Library prosa.model.priority.numeric_fixed_priority

Numeric Fixed Task Priorities

We define the notion of arbitrary numeric fixed task priorities, i.e., tasks are prioritized in order of user-provided numeric priority values, where numerically smaller values indicate lower priorities (as for instance it is the case in Linux).
First, we define a new task parameter task_priority that maps each task to a numeric priority value.
Based on this parameter, we define two corresponding FP policies. In one instance, a lower numeric value indicates lower priority, while in the other instance, a lower numeric value indicates higher priority. Both these interpretations can be found in practice and in the literature. For example, Linux uses "higher numeric value <-> higher priority", whereas many papers assume "lower numeric value <-> higher priority".
In this section, we define ascending numeric fixed priorities, where a larger numeric value indicates higher priority, and note some trivial facts about this interpretation of priority values.
Section PropertiesNFPA.

The instance NumericFPAscending assigns higher priority to tasks with higher numeric task_priority value.
  #[local] Instance NumericFPAscending (Task : TaskType) `{TaskPriority Task} : FP_policy Task :=
      hep_task (tsk1 tsk2 : Task) := task_priority tsk1 task_priority tsk2

Consider any kind of tasks with specified priorities...
  Context {Task : TaskType}.
  Context `{TaskPriority Task}.

...and jobs stemming from these tasks.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobTask Job Task}.

The resulting priority policy is reflexive.
The resulting priority policy is transitive.
  Lemma NFPA_is_transitive : transitive_priorities.
    movet y x z.
    rewrite /hep_job_at /JLFP_to_JLDP /hep_job /FP_to_JLFP /hep_task /NumericFPAscending.
    by movePRIO_yx PRIO_zy; apply leq_trans with (n := task_priority (job_task y)).

The resulting priority policy is total.
  Lemma NFPA_is_total : total_priorities.
  Proof. by movet j1 j2; apply: leq_total. Qed.

End PropertiesNFPA.

Next, we define descending numeric fixed priorities, where a larger numeric value indicates lower priority, and again note some trivial facts about this alternate interpretation of priority values.
Section PropertiesNFPD.

The instance NumericFPDescending assigns lower priority to tasks with higher numeric task_priority value.
  #[local] Instance NumericFPDescending (Task : TaskType) `{TaskPriority Task} : FP_policy Task :=
      hep_task (tsk1 tsk2 : Task) := task_priority tsk1 task_priority tsk2

Consider any kind of tasks with specified priorities...
  Context {Task : TaskType}.
  Context `{TaskPriority Task}.

...and jobs stemming from these tasks.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobTask Job Task}.

The resulting priority policy is reflexive.
The resulting priority policy is transitive.
  Lemma NFPD_is_transitive : transitive_priorities.
    movet y x z.
    rewrite /hep_job_at /JLFP_to_JLDP /hep_job /FP_to_JLFP /hep_task /NumericFPDescending.
    by movePRIO_yx PRIO_zy; apply leq_trans with (n := task_priority (job_task y)).

The resulting priority policy is total.
  Lemma NFPD_is_total : total_priorities.
  Proof. by movet j1 j2; apply: leq_total. Qed.

End PropertiesNFPD.

We add the above lemmas into a "Hint Database" basic_rt_facts, so Coq will be able to apply them automatically.
Global Hint Resolve
  : basic_rt_facts.