Library rt.model.schedule.partitioned.schedule
Require Import rt.util.all.
Require Import rt.model.time rt.model.arrival.basic.task rt.model.arrival.basic.job.
Require Import
Require Import
Require rt.model.schedule.uni.schedule rt.model.schedule.uni.schedulability.
Module Partitioned.
Module uni := rt.model.schedule.uni.schedule.UniprocessorSchedule.
Module uni_sched := rt.model.schedule.uni.schedulability.Schedulability.
Import SporadicTaskset Schedule Schedulability.
Export Time.
Section PartitionedDefs.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_task: Job → Task.
(* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* Given any multiprocessor schedule of these jobs, ... *)
Context {num_cpus: nat}.
Variable sched: schedule Job num_cpus.
(* ... we define a notion of "partitioned scheduling" (= no migrations) on
a per-job, per-task, and finally whole-schedule level. *)
Section NoJobMigration.
(* A job is "partitioned" iff it never migrates, i.e., it
* executes on the same processor whenever it is scheduled. *)
(* So any job j... *)
Variable j: Job.
(* ... never migrates iff the following holds: ... *)
Definition never_migrates :=
(* ...for any point in time t... *)
∀ t,
(* ...and any processor cpu... *)
∀ cpu,
(* ... if job j is scheduled at time t on processor cpu... *)
scheduled_on sched j cpu t →
(* ...then at any other time... *)
∀ t',
(* ...if the same job is scheduled, it must be scheduled on
* the same processor. *)
∀ cpu',
scheduled_on sched j cpu' t' → cpu' = cpu.
(* Furthermore, we say that the job is assigned to processor assigned_cpu
* if it executes only on that processor. *)
Variable assigned_cpu : processor num_cpus.
Definition job_local_to_processor :=
∀ t, ∀ cpu,
scheduled_on sched j cpu t → cpu = assigned_cpu.
End NoJobMigration.
(* Having defined a notiont of 'partitioned' for individual jobs, let us
* now turn to tasks. *)
Section NoTaskMigration.
(* Given any task tsk in ts, ... *)
Variable tsk: Task.
(* ...we say that tsk is assigned to processor assigned_cpu ... *)
Variable assigned_cpu : processor num_cpus.
(* ...iff every job of tsk executes exclusively on assigned_cpu. *)
Definition task_local_to_processor :=
∀ j,
job_task j = tsk →
job_local_to_processor j assigned_cpu.
End NoTaskMigration.
(* Finally, a schedule is fully partitioned iff every task is assigned
to some processor. *)
Section PartitionedSchedule.
(* Consider a task set ts to be scheduled. *)
Variable ts: list Task.
(* Given an assignment from every task in ts to a processor, ...*)
Variable assigned_cpu: Task → processor num_cpus.
(* ...we say that a schedule is partitioned iff every task is local
to the corresponding processor. *)
Definition partitioned_schedule :=
∀ tsk,
tsk \in ts →
task_local_to_processor tsk (assigned_cpu tsk).
End PartitionedSchedule.
End PartitionedDefs.
Section SimpleProperties.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Context {num_cpus: nat}.
Variable sched: schedule Job num_cpus.
Section NoJobMigrationLemmas.
Variable j: Job.
Lemma local_jobs_dont_migrate:
∀ cpu,
job_local_to_processor sched j cpu → never_migrates sched j.
End NoJobMigrationLemmas.
End SimpleProperties.
End Partitioned.
Require Import rt.model.time rt.model.arrival.basic.task rt.model.arrival.basic.job.
Require Import
Require Import
Require rt.model.schedule.uni.schedule rt.model.schedule.uni.schedulability.
Module Partitioned.
Module uni := rt.model.schedule.uni.schedule.UniprocessorSchedule.
Module uni_sched := rt.model.schedule.uni.schedulability.Schedulability.
Import SporadicTaskset Schedule Schedulability.
Export Time.
Section PartitionedDefs.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_task: Job → Task.
(* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* Given any multiprocessor schedule of these jobs, ... *)
Context {num_cpus: nat}.
Variable sched: schedule Job num_cpus.
(* ... we define a notion of "partitioned scheduling" (= no migrations) on
a per-job, per-task, and finally whole-schedule level. *)
Section NoJobMigration.
(* A job is "partitioned" iff it never migrates, i.e., it
* executes on the same processor whenever it is scheduled. *)
(* So any job j... *)
Variable j: Job.
(* ... never migrates iff the following holds: ... *)
Definition never_migrates :=
(* ...for any point in time t... *)
∀ t,
(* ...and any processor cpu... *)
∀ cpu,
(* ... if job j is scheduled at time t on processor cpu... *)
scheduled_on sched j cpu t →
(* ...then at any other time... *)
∀ t',
(* ...if the same job is scheduled, it must be scheduled on
* the same processor. *)
∀ cpu',
scheduled_on sched j cpu' t' → cpu' = cpu.
(* Furthermore, we say that the job is assigned to processor assigned_cpu
* if it executes only on that processor. *)
Variable assigned_cpu : processor num_cpus.
Definition job_local_to_processor :=
∀ t, ∀ cpu,
scheduled_on sched j cpu t → cpu = assigned_cpu.
End NoJobMigration.
(* Having defined a notiont of 'partitioned' for individual jobs, let us
* now turn to tasks. *)
Section NoTaskMigration.
(* Given any task tsk in ts, ... *)
Variable tsk: Task.
(* ...we say that tsk is assigned to processor assigned_cpu ... *)
Variable assigned_cpu : processor num_cpus.
(* ...iff every job of tsk executes exclusively on assigned_cpu. *)
Definition task_local_to_processor :=
∀ j,
job_task j = tsk →
job_local_to_processor j assigned_cpu.
End NoTaskMigration.
(* Finally, a schedule is fully partitioned iff every task is assigned
to some processor. *)
Section PartitionedSchedule.
(* Consider a task set ts to be scheduled. *)
Variable ts: list Task.
(* Given an assignment from every task in ts to a processor, ...*)
Variable assigned_cpu: Task → processor num_cpus.
(* ...we say that a schedule is partitioned iff every task is local
to the corresponding processor. *)
Definition partitioned_schedule :=
∀ tsk,
tsk \in ts →
task_local_to_processor tsk (assigned_cpu tsk).
End PartitionedSchedule.
End PartitionedDefs.
Section SimpleProperties.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Context {num_cpus: nat}.
Variable sched: schedule Job num_cpus.
Section NoJobMigrationLemmas.
Variable j: Job.
Lemma local_jobs_dont_migrate:
∀ cpu,
job_local_to_processor sched j cpu → never_migrates sched j.
End NoJobMigrationLemmas.
End SimpleProperties.
End Partitioned.