Library prosa.model.processor.spin

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

Welcome to Coq 8.11.2 (June 2020)

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From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Export prosa.behavior.all.

In the following, we define a processor state that includes the possibility of spinning, where spinning jobs do not progress (= don't get any service).
NB: For now, the definition serves only to document how this can be done; it is not actually used anywhere in the library.
Section State.

Consider any type of jobs.
  Variable Job: JobType.

We define the state of a processor at a given time to be one of three possible cases: either a specific job is scheduled and makes progress [Progress j], a specific job is scheduled but makes not useful progress [Spin j], or the processor is idle [Idle].
  Inductive processor_state :=
  | Spin (j : Job)
  | Progress (j : Job).

Next, we define the semantics of the processor state with spinning.
  Section Service.

Let [j] denote any job.
    Variable j : Job.

It is scheduled in a given state [s] iff the state is not idle and [j] is the job mentioned in the state.
    Definition spin_scheduled_on (s : processor_state) (_ : unit) : bool :=
      match s with
      | Idlefalse
      | Spin j'j' == j
      | Progress j'j' == j

In contrast, job [j] receives service only if the given state [s] is [Progress j].
    Definition spin_service_on (s : processor_state) (_ : unit) : work :=
      match s with
      | Idle ⇒ 0
      | Spin j' ⇒ 0
      | Progress j'j' == j

  End Service.

Finally, we connect the above definitions with the generic Prosa interface for abstract processor states.
  Global Program Instance pstate_instance : ProcessorState Job (processor_state) :=
      scheduled_on := spin_scheduled_on;
      service_on := spin_service_on
  Next Obligation.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 585)
  Job : JobType
  j : Job
  s : processor_state
  r : unit
  H : ~~ spin_scheduled_on j s r
  spin_service_on j s r = 0

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    move: r H.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 594)
  Job : JobType
  j : Job
  s : processor_state
  forall r : unit, ~~ spin_scheduled_on j s r -> spin_service_on j s r = 0

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    case: s=>//= j' _.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 645)
  Job : JobType
  j, j' : Job
  j' != j -> (j' == j) = 0

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    rewrite /nat_of_bool.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

1 subgoal (ID 646)
  Job : JobType
  j, j' : Job
  j' != j -> (if j' == j then 1 else 0) = 0

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    by case: ifP.

(* ----------------------------------[ coqtop ]---------------------------------

No more subgoals.

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End State.