Library prosa.implementation.refinements.EDF.preemptive_sched

Fully-Preemptive Earliest-Deadline-First Schedules

In this section, we prove that the fully-preemptive preemption policy under earliest-deadline-first schedules is valid, and that the scheduling policy is respected at each preemption point.
This file does not contain novel facts; it is used to uniform POET's certificates and minimize their verbosity.
Section Schedule.

In this file, we adopt the Prosa standard implementation of jobs and tasks.
  Definition Task := concrete_task : eqType.
  Definition Job := concrete_job : eqType.

Consider any valid arrival sequence, ...
... assume basic readiness, ...
... and consider any fully-preemptive, earliest-deadline-first schedule.
  #[local] Existing Instance fully_preemptive_job_model.
  #[local] Existing Instance EDF.
  Definition sched := uni_schedule arr_seq.

First, we remark that such a schedule is valid.
  Remark sched_valid :
    valid_schedule sched arr_seq.

Finally, we show that the fixed-priority policy is respected at each preemption point.