Library prosa.results.gel.rta.bounded_pi

Abstract RTA for GEL-Schedulers with Bounded Priority Inversion

In this module we instantiate the abstract response-time analysis (aRTA) for GEL-schedulers assuming the ideal uni-processor model and real-time tasks with arbitrary arrival models.
The important feature of this instantiation is that it allows reasoning about the meaningful notion of priority inversion. However, we do not specify the exact cause of priority inversion (as there may be different reasons for this, like execution of a non-preemptive segment or blocking due to resource locking). We only assume that the duration of priority inversion is bounded.
We consider tasks and jobs with the given parameters.
We assume the basic readiness model.
  #[local] Existing Instance basic_ready_instance.

A. Defining the System Model

We begin by defining the system model. First, we model arrivals using an arrival sequence. We assume that the arrival is consistent and does not contain duplicates.
We consider a valid, ideal uniprocessor schedule...
... that respects the GEL policy at every preemption point.
We assume that all arrivals have valid job costs.
We model the tasks in the system using a task set ts. We assume that all jobs in the system come from this task set.
  Variable ts : list Task.
  Hypothesis H_all_jobs_from_taskset : all_jobs_from_taskset arr_seq ts.

We assume that the task set respects the arrival curve defined by max_arrivals.
The task under consideration tsk is contained in ts.
  Variable tsk : Task.
  Hypothesis H_tsk_in_ts : tsk \in ts.

While we do not assume an explicit preemption model, we assume that any preemption model under consideration is valid. We also assume that the run-to-completion-threshold of the task tsk is valid.
As mentioned, we assume that the priority inversion for the task tsk is bound by priority_inversion_bound.

B. Encoding the Scheduling Policy and Preemption Model

Next, we encode the scheduling policy and preemption model using the functions interference and interfering_workload. To this end, we simply reuse the general definitions of interference and interfering workload that apply to any JLFP policy, as defined in the module analysis.abstract.ideal.iw_instantiation.

C. Abstract Work Conservation

Let us recall the abstract and classic notations of work conservation.
We assume that the schedule is work-conserving in the classic sense, which allows us to apply instantiated_i_and_w_are_coherent_with_schedule to conclude that abstract work-conservation also holds.

D. Bounding the Maximum Busy-Window Length

Next, we define L as the fixed point of the given equation. Given this definition of L, we can apply the theorem instantiated_busy_intervals_are_bounded to prove that L bounds the length of the busy window.
  Variable L : duration.
  Hypothesis H_L_positive : L > 0.
  Hypothesis H_fixed_point : L = total_request_bound_function ts L.

E. Defining IBF_other

Next, we define IBF_other and prove that IBF_other bounds the interference incurred by any job of tsk.
Consider the following parametrized interval.
We define the bound on the total higher-or-equal-priority (HEP) workload produced during the interval Δ as the sum of the RBFs of all tasks in the task set ts (excluding tsk) over the minimum of Δ and interval.
Finally, IBF_other for an interval R is defined as the sum of bound_on_total_hep_workload in R and priority_inversion_bound.
For convenience, we define the following acronym.
  Let PP (task : Task) := (task_priority_point task).

In this section, we prove the soundness of IBF_other. We start by establishing a bound on the HEP workload.
    Section HepWorkloadBound.

Consider any job j of task tsk that has a positive job cost and is in the arrival sequence.
      Variable j : Job.
      Hypothesis H_j_arrives : arrives_in arr_seq j.
      Hypothesis H_job_of_tsk : job_of_task tsk j.
      Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive: job_cost_positive j.

Assume the busy interval of j is given by [t1,t2).
      Variable t1 t2 : duration.
      Hypothesis H_busy_interval : definitions.busy_interval sched j t1 t2.

Assume the relative arrival time of j is given by A.
      Let A := job_arrival j - t1.

Consider any arbitrary interval Δ within the busy window.
      Variable Δ : duration.
      Hypothesis H_Δ_in_busy : t1 + Δ < t2.

Consider the set of jobs arriving in [t1, t1 + Δ).
      Let jobs := arrivals_between arr_seq t1 (t1 + Δ).

We define a predicate to identify higher priority jobs coming from the task tsk.
      Let GEL_from (tsk : Task) := fun (jo : Job) ⇒ hep_job jo j && (job_task jo == tsk).

First, consider the case where interval Δ.
      Section ShortenRange.

Consider any task tsk_o distinct from tsk. Assume tsk_o is in ts.
        Variable tsk_o : Task.
        Hypothesis H_tsko_in_ts: tsk_o \in ts.
        Hypothesis H_neq: tsk_o != tsk.

If Δ is greater than interval for tsk_o and A, ...
        Hypothesis H_Δ_ge: Z.to_nat (interval tsk_o A) Δ.

... then the workload of jobs satisfying the predicate GEL_from in the interval [t1,t1 + Δ) is equal to the workload in the interval [t1, t1 + interval [tsk_o] [A]). Note that, we use the functions Z.to_nat to Z.of_nat to convert integers to natural numbers and vice-versa.
        Lemma total_workload_shorten_range:
          workload_of_jobs (GEL_from tsk_o)
            (arrivals_between arr_seq t1 (t1 + Δ))
           workload_of_jobs (GEL_from tsk_o)
              (arrivals_between arr_seq t1
                 (Z.to_nat (Z.of_nat t1 + interval tsk_o A))).
          have BOUNDED: Z.to_nat (Z.of_nat t1 + (interval tsk_o A)) t1 + Δ by lia.
          rewrite (workload_of_jobs_nil_tail _ _ BOUNDED) // ⇒ j' IN' ARR'; rt_eauto.
          rewrite /GEL_from.
          case: (eqVneq (job_task j') tsk_o) ⇒ TSK';
                                               last by rewrite andbF.
          rewrite andbT; apply: contraT ⇒ /negPn HEP.
          move: (hep_job_arrives_after_zero _ j' HEP) ⇒ GT0.
          move: (hep_job_arrives_before _ j' HEP) ⇒ EARLIEST.
          move: H_job_of_tsk; rewrite /job_of_task ⇒ /eqP TSK.
          move: ARR'; rewrite /interval /εLATEST.
          have LATEST': (Z.of_nat (t1 + A + 1) + task_priority_point tsk -
                           task_priority_point tsk_o Z.of_nat (job_arrival j') )%Z
                          by lia.
          by move: LATEST'; rewrite -TSK -TSK'LATEST'; lia.

      End ShortenRange.

Using the above lemma, we prove that bound_on_total_hep_workload bounds the sum of higher-priority workload over all tasks in ts.
      Corollary sum_of_workloads_is_at_most_bound_on_total_hep_workload :
        \sum_(tsk_o <- ts | tsk_o != tsk) workload_of_jobs (GEL_from tsk_o) jobs
         bound_on_total_hep_workload A Δ.
        move: (H_busy_interval) ⇒ [[/andP [JINBI JINBI2] [QT _]] _].
        apply leq_sum_seqtsko INtsko NEQT.
        case ( Δ Z.to_nat (interval tsko A)) eqn: EQ.
        - rewrite /minn //= ifF; try by lia.
          by apply (workload_le_rbf arr_seq ts); try by done.
        - rewrite /minn ifT; try by lia.
          eapply leq_trans; first by eapply total_workload_shorten_range; eauto 2; lia.
          rewrite /GEL_from.
          case (interval tsko A >=? 0)%Z eqn: EQ1.
          + have → : (Z.to_nat (Z.of_nat t1 + interval tsko A)) = t1 + Z.to_nat (interval tsko A) by lia.
            by eapply workload_le_rbf; rt_eauto.
          + rewrite arrivals_between_geq /workload_of_jobs.
            rewrite big_nil.
            have → : Z.to_nat (interval tsko A) = 0 by lia.
            rewrite task_rbf_0_zero; rt_eauto.
            by lia.

    End HepWorkloadBound.

Finally, we prove that IBF_other bounds the interference incurred by tsk.
    Corollary instantiated_task_interference_is_bounded:
        arr_seq sched tsk (fun tsk A RIBF_other A R).
      movej R2 t1 t2 ARR TSK N NCOMPL BUSY.
      move: (posnP (@job_cost _ Cost j)) ⇒ [ZERO|POS].
      - exfalso; move: NCOMPL ⇒ /negP COMPL; apply: COMPL.
        by rewrite /completed_by /completed_by ZERO.
      - move: (BUSY) ⇒ [[/andP [JINBI JINBI2] [QT _]] _].
        rewrite (cumulative_task_interference_split arr_seq _ sched _ _ _ _ _ _ j); rt_eauto; first last.
        { by eapply arrived_between_implies_in_arrivals; rt_eauto. }
        { by eapply GEL_implies_sequential_tasks; rt_auto. }
        rewrite /I leq_add //.
        + eapply cumulative_priority_inversion_is_bounded; rt_eauto.
        + eapply leq_trans; first by eapply cumulative_interference_is_bounded_by_total_service; rt_eauto.
          eapply leq_trans; first by apply service_of_jobs_le_workload; rt_eauto.
          eapply leq_trans.
          × eapply reorder_summation; eauto 2 ⇒ j' IN.
            by apply H_all_jobs_from_taskset; eapply in_arrivals_implies_arrived; exact IN.
          × eapply leq_trans.
            -- move : TSK ⇒ /eqP TSK; rewrite TSK.
               eapply sum_of_workloads_is_at_most_bound_on_total_hep_workload; eauto 2.
               by apply /eqP.
            -- by done.

F. Defining the Search Space

In this section, we define the concrete search space for GEL. Then, we prove that, if a given A is in the abstract search space, then it is also included in the concrete search space.
In order to define the concrete search space, we define the predicates task_rbf_changes_at, ...
  Definition bound_on_total_hep_workload_changes_at A :=
    has (fun tsko
           ((tsk != tsko) && (interval tsko (A - ε) != interval tsko A)))

Finally, we define the concrete search space as the set containing all points less than L at which any of the bounds on priority inversion, task rbf, or bound on total HEP workload changes.
  Definition is_in_search_space (A : duration) :=
    (A < L) && (priority_inversion_changes_at A
                || task_rbf_changes_at A
                || bound_on_total_hep_workload_changes_at A).

In this section, we prove that for any job j of tsk, if A is in the abstract search space, then it is also in the concrete search space.
  Section ConcreteSearchSpace.

Consider any job j of tsk.
    Variable j : Job.
    Hypothesis H_j_arrives : arrives_in arr_seq j.
    Hypothesis H_job_of_tsk : job_of_task tsk j.
    Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive : job_cost_positive j.

For j, the total interference bound is defined as follows.
Consider any point A in the abstract search space.
Then, A is also in the concrete search space.
    Lemma A_is_in_concrete_search_space:
      is_in_search_space A.
      move: H_A_is_in_abstract_search_space ⇒ [-> | [/andP [POSA LTL] [x [LTx INSP2]]]];
                                               apply/andP; split ⇒ //.
      { apply/orP; left; apply/orP; right.
        rewrite /task_rbf_changes_at task_rbf_0_zero //; eauto 2.
        apply contraT ⇒ /negPn /eqP ZERO.
        rewrite -(ltnn 0) {2}ZERO add0n.
        apply: (@leq_trans (task_cost tsk));
          last by apply: task_rbf_1_ge_task_cost; rt_eauto.
        apply: (@leq_trans (job_cost j)) ⇒ //.
        move: (H_job_of_tsk) ⇒ /eqP <-.
        by apply: (H_valid_job_cost _ H_j_arrives). }
      { apply contraT; rewrite !negb_or ⇒ /andP [/andP [/negPn/eqP PI /negPn/eqP RBF] WL].
        exfalso; apply INSP2.
        rewrite /total_interference_bound subnK // RBF.
        apply /eqP; rewrite eqn_add2l /IBF_other PI eqn_add2l.
        rewrite /bound_on_total_hep_workload.
        apply /eqP; rewrite big_seq_cond [RHS]big_seq_cond.
        apply eq_big ⇒ // tsk_i /andP [TS OTHER].
        move: WL; rewrite /bound_on_total_hep_workload_changes_at ⇒ /hasPn WL.
        move: {WL} (WL tsk_i TS) ⇒ /nandP [/negPn/eqP EQ|/negPn/eqP WL];
                                    first by move: OTHER; rewrite EQ ⇒ /neqP.
        case: (ltngtP (Z.to_nat (interval tsk_i A)) x) ⇒ [ltn_x|gtn_x|eq_x];
                                                         rewrite /minn;
                                                         first by rewrite ifT // WL.
        - rewrite ifF // WL.
          by lia.
        - by case: (Z.to_nat (interval tsk_i (A - ε)) < x)%nat; [rewrite WL| rewrite eq_x]. }

  End ConcreteSearchSpace.

G. Stating the Response-Time Bound R

Finally, we define the response-time bound R as follows.
  Variable R : duration.
  Hypothesis H_R_is_maximum:
     (A : duration),
      is_in_search_space A
       (F : duration),
        A + F priority_inversion_bound A
                + (task_request_bound_function tsk (A + ε) - (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk))
                + bound_on_total_hep_workload A (A + F)
          R F + (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk).

  Section ResponseTimeReccurence.

In order to connect the concrete definition of R with the shape of response-time bound equation that aRTA expects, we prove the theorem correct_search_space.
    Variable j : Job.
    Hypothesis H_j_arrives : arrives_in arr_seq j.
    Hypothesis H_job_of_tsk : job_of_task tsk j.
    Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive : job_cost_positive j.

We define the total interference as defined above.
We know that if A is in the abstract search then it is in the concrete search space. We also know that if A is in the concrete search space then there exists an R that satisfies H_R_is_maximum. Using these facts, here we prove that if A is in the abstract search space then, there exists a solution to the response-time equation as stated in the aRTA.
    Corollary correct_search_space:
        search_space.is_in_search_space tsk L total_interference_bound A
          A + F task_request_bound_function tsk (A + ε) - (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk) +
                    IBF_other A (A + F) R F + (task_cost tsk - task_rtct tsk).
      moveA IN.
      edestruct H_R_is_maximum as [F [FIX NEQ]].
      eapply A_is_in_concrete_search_space; rt_eauto.
       F; split; last by done.
      rewrite -{2}(leqRW FIX).
      by rewrite addnA [_ + priority_inversion_bound A]addnC -!addnA.

  End ResponseTimeReccurence.

H. Soundness of the Response-Time Bound

Finally, we prove that R is a bound on the response time of the task tsk.
  Theorem uniprocessor_response_time_bound_edf:
    task_response_time_bound arr_seq sched tsk R.
    movejs ARRs TSKs.
    move: (posnP (@job_cost _ Cost js)) ⇒ [ZERO|POS].
    { by rewrite /job_response_time_bound /completed_by ZERO. }
    (try ( eapply uniprocessor_response_time_bound_seq with
          (task_interference_bound_function := fun tsk A RIBF_other A R) (L0 := L) ) ||
        eapply uniprocessor_response_time_bound_seq with
      (task_interference_bound_function := fun tsk A RIBF_other A R) (L := L)); rt_eauto.
    - eapply instantiated_i_and_w_are_coherent_with_schedule; rt_eauto.
      × eapply GEL_implies_sequential_tasks; rt_eauto.
    - by eapply instantiated_interference_and_workload_consistent_with_sequential_tasks; rt_eauto.
    - by eapply instantiated_busy_intervals_are_bounded; rt_eauto.
    - by apply instantiated_task_interference_is_bounded.
    - by eapply correct_search_space; eauto 2.

End AbstractRTAforGELwithArrivalCurves.