Library rt.util.find_seq
Require Import rt.util.all.
Section find_seq.
Context {T:eqType}.
Variable P: T→ bool.
Fixpoint findP l:=
match l with
| nil ⇒ None
| x::s ⇒ if P x then Some x else findP s
Lemma findP_FIFO:
∀ (l:seq T) x y,
P y = true → y \in l → x ≠ y →
findP l = Some x →
find (fun j ⇒ j==x) l < find (fun j ⇒ j==y) l.
Lemma find_uniql:
∀ (x:T) l1 l2,
uniq(l1 ++ l2) →
x \in l2 →
¬ x \in l1.
Lemma find_uniq:
∀ (x:T) l1 l2,
uniq(l1 ++ l2) →
x \in l2 →
has (fun x': T⇒ x'==x) l1 = false.
Lemma findP_in_seq:
∀ (l:seq T) x,
findP l = Some x →
P x ∧ x \in l.
Lemma findP_notSome_in_seq:
∀ (l:seq T) x,
findP l != Some x →
x \in l→
¬ P x ∨ ∃ y, findP l = Some y.
End find_seq.
Section find_seq.
Context {T:eqType}.
Variable P: T→ bool.
Fixpoint findP l:=
match l with
| nil ⇒ None
| x::s ⇒ if P x then Some x else findP s
Lemma findP_FIFO:
∀ (l:seq T) x y,
P y = true → y \in l → x ≠ y →
findP l = Some x →
find (fun j ⇒ j==x) l < find (fun j ⇒ j==y) l.
Lemma find_uniql:
∀ (x:T) l1 l2,
uniq(l1 ++ l2) →
x \in l2 →
¬ x \in l1.
Lemma find_uniq:
∀ (x:T) l1 l2,
uniq(l1 ++ l2) →
x \in l2 →
has (fun x': T⇒ x'==x) l1 = false.
Lemma findP_in_seq:
∀ (l:seq T) x,
findP l = Some x →
P x ∧ x \in l.
Lemma findP_notSome_in_seq:
∀ (l:seq T) x,
findP l != Some x →
x \in l→
¬ P x ∨ ∃ y, findP l = Some y.
End find_seq.