Library rt.model.basic.task_arrival
Require Import rt.util.all.
Require Import rt.model.basic.task rt.model.basic.job rt.model.basic.schedule.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
(* Properties of the job arrival. *)
Module SporadicTaskArrival.
Import SporadicTaskset Schedule.
Section ArrivalModels.
(* Assume the task period is known. *)
Context {sporadic_task: eqType}.
Variable task_period: sporadic_task → time.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Variable job_task: Job → sporadic_task.
(* Then, we define the sporadic task model as follows.*)
Definition sporadic_task_model :=
∀ (j j': JobIn arr_seq),
j ≠ j' → (* Given two different jobs j and j' ... *)
job_task j = job_task j' → (* ... of the same task, ... *)
job_arrival j ≤ job_arrival j' → (* ... if the arrival of j precedes the arrival of j' ..., *)
(* then the arrival of j and the arrival of j' are separated by at least one period. *)
job_arrival j' ≥ job_arrival j + task_period (job_task j).
End ArrivalModels.
End SporadicTaskArrival.
Require Import rt.model.basic.task rt.model.basic.job rt.model.basic.schedule.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq.
(* Properties of the job arrival. *)
Module SporadicTaskArrival.
Import SporadicTaskset Schedule.
Section ArrivalModels.
(* Assume the task period is known. *)
Context {sporadic_task: eqType}.
Variable task_period: sporadic_task → time.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
Variable job_task: Job → sporadic_task.
(* Then, we define the sporadic task model as follows.*)
Definition sporadic_task_model :=
∀ (j j': JobIn arr_seq),
j ≠ j' → (* Given two different jobs j and j' ... *)
job_task j = job_task j' → (* ... of the same task, ... *)
job_arrival j ≤ job_arrival j' → (* ... if the arrival of j precedes the arrival of j' ..., *)
(* then the arrival of j and the arrival of j' are separated by at least one period. *)
job_arrival j' ≥ job_arrival j + task_period (job_task j).
End ArrivalModels.
End SporadicTaskArrival.