Library prosa.analysis.facts.model.workload

Lemmas about Workload of Sets of Jobs

In this file, we establish basic facts about the workload of sets of jobs.
Section WorkloadFacts.

Consider any type of tasks ...
  Context {Task : TaskType}.
  Context `{TaskCost Task}.

... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
  Context `{JobArrival Job}.
  Context `{JobCost Job}.

Further, consider any job arrival sequence.
  Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.

For simplicity, let's define a local name.
We observe that the cumulative workload of all jobs arriving in a time interval [t1, t2) and respecting a predicate P can be split into two parts.
Consider a job j ...
  Variable j : Job.

... and a duplicate-free sequence of jobs jobs.
  Variable jobs : seq Job.
  Hypothesis H_jobs_uniq : uniq jobs.

Further, assume that j is contained in jobs.
  Hypothesis H_j_in_jobs : j \in jobs.

To help with rewriting, we prove that the workload of jobs minus the job cost of j is equal to the workload of all jobs except j. To define the workload of all jobs, since workload_of_jobs expects a predicate, we use predT, which is the always-true predicate.
In this section, we prove the relation between two different ways of constraining workload_of_jobs to only those jobs that arrive prior to a given time.
  Section Subset.

Assume that arrival times are consistent and that arrivals are unique.
Consider a time interval [t1, t2) and a time instant t.
    Variable t1 t2 t : instant.
    Hypothesis H_t1_le_t2 : t1 t2.

Let P be an arbitrary predicate on jobs.
    Variable P : pred Job.

Consider the window [t1,t2). We prove that the total workload of the jobs arriving in this window before some t is the same as the workload of the jobs arriving in [t1,t). Note that we only require t1 to be less-or-equal than t2. Consequently, the interval [t1,t) may be empty.
    Lemma workload_equal_subset :
      workload_of_jobs (fun j(job_arrival j t) && P j) (arrivals_between t1 t2)
       workload_of_jobs (fun jP j) (arrivals_between t1 (t + ε)).

  End Subset.

End WorkloadFacts.