Library probsa.probability.law_of_total_prob

(* -------------------------------- Coq-Proba ------------------------------- *)
From discprob.prob Require Export prob countable stochastic_order indep.

(* --------------------------------- ProBsa --------------------------------- *)
From probsa.util Require Export indicator.
From probsa.probability Require Export conditional.

(* ---------------------------------- Main ---------------------------------- *)

Law of Total Probability

In the following section, we show that if we have a countable set of pairwise disjoint sets, then the sum of probabilities of those sets converges to a finite value. The proof of this result is highly technical; therefore, it is recommended to skip over any "Definitions" and "Remarks".
Section SumOfDisjointEventsExists.

  Variable (Ω : countType).
  Variable (μ : measure Ω).

  Variables (I : countType) (B : I pred Ω).
  Hypothesis H_Bi_disjoint : ω, i j : I, B i ω B j ω i = j.

  Definition is_in_cover : pred Ω :=
    λ (ω : Ω), exC (λ i, B i ω).

  Definition get_cover_index (ω : Ω) : option I :=
    match LPO_countb (fun iB i ω) with
    | inleft iSome (sval i)
    | inright _None

  Definition pickle_cover_of ω : nat :=
    match get_cover_index ω with
    | NoneO
    | Some i(pickle i).+1

  Remark get_cover_index_valid :
     v a, B v a get_cover_index a = Some v.
  Definition apt :=
    λ mn, match mn with
          | (S m, S n)
              match (@pickle_inv I m), (@pickle_inv Ω n) with
              | Some i, Some aif B i a then μ a else 0
              | _, _ ⇒ 0
          | _ ⇒ 0

  Definition σpt : nat nat × nat :=
    λ n, match @pickle_inv [countType of Ω] n with
         | Some a(pickle_cover_of a , S(pickle a))
         | None(O, O)

  Remark σpt_inj :
     n n', apt (σpt n) 0 σpt n = σpt n' n = n'.

  Remark σpt_cov :
     n, apt n 0 m, σpt m = n.

  Remark apt_row_rewrite :
     j, Series (λ k : nat, apt (S j, S k)) = countable_sum (λ i : I, <μ>{[ B i ]}) j.

  Remark apt_double_summable_by_column :
    double_summable apt.

Next we prove that if we have a partition of our measure space Ω into sets B i, then the probabilities of each set B i can be summed up and that sum is equal to the sum of the measure of all ω Ω, where ω is only included in the sum if ω is covered by some set in the partition.
  Remark pr_eq_over_partition_is_series :
      (countable_sum (λ (i : I), <μ>{[ B i ]}))
      (Series (countable_sum (λ (ω : Ω), if is_in_cover ω then μ ω else 0))).

Finally, we show that if we have a countable partition of a probability space (Ω, μ) into (disjoint) sets B i, then the series of probabilities of those sets converges. In other words, if we sum the probability measures of each set in the partition, the resulting series converges.
In the following section we prove the law of total probability. The law states that, given an event P and a countable set of pairwise disjoint events B i, the probability of P is equal to the sum of the probabilities of the intersection P B i for all i.
The proof of this result is highly technical; therefore, it is recommended to skip over any "Definitions" and "Remarks".
Consider a probability space (Ω, μ), ...
  Context {Ω} {μ : measure Ω}.

Consider any predicate P : Ω bool. Notice that any predicate trivially defines a subset of Ω as Ω | P ω }. Also recall that subsets of Ω are also events.
  Variable (P : pred Ω).

Consider a countable type I (this can be either finite or countably infinite set) and a family of predicates B : I pred Ω.
  Variables (I : countType) (B : I pred Ω).

Next, let us assume that B covers all positive-probability elements of Ω. That is, for any element ω : Ω with positive probability, there exists an element i : I such that ω satisfies/belongs to B i.
Second, let us assume that B is a set of disjoint sets. That is, for any element ω : Ω and for any distinct i, j : I, if both B i ω and B j ω are true, then i must equal j. This enforces the requirement that the sets defined by the predicates in B must be disjoint.
  Hypothesis H_Bi_covers : ω, μ ω > 0 i : I, B i ω.
  Hypothesis H_Bi_disjoint : ω, i j : I, B i ω B j ω i = j.

  Definition atotal : nat × nat R :=
    fun mn
      match mn with
      | (m, n)
          match (@pickle_inv I m), (@pickle_inv Ω n) with
          | Some i, Some a ⇒ (if (B i a) && P a then μ a else 0)
          | _, _ ⇒ 0

  Remark ex_total_column_abs i :
      (λ k : nat,
            match @pickle_inv Ω k with
            | Some aif (B i a) && P a then μ a else 0
            | None ⇒ 0

  Remark atotal_double_summable_by_column:
    double_summable atotal.

  Remark atotal_row_rewrite j :
    Series (λ k : nat, atotal (j, k))
    = countable_sum (λ i : I, pr μ (λ a, (B i a) && P a)) j.

  Remark atotal_column_rewrite k :
    Series (λ j : nat, atotal (j, k))
    = countable_sum (λ a, if P a then μ a else 0) k.

With this, we prove that the probability of an event defined by P is equal to the (possibly infinite) sum of events defined by B i P, where i I.
  Lemma law_of_total_probability :
    <μ>{[ P ]} = ∑[∞]_{i <- I} <μ>{[ B i P ]}.
End LawOfTotalProbability.

Section LawOfTotalProbabilityProd.

  Context {Ω} (μ : measure Ω).

  Variable (A : pred Ω).
  Variable (S : @Ω_partition Ω μ).

  Lemma law_of_total_probability_prod :
    <μ>{[ A ]} = ∑[∞]_{ i <- I S } <μ>{[ A p S i ]}.

End LawOfTotalProbabilityProd.

(* ------------------------------ Corollaries ------------------------------- *)

Corollary bigop_inf_cdf_le :
   {Ω} {μ : measure Ω} (X : nrvar μ) (n0 : nat),
    ∑[∞]_{n<-nat} (I[n n0] × <μ>{[ λ ω, X ω == n ]})%R = <μ>{[ X ⟨<=⟩ n0 ]}.

Corollary bigop_inf_option_cdf_lt :
   {Ω} {μ : measure Ω} (X : Ω option nat) (n0 : option nat),
    ∑[∞]_{n<-option nat} (I[n0 ⟨<⟩ n] × <μ>{[ λ ω, X ω == n ]})%R = <μ>{[ λ ω, n0 ⟨<⟩ X ω ]}.