
Require Import rt.util.all.
Require Import rt.model.arrival.basic.job
Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.schedule
Require Import rt.model.schedule.uni.nonpreemptive.schedule.

From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.

Platform with limited preemptions

In this module we introduce the notion of whether a job can be preempted at a given time (using a predicate can_be_preempted). In addition, we provide instantiations of the predicate for various preemption models.
Module LimitedPreemptionPlatform.

  Import Epsilon Job SporadicTaskset UniprocessorSchedule Priority Service.

  (* In this section, we define a processor platform with limited preemptions. *)
  Section Properties.

    Context {Task: eqType}.
    Variable task_cost: Task time.

    Context {Job: eqType}.
    Variable job_arrival: Job time.
    Variable job_cost: Job time.
    Variable job_task: Job Task.

    (* Consider any job arrival sequence... *)
    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.

    (* ...and any uniprocessor schedule of these jobs. *)
    Variable sched: schedule Job.

    (* For simplicity, let's define some local names. *)
    Let job_pending := pending job_arrival job_cost sched.
    Let job_completed_by := completed_by job_cost sched.
    Let job_scheduled_at := scheduled_at sched.

    (* First, we define the notion of a preemption time. *)
    Section PreemptionTime.

      (* Let can_be_preempted be a function that maps a job j and the progress of j
         at some time instant t to a boolean value, i.e., true if job j can be 
         preempted at this point of execution and false otherwise. *)

      Variable can_be_preempted: Job time bool.

      (* We say that a time instant t is a preemption time iff there's no job currently 
         scheduled at t that cannot be preempted (according to the predicate). *)

      Definition preemption_time (t: time) :=
        if sched t is Some j then
          can_be_preempted j (service sched j t)
        else true.

      (* Since the notion of preemption time is based on an user-provided 
         predicate (variable can_be_preempted), it does not guarantee that 
         the scheduler will enforce correct behavior. For that, we must 
         define additional predicates. *)

      Section CorrectPreemptionModel.

        (* First, if a job j is not preemptive at some time instant t, 
           then j must be scheduled at time t. *)

        Definition not_preemptive_implies_scheduled (j: Job) :=
            ~~ can_be_preempted j (service sched j t)
            job_scheduled_at j t.

        (* A job can start its execution only from a preemption point. *)
        Definition execution_starts_with_preemption_point (j: Job) :=
            ~~ job_scheduled_at j prt
            job_scheduled_at j prt.+1
            can_be_preempted j (service sched j prt.+1).

        (* We say that a model is a correct preemption model if both
           definitions given above are satisfied for any job. *)

        Definition correct_preemption_model :=
            arrives_in arr_seq j
            not_preemptive_implies_scheduled j
             execution_starts_with_preemption_point j.

      End CorrectPreemptionModel.

      (* Note that for analysis purposes, it is important that the distance 
         between preemption points of a job is bounded. To ensure that, we 
         define next the model of bounded nonpreemptive segment. *)

      Section ModelWithBoundedNonpreemptiveRegions.

        (* We require that a job has to be executed at least one time instant
           in order to reach a nonpreemptive segment. *)

        Definition job_cannot_become_nonpreemptive_before_execution (j: Job) :=
          can_be_preempted j 0.

        (* And vice versa, a job cannot remain nonpreemptive after its completion. *)
        Definition job_cannot_be_nonpreemptive_after_completion (j: Job) :=
          can_be_preempted j (job_cost j).

        (* Consider a function that maps a job to the length of 
           its maximal nonpreemptive segment. *)

        Variable job_max_nps: Job time.

        (* And a function task_max_nps... *)
        Variable task_max_nps: Task time.

        (* ...that gives an upper bound for values of the function job_max_nps. *)
        Definition job_max_nonpreemptive_segment_le_task_max_nonpreemptive_segment (j: Job) :=
          arrives_in arr_seq j
          job_max_nps j task_max_nps (job_task j).

        (* Next, we say that all the segments of a job j have bounded length iff for any 
           progress progr of job j there exists a preemption point preeemption_point such that
           [progr <= preemption_point <= progr + (job_max_nps j - ε)]. That is, in any time 
           interval of length [job_max_nps j], there exists a preeemption point which     
           lies in this interval. *)

        Definition nonpreemptive_regions_have_bounded_length (j: Job) :=
            0 progr job_cost j
              progr preemption_point progr + (job_max_nps j - ε)
              can_be_preempted j preemption_point.

        (* Finally, we say that the schedule enforces bounded nonpreemptive segments 
           iff the predicate can_be_preempted satisfies the two conditions above. *)

        Definition model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments :=
            arrives_in arr_seq j
            job_cannot_become_nonpreemptive_before_execution j
             job_cannot_be_nonpreemptive_after_completion j
             job_max_nonpreemptive_segment_le_task_max_nonpreemptive_segment j
             nonpreemptive_regions_have_bounded_length j.

      End ModelWithBoundedNonpreemptiveRegions.

      (* In this section we prove a few basic properties of the can_be_preempted predicate. *)
      Section Lemmas.

        Variable job_max_nps: Job time.
        Variable task_max_nps: Task time.

        (* Consider the correct model with bounded nonpreemptive segments. *)
        Hypothesis H_correct_preemption_model: correct_preemption_model.
        Hypothesis H_model_with_bounded_np_segments:
          model_with_bounded_nonpreemptive_segments job_max_nps task_max_nps.

        (* Assume jobs come from some arrival sequence. *)
        Hypothesis H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
          jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq.

        (* Then, we can show that time 0 is a preemption time. *)
        Lemma zero_is_pt: preemption_time 0.
          unfold preemption_time.
          case SCHED: (sched 0) ⇒ [j | ]; last by done.
          move: (SCHED) ⇒ /eqP ARR.
          apply H_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence in ARR.
          rewrite /service /service_during big_geq; last by done.
            by move: (H_model_with_bounded_np_segments j ARR) ⇒ [PP _]; apply PP.

        (* Also, we show that the first instant of execution is a preemption time. *)
        Lemma first_moment_is_pt:
           j prt,
            arrives_in arr_seq j
            ~~ job_scheduled_at j prt
            job_scheduled_at j prt.+1
            preemption_time prt.+1.
          intros s pt ARR NSCHED SCHED.
          unfold preemption_time.
          move: (SCHED) ⇒ /eqP SCHED2; rewrite SCHED2; clear SCHED2.
            by move: (H_correct_preemption_model s ARR) ⇒ [_ FHF]; auto.

      End Lemmas.

    End PreemptionTime.

    (* Next, we define properties related to execution. *)
    Section Execution.

      (* Similarly to preemptive scheduling, we say that the schedule is 
         work-conserving iff whenever a job is backlogged, the processor 
         is always busy scheduling another job. *)

      (* Imported from the preemptive schedule. *)
      Definition work_conserving := Platform.work_conserving job_cost.

    End Execution.

    (* Next, we define properties related to FP scheduling. *)
    Section FP.

      (* Consider any preemption model. *)
      Variable preemption_model: Job time bool.

      (* We say that an FP policy...*)
      Variable higher_eq_priority: FP_policy Task.

      (* respected by the schedule iff, at every preemption point, 
         a scheduled task has higher (or same) priority than (as) 
         any backlogged task. *)

      Definition respects_FP_policy_at_preemption_point :=
         j j_hp t,
          preemption_time preemption_model t
          arrives_in arr_seq j
          backlogged job_arrival job_cost sched j t
          scheduled_at sched j_hp t
          higher_eq_priority (job_task j_hp) (job_task j).

    End FP.

    (* Next, we define properties related to JLFP policies. *)
    Section JLFP.

      (* Consider a scheduling model. *)
      Variable preemption_model: Job time bool.

      (* We say that a JLFP policy ...*)
      Variable higher_eq_priority: JLFP_policy Job.

      (* respected by the schedule iff, at every preemption point, 
         a scheduled task has higher (or same) priority than (as) 
         any backlogged task. *)

      Definition respects_JLFP_policy_at_preemption_point :=
         j j_hp t,
          preemption_time preemption_model t
          arrives_in arr_seq j
          backlogged job_arrival job_cost sched j t
          scheduled_at sched j_hp t
          higher_eq_priority j_hp j.

    End JLFP.

  End Properties.

End LimitedPreemptionPlatform.