Library prosa.implementation.definitions.arrival_bound

From HB Require Import structures.
Require Export prosa.implementation.definitions.extrapolated_arrival_curve.

Implementation of a Task's Arrival Bound

In this file, we define a reference implementation of the notion of a task's arrival bound.
Note that its use is entirely optional: clients of Prosa may choose to use this type or implement their own notion of arrival bounds.
A task's arrival bound is an inductive type comprised of three types of arrival patterns: (a) periodic, characterized by a period between consequent activation of a task, (b) sporadic, characterized by a minimum inter-arrival time, or (c) arrival-curve prefix, characterized by a finite prefix of an arrival curve.
To make it compatible with ssreflect, we define a decidable equality for arrival bounds.
Definition task_arrivals_bound_eqdef (tb1 tb2 : task_arrivals_bound) :=
  match tb1, tb2 with
  | Periodic p1, Periodic p2p1 == p2
  | Sporadic s1, Sporadic s2s1 == s2
  | ArrivalPrefix s1, ArrivalPrefix s2s1 == s2
  | _, _false

Next, we prove that task_eqdef is indeed an equality, ...
..., which allows instantiating the canonical structure for task_arrivals_bound : eqType.