Library prosa.analysis.facts.periodic.max_inter_arrival

Periodic Task Model respects the Task Max Inter-Arrival model.

In this section, we show that the periodic task model respects the task max inter-arrival model (i.e. consecutive jobs of a task are separated at most by a certain duration specified by the task_max_inter_arrival_time parameter).
Consider any type of periodic tasks, ...
  Context {Task : TaskType} `{PeriodicModel Task}.

... any type of jobs associated with the tasks, ...
  Context {Job : JobType} `{JobTask Job Task} `{JobArrival Job}.

... and any arrival sequence.
  Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.

By using each task's period as its maximum inter-arrival time, ...
  Global Instance max_inter_eq_period : TaskMaxInterArrival Task :=
      task_max_inter_arrival_time := task_period

... we observe that for any task tsk, task_max_inter_arrival_time tsk is positive, ...
... and show that the periodic model respects the task max inter-arrival model.
  Remark periodic_model_respects_max_inter_arrival_model:
      valid_period tsk
      respects_periodic_task_model arr_seq tsk
      valid_task_max_inter_arrival_time arr_seq tsk.
      intros tsk VALID_PERIOD PERIODIC.
      split; first by apply VALID_PERIOD ⇒ //.
      intros j ARR TSK IND.
      specialize (PERIODIC j); feed_n 3 PERIODIC ⇒ //.
      move : PERIODIC ⇒ [j' [ARR' [IND' [TSK' ARRJ']]]].
       j'; repeat split ⇒ //.
      { case: (boolP (j == j')) ⇒ [/eqP EQ|NEQ].
        - have EQ_IND : (job_index arr_seq j' = job_index arr_seq j) by apply f_equal ⇒ //.
          now exfalso; ssrlia.
        - now apply /eqP. }
      { have NZ_PERIOD : (task_period tsk > 0) by apply VALID_PERIOD.
        rewrite /max_inter_eq_period /task_max_inter_arrival_time ARRJ'.
        now ssrlia. }

End PeriodicTasksRespectMaxInterArrivalModel.