Library prosa.results.fifo.rta

Abstract RTA for FIFO-schedulers

In this module we instantiate the Abstract Response-Time analysis (aRTA) to FIFO schedulers for real-time tasks with arbitrary arrival models assuming an ideal uni-processor model.
Given the FIFO priority policy and an ideal uni-processor scheduler model, we can explicitly specify interference, interfering_workload, and interference_bound_function. In this settings, we can define natural notions of service, workload, busy interval, etc.
Consider any type of tasks, each characterized by a WCET, a relative deadline, and a run-to-completion threshold, ...
  Context {Task : TaskType}.
  Context `{TaskCost Task}.
  Context `{TaskDeadline Task}.
  Context `{TaskRunToCompletionThreshold Task}.

... and any type of jobs associated with these tasks, where each each job has an arrival time, a cost, and a preemption-point predicate.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobTask Job Task}.
  Context {Arrival : JobArrival Job}.
  Context {Cost : JobCost Job}.
  Context `{JobPreemptable Job}.

We assume the classic (i.e., Liu & Layland) model of readiness without jitter or self-suspensions, wherein pending jobs are always ready.
  #[local] Existing Instance basic_ready_instance.

Consider any arrival sequence with consistent, non-duplicate arrivals.
Next, consider any valid ideal uni-processor schedule of this arrival sequence.
Note that we differentiate between abstract and classical notions of work-conserving schedules.
We assume that the schedule is a work-conserving schedule in the classical sense, and later prove that the hypothesis about abstract work-conservation also holds.
Assume that a job's cost cannot be larger than its task's WCET.
Consider an arbitrary task set ts.
  Variable ts : list Task.

Next, we assume that all jobs come from the task set.
Let max_arrivals be a family of valid arrival curves, i.e., for any task tsk in ts max_arrival tsk is (1) an arrival bound of tsk, and (2) a monotonic function that equals 0 for the empty interval delta = 0.
Let tsk be any task in ts that is to be analyzed.
  Variable tsk : Task.
  Hypothesis H_tsk_in_ts : tsk \in ts.

Consider a valid preemption model...
...and a valid task run-to-completion threshold function. That is, task_rtct tsk is (1) no larger than tsk's cost, (2) for any job of task tsk, job_rtct is bounded by task_rtct.
We also assume that the schedule respects the policy defined by the preemption model.
We introduce rbf as an abbreviation of the task request bound function, which is defined as task_cost(T) × max_arrivals(T,Δ) for a given task T.
Next, we introduce task_rbf as an abbreviation of the task request bound function of task tsk.
   Let task_rbf := rbf tsk.

For simplicity, let's define some local names.
Let L be any positive fixed point of the busy interval recurrence.
  Variable L : duration.
  Hypothesis H_L_positive : L > 0.
  Hypothesis H_fixed_point : L = total_request_bound_function ts L.

To reduce the time complexity of the analysis, we introduce the notion of search space for FIFO. Intuitively, this corresponds to all "interesting" arrival offsets that the job under analysis might have with regard to the beginning of its busy-window.
In the case of FIFO, the final search space is the set of offsets less than L such that there exists a task tsko from ts such that rbf tsko (A) rbf tsko (A + ε).
  Definition is_in_search_space (A : duration) :=
    (A < L) && has (fun tskorbf tsko (A) != rbf tsko ( A + ε )) ts.

Let R be a value that upper-bounds the solution of each response-time equation, i.e., for any relative arrival time A in the search space, there exists a corresponding solution F such that R F.
  Variable R : duration.
  Hypothesis H_R_is_maximum:
     (A : duration),
      is_in_search_space A
       (F : nat),
        A + F \sum_(tsko <- ts) rbf tsko (A + ε)
        F R.

To use the theorem uniprocessor_response_time_bound from the Abstract RTA module, we need to specify functions that concretely define the abstract concepts interference, interfering workload, and IBF.

Instantiation of Interference

We say that job j incurs interference at time t iff it cannot execute due to a higher-or-equal-priority job being scheduled, or if it incurs a priority inversion.

Instantiation of Interfering Workload

The interfering workload, in turn, is defined as the sum of the priority inversion function and interfering workload of jobs with higher or equal priority.
Finally, we define the interference bound function (IBF). IBF bounds the cumulative interference incurred by a job. For FIFO, we define IBF as the sum of RBF for all tasks in the interval A + ε minus the WCET of tsk.

Filling Out Hypotheses Of Abstract RTA Theorem

In this section we prove that all hypotheses necessary to use the abstract theorem are satisfied.
In this section, we prove that, under FIFO scheduling, the cumulative priority inversion experienced by a job j in any interval within its busy window is always 0. We later use this fact to prove the bound on the cumulative interference.
    Section PriorityInversion.

Consider any job j of the task under consideration tsk.
      Variable j : Job.
      Hypothesis H_j_arrives : arrives_in arr_seq j.
      Hypothesis H_job_of_tsk : job_task j = tsk.

Assume that the job has a positive cost.
      Hypothesis H_job_cost_positive: job_cost_positive j.

Assume the busy interval of the job is given by [t1,t2).
      Variable t1 t2 : duration.
      Hypothesis H_busy_interval :
        definitions.busy_interval sched interference interfering_workload j t1 t2.

Consider any interval [t1,t1 + Δ) in the busy interval of j.
      Variable Δ : duration.
      Hypothesis H_Δ_in_busy : t1 + Δ < t2.

We prove that the cumulative priority inversion in the interval [t1, t1 + Δ) is 0.
Using the above lemma, we prove that IBF is indeed an interference bound.
Finally, we show that there exists a solution for the response-time equation.
Consider any job j of tsk.
      Variable j : Job.
      Hypothesis H_j_arrives : arrives_in arr_seq j.
      Hypothesis H_job_of_tsk : job_of_task tsk j.
      Hypothesis H_positive_cost : 0 < task_cost tsk.

Next, consider any A from the search space (in the abstract sense).
      Variable A : nat.
      Hypothesis H_A_is_in_abstract_search_space:
        search_space.is_in_search_space tsk L IBF A.

We prove that A is also in the concrete search space. In other words, we prove that the abstract search space is a subset of the concrete search space.
      Lemma A_is_in_concrete_search_space:
        is_in_search_space A.
Then, there exists a solution for the response-time recurrence (in the abstract sense).

Final Theorem

Based on the properties established above, we apply the abstract analysis framework to infer that R is a response-time bound for tsk.