Require Import rt.util.all.
Require Import
Require Import
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
Module InterferenceBoundGeneric.
Section Definitions.
Import Schedule WorkloadBound.
Context {sporadic_task: eqType}.
Variable task_cost: sporadic_task → time.
Variable task_period: sporadic_task → time.
Variable task_deadline: sporadic_task → time.
(* Let tsk be the task to be analyzed. *)
Variable tsk: sporadic_task.
Let task_with_response_time := (sporadic_task × time)%type.
(* Assume a known response-time bound for each interfering task ... *)
Variable R_prev: seq task_with_response_time.
(* ... and an interval length delta. *)
Variable delta: time.
Section PerTask.
Variable tsk_R: task_with_response_time.
Let tsk_other := fst tsk_R.
Let R_other := snd tsk_R.
(* Based on the workload bound, Bertogna and Cirinei define the
following interference bound for a task. *)
Definition interference_bound_generic :=
W task_cost task_period tsk_other R_other delta.
End PerTask.
End Definitions.
End InterferenceBoundGeneric.
Require Import
Require Import
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
Module InterferenceBoundGeneric.
Section Definitions.
Import Schedule WorkloadBound.
Context {sporadic_task: eqType}.
Variable task_cost: sporadic_task → time.
Variable task_period: sporadic_task → time.
Variable task_deadline: sporadic_task → time.
(* Let tsk be the task to be analyzed. *)
Variable tsk: sporadic_task.
Let task_with_response_time := (sporadic_task × time)%type.
(* Assume a known response-time bound for each interfering task ... *)
Variable R_prev: seq task_with_response_time.
(* ... and an interval length delta. *)
Variable delta: time.
Section PerTask.
Variable tsk_R: task_with_response_time.
Let tsk_other := fst tsk_R.
Let R_other := snd tsk_R.
(* Based on the workload bound, Bertogna and Cirinei define the
following interference bound for a task. *)
Definition interference_bound_generic :=
W task_cost task_period tsk_other R_other delta.
End PerTask.
End Definitions.
End InterferenceBoundGeneric.