Library prosa.classic.util.nat

Require Export prosa.util.nat.

Require Import prosa.classic.util.tactics mathcomp.zify.zify.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop div.

(* Additional lemmas about natural numbers. *)
Section NatLemmas.

  Lemma addnb (b1 b2 : bool) : ( + ) != 0 = || .
    by destruct ,;
    rewrite ?addn0 ?add0n ?addn1 ?orTb ?orbT ?orbF ?orFb.

  Lemma subh4:
     m n p,
      m n
      p n
      (m == n - p) = (p == n - m).
    intros; apply/eqP.
    destruct (p == n - m) eqn:EQ.
      by move: EQ ⇒ /eqP EQ; rewrite EQ subKn.
      by apply negbT in EQ; unfold not; intro BUG;
        rewrite BUG subKn ?eq_refl in EQ.

  Lemma addmovr:
     m n p,
      m n
      (m - n = p m = p + n).
    by split; ins; lia.

  Lemma addmovl:
     m n p,
      m n
      (p = m - n p + n = m).
    by split; ins; lia.

  Lemma ltSnm : n m, n.+1 < m n < m.
    by ins; apply ltn_trans with (n := n.+1); [by apply ltnSn |by ins].

  Lemma min_lt_same :
     x y z,
      minn x z < minn y z x < y.
    unfold minn; ins; desf.
      apply negbT in ; rewrite -ltnNge in .
      by apply leq_trans with (n := z).
      apply negbT in Heq; rewrite -ltnNge in Heq.
      by apply (ltn_trans H) in ; rewrite ltnn in .
    by rewrite ltnn in H.

End NatLemmas.