, ~~ scheduled_at sched j t).

For convenience, we state a similar observation also for the is_idle wrapper, both for the idle case ...
    Corollary is_idle_iff :
        is_idle arr_seq sched t = (scheduled_job_at arr_seq sched t == None).

... and the non-idle case.
    Corollary is_nonidle_iff :
        ~~ is_idle arr_seq sched t j, scheduled_at sched j t.

  End Uniprocessors.

Case Analysis: a Scheduled Job Exists or no Job is Scheduled

Last but not least, we note a case analysis that results from the above considerations: at any point in time, either some job is scheduled, or it holds that all jobs are not scheduled.
  Lemma scheduled_at_dec :
      { j, scheduled_at sched j t} + { j, ~~ scheduled_at sched j t}.

For ease of porting, we restate the above case analysis in a form closer to what was used in earlier versions of Prosa.
  Corollary scheduled_at_cases :
      is_idle arr_seq sched t j, scheduled_at sched j t.

End ScheduledJobs.