Library prosa.implementation.refinements.arrival_bound
Require Export prosa.implementation.refinements.refinements.
Require Export prosa.implementation.definitions.arrival_bound.
Require Export prosa.implementation.definitions.arrival_bound.
In this section, we define a generic version of arrival bound and
prove that it is isomorphic to the standard, natural-number-based
Consider a generic type T, for which all the basic arithmetical
operations, ordering, and equality are defined.
Context {T : Type}.
Context `{!zero_of T, !one_of T, !sub_of T, !add_of T, !mul_of T,
!div_of T, !mod_of T, !eq_of T, !leq_of T, !lt_of T}.
Context `{!eq_of (seq T)}.
Context `{!eq_of (T × seq (T × T))}.
Context `{!zero_of T, !one_of T, !sub_of T, !add_of T, !mul_of T,
!div_of T, !mod_of T, !eq_of T, !leq_of T, !lt_of T}.
Context `{!eq_of (seq T)}.
Context `{!eq_of (T × seq (T × T))}.
As in the natural-numbers-based definition, an arrival curve prefix
is composed of an horizon and a list of steps.
A task's arrival bound is an inductive type comprised of three types of
arrival patterns: (a) periodic, characterized by a period between consequent
activation of a task, (b) sporadic, characterized by a minimum inter-arrival
time, or (c) arrival-curve prefix, characterized by a finite prefix of an
arrival curve.
Inductive task_arrivals_bound_T :=
| Periodic_T : T → task_arrivals_bound_T
| Sporadic_T : T → task_arrivals_bound_T
| ArrivalPrefix_T : T × seq (T × T) → task_arrivals_bound_T.
| Periodic_T : T → task_arrivals_bound_T
| Sporadic_T : T → task_arrivals_bound_T
| ArrivalPrefix_T : T × seq (T × T) → task_arrivals_bound_T.
Further, we define the equality for two generic tasks as the equality
of each attribute.
Definition taskab_eqdef_T (tb1 tb2 : task_arrivals_bound_T) : bool :=
match tb1, tb2 with
| Periodic_T p1, Periodic_T p2 ⇒ (p1 == p2)%C
| Sporadic_T s1, Sporadic_T s2 ⇒ (s1 == s2)%C
| ArrivalPrefix_T s1, ArrivalPrefix_T s2 ⇒ (s1 == s2)%C
| _, _ ⇒ false
match tb1, tb2 with
| Periodic_T p1, Periodic_T p2 ⇒ (p1 == p2)%C
| Sporadic_T s1, Sporadic_T s2 ⇒ (s1 == s2)%C
| ArrivalPrefix_T s1, ArrivalPrefix_T s2 ⇒ (s1 == s2)%C
| _, _ ⇒ false
The first component of arrival-curve prefix ac_prefix is called horizon.
The second component of ac_prefix is called steps.
The time steps of ac_prefix are the first components of the
steps. That is, these are time instances before the horizon
where the corresponding arrival curve makes a step.
Definition step_at_T (ac_prefix_vec : T × seq (T × T)) (t : T) :=
(last (0, 0) [ seq step <- steps_of_T ac_prefix_vec | fst step ≤ t ])%C.
(last (0, 0) [ seq step <- steps_of_T ac_prefix_vec | fst step ≤ t ])%C.
Finally, we define a generic version of the function extrapolated_arrival_curve
that performs the periodic extension of the arrival-curve prefix (and
hence, defines an arrival curve).
Definition extrapolated_arrival_curve_T (ac_prefix_vec : T × seq (T × T)) (t : T) :=
let h := horizon_of_T ac_prefix_vec in
(t %/ h × value_at_T ac_prefix_vec h + value_at_T ac_prefix_vec (t %% h))%C.
let h := horizon_of_T ac_prefix_vec in
(t %/ h × value_at_T ac_prefix_vec h + value_at_T ac_prefix_vec (t %% h))%C.
Steps should be strictly increasing both in time steps and values.
Definition ltn_steps_T (a b : T × T) := (fst a < fst b)%C && (snd a < snd b)%C.
Definition sorted_ltn_steps_T (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) :=
sorted ltn_steps_T (steps_of_T ac_prefix).
Definition sorted_ltn_steps_T (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) :=
sorted ltn_steps_T (steps_of_T ac_prefix).
We also define a predicate for non-decreasing order that is
more convenient for proving some of the claims.
Horizon should be positive.
Horizon should bound time steps.
Definition large_horizon_T (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) : bool :=
all (fun s ⇒ s ≤ horizon_of_T ac_prefix)%C (time_steps_of_T ac_prefix).
all (fun s ⇒ s ≤ horizon_of_T ac_prefix)%C (time_steps_of_T ac_prefix).
Definition specified_bursts_T (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) :=
has (fun step ⇒ step == 1)%C (time_steps_of_T ac_prefix).
has (fun step ⇒ step == 1)%C (time_steps_of_T ac_prefix).
The conjunction of the 5 afore-defined properties defines a
valid arrival-curve prefix.
Definition valid_extrapolated_arrival_curve_T (ac_prefix : ArrivalCurvePrefix) : bool :=
positive_horizon_T ac_prefix
&& large_horizon_T ac_prefix
&& no_inf_arrivals_T ac_prefix
&& specified_bursts_T ac_prefix
&& sorted_ltn_steps_T ac_prefix.
End Definitions.
Section Translation.
positive_horizon_T ac_prefix
&& large_horizon_T ac_prefix
&& no_inf_arrivals_T ac_prefix
&& specified_bursts_T ac_prefix
&& sorted_ltn_steps_T ac_prefix.
End Definitions.
Section Translation.
First, we define the function that maps a generic arrival-curve prefix to a natural-number
Definition ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix (ac_prefix_vec_T : N × seq (N × N)) : ArrivalCurvePrefix :=
(nat_of_bin (horizon_of_T ac_prefix_vec_T), m_tb2tn (steps_of_T ac_prefix_vec_T)).
(nat_of_bin (horizon_of_T ac_prefix_vec_T), m_tb2tn (steps_of_T ac_prefix_vec_T)).
... and its function relationship.
Next, we define the converse function, mapping a natural-number arrival-curve prefix
task to a generic one.
Definition ACPrefix_to_ACPrefixT (ac_prefix_vec : ArrivalCurvePrefix) : (N × seq (N × N)) :=
(bin_of_nat (horizon_of ac_prefix_vec), m_tn2tb (steps_of ac_prefix_vec)).
(bin_of_nat (horizon_of ac_prefix_vec), m_tn2tb (steps_of ac_prefix_vec)).
Further, we define the function that maps a generic task arrival-bound to a natural-number
Definition task_abT_to_task_ab (ab : @task_arrivals_bound_T N) : task_arrivals_bound :=
match ab with
| Periodic_T p ⇒ Periodic p
| Sporadic_T m ⇒ Sporadic m
| ArrivalPrefix_T ac_prefix_vec ⇒ ArrivalPrefix (ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix ac_prefix_vec)
match ab with
| Periodic_T p ⇒ Periodic p
| Sporadic_T m ⇒ Sporadic m
| ArrivalPrefix_T ac_prefix_vec ⇒ ArrivalPrefix (ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix ac_prefix_vec)
... and its function relationship.
Finally, we define the converse function, mapping a natural-number task arrival-bound
task to a generic one.
Definition task_ab_to_task_abT (ab : task_arrivals_bound) : @task_arrivals_bound_T N :=
match ab with
| Periodic p ⇒ Periodic_T (bin_of_nat p)
| Sporadic m ⇒ Sporadic_T (bin_of_nat m)
| ArrivalPrefix ac_prefix_vec ⇒ ArrivalPrefix_T (ACPrefix_to_ACPrefixT ac_prefix_vec)
End Translation.
Section Lemmas.
match ab with
| Periodic p ⇒ Periodic_T (bin_of_nat p)
| Sporadic m ⇒ Sporadic_T (bin_of_nat m)
| ArrivalPrefix ac_prefix_vec ⇒ ArrivalPrefix_T (ACPrefix_to_ACPrefixT ac_prefix_vec)
End Translation.
Section Lemmas.
We prove that leq_steps_T is transitive...
... and so is ltn_steps_T.
In this fairly technical section, we prove a series of refinements
aimed to be able to convert between a standard natural-number task
and a generic task.
We prove the refinement for the leq_steps function.
Global Instance refine_leq_steps :
refines (prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R)%rel leq_steps leq_steps_T.
refines (prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R)%rel leq_steps leq_steps_T.
Next, we prove the refinement for the ltn_steps function.
Global Instance refine_ltn_steps :
refines (prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R)%rel ltn_steps ltn_steps_T.
refines (prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> prod_R Rnat Rnat ==> bool_R)%rel ltn_steps ltn_steps_T.
Next, we prove the refinement for the ACPrefixT_to_ACPrefix function.
Next, we prove the refinement for the ltn_steps_sorted function.
Global Instance refine_ltn_steps_sorted :
∀ xs xs',
refines ( list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) )%rel xs xs' →
refines ( bool_R )%rel (sorted ltn_steps xs) (sorted ltn_steps_T xs').
∀ xs xs',
refines ( list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) )%rel xs xs' →
refines ( bool_R )%rel (sorted ltn_steps xs) (sorted ltn_steps_T xs').
Next, we prove the refinement for the leq_steps_sorted function.
Global Instance refine_leq_steps_sorted :
∀ xs xs',
refines ( list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) )%rel xs xs' →
refines ( bool_R )%rel (sorted leq_steps xs) (sorted leq_steps_T xs').
∀ xs xs',
refines ( list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat) )%rel xs xs' →
refines ( bool_R )%rel (sorted leq_steps xs) (sorted leq_steps_T xs').
Next, we prove the refinement for the value_at function.
Global Instance refine_value_at :
refines (prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==> Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel value_at value_at_T.
refines (prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==> Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel value_at value_at_T.
Next, we prove the refinement for the time_steps_of function.
Global Instance refine_get_time_steps :
refines (prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==> list_R Rnat)%rel time_steps_of time_steps_of_T.
refines (prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==> list_R Rnat)%rel time_steps_of time_steps_of_T.
Next, we prove the refinement for the extrapolated_arrival_curve function.
Global Instance refine_arrival_curve_prefix :
refines (prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==> Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel extrapolated_arrival_curve extrapolated_arrival_curve_T.
refines (prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==> Rnat ==> Rnat)%rel extrapolated_arrival_curve extrapolated_arrival_curve_T.
Next, we prove the refinement for the ArrivalCurvePrefix function.
Global Instance refine_ArrivalPrefix:
refines (prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==> Rtask_ab)%rel ArrivalPrefix ArrivalPrefix_T.
refines (prod_R Rnat (list_R (prod_R Rnat Rnat)) ==> Rtask_ab)%rel ArrivalPrefix ArrivalPrefix_T.
Next, we define some useful equality functions to guide the typeclass engine.
Global Instance eq_listN : eq_of (seq N) := fun x y ⇒ x == y.
Global Instance eq_NlistNN : eq_of (prod N (seq (prod N N))) := fun x y ⇒ x == y.
Global Instance eq_taskab : eq_of (@task_arrivals_bound_T N) := taskab_eqdef_T.
Global Instance eq_NlistNN : eq_of (prod N (seq (prod N N))) := fun x y ⇒ x == y.
Global Instance eq_taskab : eq_of (@task_arrivals_bound_T N) := taskab_eqdef_T.
Finally, we prove the refinement for the ArrivalCurvePrefix function.
Global Instance refine_task_ab_eq :
refines (Rtask_ab ==> Rtask_ab ==> bool_R)%rel eqtype.eq_op eq_taskab.
End Refinements.
refines (Rtask_ab ==> Rtask_ab ==> bool_R)%rel eqtype.eq_op eq_taskab.
End Refinements.