Library probsa.rt.model.task

(* --------------------------------- Prosa ---------------------------------- *)
From prosa.model Require Export task.concept.

(* --------------------------------- ProBsa --------------------------------- *)
From probsa.probability Require Export nrvar.

(* ---------------------------------- Main ---------------------------------- *)


In this file, we define pWCET's probability mass function. The typeclass contains three elements: (1) a function called pWCET_pmf that takes a Task and a work as input and returns a value in R that is supposed to denote the "probability" of a task to take a certain value, (2) a proof term that pWCET_pmf is non negative for any task and any work value, and (3) a proof term that pWCET_pmf sums up to 1.
It is important to note that even though R represents the set of real numbers, in the context of probability theory, probabilities are always represented by values between 0 and 1. Therefore, the pWCET_pmf function actually returns a value within the closed interval [0,1], representing the probability of a given Task completing after consuming work time units of processor service.
Class ProbWCET (Task : TaskType) := {
    pWCET_pmf : Task (work R);
    pWCET_nonnegative : (tsk : Task), (w : work), pWCET_pmf tsk w 0;
    pWCET_sum1 : (tsk : Task), is_series (countable_sum (pWCET_pmf tsk)) 1

(* ------------------------------ Definitions ------------------------------- *)



  Context {Ω} (μ : measure Ω).

  Context {Task : TaskType}
          {pWCET : ProbWCET Task}.

Next, we define a more common form of pWCET as a CDF. Note that since pWCET_pmf is not an actual random variable, we cannot re-use the existing definition of CDF. Hence, we simply define pWCET_cdf tsk w0 as a sum of pWCET_pmf tsk w of all w w0.
  Definition pWCET_cdf (tsk : Task) (w0 : nat) :=
    ∑[∞]_{w <- nat} if (w w0)%nat then pWCET_pmf tsk w else 0.