Library rt.restructuring.analysis.transform.facts.edf_opt

This file contains the main argument of the EDF optimality proof, starting with an analysis of the individual functions that drive the "EDF-ication" of a given reference schedule and ending with the proofs of individual properties of the obtained EDF schedule.
We start by analyzing the helper function [find_swap_candidate], which is a problem-specific wrapper around [search_arg].
Section FindSwapCandidateFacts.

  (* For any given type of jobs... *)
  Context {Job : JobType} `{JobCost Job} `{JobDeadline Job} `{JobArrival Job}.

  (* ...consider an ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
  Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).

  (* ...that is well-behaved (i.e., in which jobs execute only after
     having arrived and only if they are not yet complete). *)

  Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute: jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched.
  Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute: completed_jobs_dont_execute sched.

  (* Suppose we are given a job [j1]... *)
  Variable j1: Job.

  (* ...and a point in time [t1]... *)
  Variable t1: instant.

  (* which [j1] is scheduled... *)
  Hypothesis H_not_idle: scheduled_at sched j1 t1.

  (* ...and that is before its deadline. *)
  Hypothesis H_deadline_not_missed: t1 < job_deadline j1.

  (* First, we observe that under these assumptions the processor
     state at time [t1] is "relevant" according to the notion of
     relevance underlying the EDF transformation, namely
     [relevant_pstate]. *)

  Lemma t1_relevant: relevant_pstate t1 (sched t1).

  (* Since [t1] is relevant, we conclude that a search for a relevant
     state succeeds (if nothing else, it finds [t1]). *)

  Lemma fsc_search_successful:
     t, search_arg sched (relevant_pstate t1) earlier_deadline t1 (job_deadline j1) = Some t.

  (* For rewriting purposes, we observe that the [search_arg]
     operation within [find_swap_candidate] yields the final result of
     [find_swap_candidate]. *)

  Corollary fsc_search_result:
    search_arg sched (relevant_pstate t1) earlier_deadline t1 (job_deadline j1) = Some (find_swap_candidate sched t1 j1).

  (* There is a job that is scheduled at the time that
     [find_swap_candidate] returns, and that job arrives no later than
     at time [t1]. *)

  Lemma fsc_not_idle:
     j', (scheduled_at sched j' (find_swap_candidate sched t1 j1))
                job_arrival j' t1.

  (* Since we are considering a uniprocessor model, only one job is
     scheduled at a time. Hence once we know that a job is scheduled
     at the time that [find_swap_candidate] returns, we can conclude
     that it arrives not later than at time t1. *)

  Corollary fsc_found_job_arrival:
      scheduled_at sched j2 (find_swap_candidate sched t1 j1)
      job_arrival j2 t1.

  (* We observe that [find_swap_candidate] returns a value within a
     known finite interval. *)

  Lemma fsc_range:
    t1 find_swap_candidate sched t1 j1 < job_deadline j1.

  (* For convenience, since we often only require the lower bound on
     the interval, we re-state it as a corollary. *)

  Corollary fsc_range1:
    t1 find_swap_candidate sched t1 j1.

  (* The following lemma is a key step of the overall proof: the job
     scheduled at the time found by [find_swap_candidate] has the
     property that it has a deadline that is no later than that of any
     other job in the window given by time [t1] and the deadline of
     the job scheduled at time [t1]. *)

  Lemma fsc_found_job_deadline:
      scheduled_at sched j2 (find_swap_candidate sched t1 j1)
       j t,
        t1 t < job_deadline j1
        scheduled_at sched j t
        job_arrival j t1
        job_deadline j2 job_deadline j.

  (* As a special case of the above lemma, we observe that the job
     scheduled at the time given by [find_swap_candidate] in
     particular has a deadline no later than the job scheduled at time
     [t1]. *)

  Corollary fsc_no_later_deadline:
      scheduled_at sched j2 (find_swap_candidate sched t1 j1)
      job_deadline j2 job_deadline j1.

End FindSwapCandidateFacts.

In the next section, we analyze properties of [make_edf_at], which we abbreviate as "mea" in the following.
Section MakeEDFAtFacts.

  (* For any given type of jobs... *)
  Context {Job : JobType} `{JobCost Job} `{JobDeadline Job} `{JobArrival Job}.

  (* ...consider an ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
  Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).

  (* ...that is well-behaved...  *)
  Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute: jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched.
  Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute: completed_jobs_dont_execute sched.

  (* ...and in which no scheduled job misses a deadline. *)
  Hypothesis H_no_deadline_misses: all_deadlines_met sched.

  (* Since we will require this fact repeatedly, we briefly observe
     that, since no scheduled job misses its deadline, if a job is
     scheduled at some time [t], then its deadline is later than
     [t]. *)

  Fact scheduled_job_in_sched_has_later_deadline:
     j t,
      scheduled_at sched j t
      job_deadline j > t.

  (* We analyze [make_edf_at] applied to an arbitrary point in time,
     which we denote [t_edf] in the following. *)

  Variable t_edf: instant.

  (* For brevity, let [sched'] denote the schedule obtained from
     [make_edf_at] applied to [sched] at time [t_edf]. *)

  Let sched' := make_edf_at sched t_edf.

  (* First, we observe that in [sched'] jobs still don't execute past
     completion. *)

  Lemma mea_completed_jobs:
    completed_jobs_dont_execute sched'.

  (* Importantly, [make_edf_at] does not introduce any deadline
     misses, which is a crucial step in the EDF optimality
     argument. *)

  Lemma mea_no_deadline_misses:
    all_deadlines_met sched'.

  (* As a result, we may conclude that any job scheduled at a time t has a deadline later than t. *)
  Corollary mea_scheduled_job_has_later_deadline:
     j t,
      scheduled_at sched' j t
      job_deadline j > t.

  (* Next comes a big step in the optimality proof: we observe that
     [make_edf_at] indeed ensures that [EDF_at] holds at time [t_edf] in
     sched'. As this is a larger argument, we proceed by case analysis and
     first establish a couple of helper lemmas in the following section. *)

  Section GuaranteeCaseAnalysis.

    (* Let j_orig denote the job scheduled in sched at time t_edf, let j_edf
       denote the job scheduled in sched' at time t_edf, and let j' denote any
       job scheduled in sched' at some time t' after t_edf...  *)

    Variable j_orig j_edf j': Job.

    Variable t': instant.
    Hypothesis H_t_edf_le_t' : t_edf t'.

    Hypothesis H_sched_orig: scheduled_at sched j_orig t_edf.
    Hypothesis H_sched_edf: scheduled_at sched' j_edf t_edf.
    Hypothesis H_sched': scheduled_at sched' j' t'.

    (* ... and that arrives before time t_edf. *)
    Hypothesis H_arrival_j' : job_arrival j' t_edf.

    (* We begin by observing three simple facts that will be used repeatedly in
       the case analysis. *)

    (* First, the deadline of j_orig is later than t_edf. *)
    Fact mea_guarantee_dl_orig: t_edf < job_deadline j_orig.

    (* Second, by the definition of sched', j_edf is scheduled in sched at the time
       returned by [find_swap_candidate]. *)

    Fact mea_guarantee_fsc_is_j_edf: sched (find_swap_candidate sched t_edf j_orig) = Some j_edf.

    (* Third, the deadline of j_edf is no later than the deadline of j_orig. *)
    Fact mea_guarantee_deadlines: job_deadline j_edf job_deadline j_orig.

    (* With the setup in place, we are now ready to begin the case analysis. *)

    (* First, we consider the simpler case where t' is no earlier than the
       deadline of j_orig. This case is simpler because t' being no earlier
       than j_orig's deadline implies that j' has deadline no earlier than
       j_orig (since no scheduled job in sched misses a deadline), which in
       turn has a deadline no earlier than j_edf.  *)

    Lemma mea_guarantee_case_t'_past_deadline:
      job_deadline j_orig t'
      job_deadline j_edf job_deadline j'.

    (* Next, we consider the more difficult case, where t' is before the
       deadline of j_orig. *)

    Lemma mea_guarantee_case_t'_before_deadline:
      t' < job_deadline j_orig
      job_deadline j_edf job_deadline j'.

  End GuaranteeCaseAnalysis.

  (* Finally, putting the preceding case analysis together, we obtain the
     result that [make_edf_at] establishes [EDF_at] at time [t_edf]. *)

  Lemma make_edf_at_guarantee:
    EDF_at sched' t_edf.

  (* We observe that [make_edf_at] maintains the property that jobs must arrive
     to execute. *)

  Lemma mea_jobs_must_arrive:
    jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched'.

  (* We connect the fact that a job is scheduled in [sched'] to the
     fact that it must be scheduled somewhere in [sched], too, since
     [make_edf_at] does not introduce any new jobs.  *)

  Lemma mea_job_scheduled:
     j t,
      scheduled_at sched' j t
       t', scheduled_at sched j t'.

  (* Conversely, if a job is scheduled in [sched], it is also
     scheduled somewhere in [sched'] since [make_edf_at] does not lose
     any jobs. *)

  Lemma mea_job_scheduled':
     j t,
      scheduled_at sched j t
       t', scheduled_at sched' j t'.

  (* Next, we observe that if all jobs in [sched] come from a given
     arrival sequence, then that's still the case in [sched'], too. *)

  Section ArrivalSequence.

    (* For given arrival sequence,... *)
    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.

    (* ...if all jobs in [sched] come from the arrival sequence,... *)
    Hypothesis H_from_arr_seq: jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq.

    (* ...then all jobs in [sched'] do, too. *)
    Lemma mea_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
      jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched' arr_seq.

  End ArrivalSequence.

  (* For the final claim, assume that [EDF_at] already holds
     everywhere prior to time [t_edf], i.e., that [sched] consists of
     an EDF prefix. *)

  Hypothesis H_EDF_prefix: t, t < t_edf EDF_at sched t.

  (* We establish a key property of [make_edf_at]: not only does it
     ensure [EDF_at] at time [t_edf], it also maintains the fact that
     the schedule has an EDF prefix prior to time [t_edf]. In other
     words, it grows the EDF prefix by one time unit. *)

  Lemma mea_EDF_widen:
     t, t t_edf EDF_at sched' t.

End MakeEDFAtFacts.

In the following section, we establish properties of [edf_transform_prefix].
Section EDFPrefixFacts.

  (* For any given type of jobs... *)
  Context {Job : JobType} `{JobCost Job} `{JobDeadline Job} `{JobArrival Job}.

  (* ...consider an ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
  Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).

  (* ...that is well-behaved...  *)
  Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute: jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched.
  Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute: completed_jobs_dont_execute sched.

  (* ...and in which no scheduled job misses a deadline. *)
  Hypothesis H_no_deadline_misses: all_deadlines_met sched.

  (* Consider any point in time, denoted [horizon], and... *)
  Variable horizon: instant.

  (* ...let [sched'] denote the schedule obtained by EDF-ifying
     [sched] up to the horizon. *)

  Let sched' := edf_transform_prefix sched horizon.

  (* To start, we observe that [sched'] is still well-behaved and
     without deadline misses. *)

  Lemma edf_prefix_well_formedness:
    completed_jobs_dont_execute sched'
    jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched'
    all_deadlines_met sched'.

  (* Because it is needed frequently, we extract the second clause of
     the above conjunction as a corollary. *)

  Corollary edf_prefix_jobs_must_arrive:
    jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched'.

  (* We similarly observe that the absence of deadline misses implies
     that any scheduled job must have a deadline at a time later then
     when it is scheduled. *)

  Corollary edf_prefix_scheduled_job_has_later_deadline:
     j t,
      scheduled_at sched' j t
      job_deadline j > t.

  (* Since no jobs are lost or added to the schedule by
     [edf_transform_prefix], we if a job is scheduled in the
     transformed schedule, then it is also scheduled at some point in
     the original schedule. *)

  Lemma edf_prefix_job_scheduled:
     j t,
      scheduled_at sched' j t
       t', scheduled_at sched j t'.

  (* Conversely, if a job is scheduled in the original schedule, it is
     also scheduled at some point in the transformed schedule. *)

  Lemma edf_prefix_job_scheduled':
     j t,
      scheduled_at sched j t
       t', scheduled_at sched' j t'.

  (* Next, we note that [edf_transform_prefix] maintains the
     property that all jobs stem from a given arrival sequence. *)

  Section ArrivalSequence.

    (* For any arrival sequence,... *)
    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.

    (* ...if all jobs in the original schedule come from the arrival sequence,... *)
    Hypothesis H_from_arr_seq: jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq.

    (* ...then all jobs in the transformed schedule still come from
       the same arrival sequence. *)

    Lemma edf_prefix_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
      jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched' arr_seq.

  End ArrivalSequence.

  (* We establish the key property of [edf_transform_prefix]: that it indeed
     ensures that the resulting schedule ensures the EDF invariant up to the
     given [horizon].  *)

  Lemma edf_prefix_guarantee:
      t < horizon
      EDF_at sched' t.

End EDFPrefixFacts.

(* Finally, we observe that [edf_transform_prefix] is prefix-stable, which
   allows us to replace an earlier horizon with a later horizon.  Note: this is
   in a separate section because we need [edf_prefix_jobs_must_arrive]
   generalized for any schedule. *)

Section EDFPrefixInclusion.

  (* For any given type of jobs... *)
  Context {Job : JobType} `{JobCost Job} `{JobDeadline Job} `{JobArrival Job}.

  (* ...consider an ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
  Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).

  (* ...that is well-behaved...  *)
  Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute: jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched.
  Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute: completed_jobs_dont_execute sched.

  (* ...and in which no scheduled job misses a deadline. *)
  Hypothesis H_no_deadline_misses: all_deadlines_met sched.

  Lemma edf_prefix_inclusion:
     h1 h2,
      h1 h2
        t < h1
        (edf_transform_prefix sched h1) t = (edf_transform_prefix sched h2) t.

End EDFPrefixInclusion.

In the following section, we finally establish properties of the overall EDF-ication operation [edf_transform].
Section EDFTransformFacts.

  (* For any given type of jobs... *)
  Context {Job : JobType} `{JobCost Job} `{JobDeadline Job} `{JobArrival Job}.

  (* ...consider an ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
  Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).

  (* ...that is well-behaved...  *)
  Hypothesis H_jobs_must_arrive_to_execute: jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched.
  Hypothesis H_completed_jobs_dont_execute: completed_jobs_dont_execute sched.

  (* ...and in which no scheduled job misses a deadline. *)
  Hypothesis H_no_deadline_misses: all_deadlines_met sched.

  (* In the following, let [sched_edf] denote the EDF schedule obtained by
     transforming the given reference schedule. *)

  Let sched_edf := edf_transform sched.

  (* We begin with the first key property: the resulting schedule is actually
     an EDF schedule. *)

  Theorem edf_transform_ensures_edf:
    is_EDF_schedule sched_edf.

  (* Next, we observe that completed jobs still don't execute in the resulting
     EDF schedule. This observation is needed to establish that the resulting
     EDF schedule is valid. *)

  Lemma edf_transform_completed_jobs_dont_execute:
    completed_jobs_dont_execute sched_edf.

  (* Similarly, we observe that no job is scheduled prior to its arrival. *)
  Lemma edf_transform_jobs_must_arrive:
    jobs_must_arrive_to_execute sched_edf.

  (* We next establish the second key property: in the transformed EDF
     schedule, no scheduled job misses a deadline. *)

  Theorem edf_transform_deadlines_met:
    all_deadlines_met sched_edf.

  (* We observe that no new jobs are introduced: any job scheduled in the EDF
     schedule were also present in the reference schedule. *)

  Lemma edf_transform_job_scheduled:
     j t, scheduled_at sched_edf j t t', scheduled_at sched j t'.

  (* Conversely, we observe that no jobs are lost: any job scheduled in the
     reference schedule is also present in the EDF schedule. *)

  Lemma edf_transform_job_scheduled':
     j t, scheduled_at sched j t t', scheduled_at sched_edf j t'.

  (* Next, we note that [edf_transform] maintains the property that all jobs
     stem from a given arrival sequence. *)

  Section ArrivalSequence.

    (* For any arrival sequence,... *)
    Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.

    (* ...if all jobs in the original schedule come from the arrival sequence,... *)
    Hypothesis H_from_arr_seq: jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched arr_seq.

    (* ...then all jobs in the transformed EDF schedule still come from the
       same arrival sequence. *)

    Lemma edf_transform_jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence:
      jobs_come_from_arrival_sequence sched_edf arr_seq.

  End ArrivalSequence.

End EDFTransformFacts.

Finally, we state the theorems that jointly make up the EDF optimality claim.
Section Optimality.
  (* For any given type of jobs... *)
  Context {Job : JobType} `{JobCost Job} `{JobDeadline Job} `{JobArrival Job}.

  (* ... consider an arbitrary valid job arrival sequence ... *)
  Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
  Hypothesis H_arr_seq_valid: valid_arrival_sequence arr_seq.

  (* ... and an ideal uniprocessor schedule... *)
  Variable sched: schedule (ideal.processor_state Job).

  (* ... that corresponds to the given arrival sequence. *)
  Hypothesis H_sched_valid: valid_schedule sched arr_seq.

  (* In the following, let [equivalent_edf_schedule] denote the schedule that
     results from the EDF transformation. *)

  Let equivalent_edf_schedule := edf_transform sched.

  Section AllDeadlinesMet.

    (* Suppose no job scheduled in the given reference schedule misses a deadline. *)
    Hypothesis H_no_deadline_misses: all_deadlines_met sched.

    (* Then the resulting EDF schedule is a valid schedule for the given
       arrival sequence... *)

    Theorem edf_schedule_is_valid:
      valid_schedule equivalent_edf_schedule arr_seq.

    (* ...and no scheduled job misses its deadline. *)
    Theorem edf_schedule_meets_all_deadlines:
      all_deadlines_met equivalent_edf_schedule.

  End AllDeadlinesMet.

  (* Next, we strengthen the above "no deadline misses" claim by relating it
     not just to all scheduled jobs, but to all jobs in the given arrival
     sequence. *)

  Section AllDeadlinesOfArrivalsMet.

    (* Suppose no job that's part of the arrival sequence misses a deadline in
       the given reference schedule. *)

    Hypothesis H_no_deadline_misses_of_arrivals: all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq sched.

    (* Then no job that's part of the arrival sequence misses a deadline in the
       EDF schedule, either. *)

    Theorem edf_schedule_meets_all_deadlines_wrt_arrivals:
      all_deadlines_of_arrivals_met arr_seq equivalent_edf_schedule.

  End AllDeadlinesOfArrivalsMet.

End Optimality.