Library prosa.model.processor.ideal_uni_exceed

From HB Require Import structures.
Require Export prosa.behavior.all.

In the following, we define a processor state model for an ideal-uniprocessor system with jobs possibly exhibiting exceedance.
Section State.

For a give type of jobs ...
  Context `{Job : JobType}.

... the exceedance processor state is defined as follows. Here, the NominalExecution processor state refers to the state of the processor when it is executing some job j. ExceedanceExecution also refers to the state of the processor when a job is executing in addition to its nominal execution time. Finally, Idle refers to the state of the processor when no job is executing.
  Inductive exceedance_processor_state :=
  | NominalExecution (j : Job)
  | ExceedanceExecution (j : Job)
  | Idle.

To efficiently use the processor state in our mechanization, we need to define an eqType for the processor state. First, we define an inequality on the processor state as follows.
  Definition exceedance_processor_state_eqdef (p1 p2 : exceedance_processor_state) : bool :=
    match p1, p2 with
    | NominalExecution j1, NominalExecution j2j1 == j2
    | ExceedanceExecution j1, ExceedanceExecution j2j1 == j2
    | Idle, Idletrue
    | _, _false

Next, we prove that the defined notion of equality is in fact an equality.
Finally, we register the processor state as an eqType.

Next, we need to define the notions of service and supply for the processor state under consideration.
  Section ExceedanceService.

Consider any job j.
    Variable j : Job.

j is considered to be "scheduled" if the processor state is either NominalExecution j or ExceedanceExecution j
    Definition exceedance_scheduled_on (proc_state : exceedance_processor_state) (_ : unit)
      : bool :=
      match proc_state with
      | NominalExecution j'
      | ExceedanceExecution j'j' == j
      | _false

Next, we need to define in which states the processor is offering supply. This is required to specify in which states a processor can offer productive work to a job. Note that when analysing a schedule of the exceedance_processor_state, we want to model all instances of ExceedanceExecution as blackouts w.r.t. to nominal service and, therefore, the supply in this processor state is defined to be 0.
    Definition exceedance_supply_on (proc_state : exceedance_processor_state)
      (_ : unit) : work :=
      match proc_state with
      | NominalExecution _ ⇒ 1
      | ExceedanceExecution _ ⇒ 0
      | Idle ⇒ 1

Finally we need to define in which states a job actually receives nominal service. In our case, a job j receives nominal service only when the system is in the NominalExecution j state.
    Definition exceedance_service_on (proc_state : exceedance_processor_state) (_ : unit) : work :=
      match proc_state with
      | NominalExecution j'j' == j
      | ExceedanceExecution _ ⇒ 0
      | Idle ⇒ 0

  End ExceedanceService.

Finally we can declare our processor state as an instance of the ProcessorState typeclass.
    Global Program Instance exceedance_proc_state : ProcessorState Job :=
        State := exceedance_processor_state;
        scheduled_on := exceedance_scheduled_on;
        supply_on := exceedance_supply_on;
        service_on := exceedance_service_on

End State.

Global Arguments exceedance_proc_state : clear implicits.