Library prosa.model.task.arrival.sporadic

Require Export prosa.model.task.concept.

The Sporadic Task Model

In the following, we define the arrival process commonly known as the sporadic task model, where jobs may arrive at any time provided any two jobs of a task are separated by at least the minimum inter-arrival time (or period) of the task.

Task Parameter for the Sporadic Task Model

Under the sporadic task model, each task is characterized by its minimum inter-arrival time, which we denote as task_min_inter_arrival_time.

Model Validity

Next, we define the semantics of the sporadic task model.
Consider any type of sporadic tasks.
  Context {Task : TaskType} `{SporadicModel Task}.

A valid sporadic task should have a non-zero minimum inter-arrival time.
Further, in the context of a set of such tasks, ...
  Variable ts : TaskSet Task.

... every task in the set should have a valid inter-arrival time.
Next, consider any type of jobs stemming from these tasks ...
  Context {Job : JobType} `{JobTask Job Task} `{JobArrival Job}.

... and an arbitrary arrival sequence of such jobs.
  Variable arr_seq : arrival_sequence Job.

We say that a task respects the sporadic task model if the arrivals of its jobs in the arrival sequence are appropriately spaced in time.
  Definition respects_sporadic_task_model (tsk : Task) :=
     (j j': Job),
Given two different jobs j and j' ...
      j j'
...that belong to the arrival sequence...
      arrives_in arr_seq j
      arrives_in arr_seq j'
... and that stem from the given task, ...
      job_task j = tsk
      job_task j' = tsk
... if the arrival of j precedes the arrival of j' ...,
      job_arrival j job_arrival j'
then the arrival of j and the arrival of j' are separated by at least one period.
Based on the above definition, we define the sporadic task model as follows.