Library rt.util.find_seq

From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrnat eqtype seq bigop div.
Require Import rt.util.all.

Section find_seq.
  Context {T:eqType}.
  Variable P: T bool.
  Fixpoint findP l:=
    match l with
    | nilNone
    | x::sif P x then Some x else findP s

  Lemma findP_FIFO:
     (l:seq T) x y,
    P y = true y \in l x y
    findP l = Some x
    find (fun jj==x) l < find (fun jj==y) l.
    intros× PY YIN NEQ FIND.
    induction l.
    - auto.
    - case (a==x)eqn:AX;case (a==y)eqn:AY;simpl; rewrite AX AY;auto.
      + move/eqP in AX;move/eqP in AY;rewrite AX in AY;auto.
      + simpl in FIND;move/eqP in AY;rewrite AY PY in FIND;clarify;
        by move/eqP in AX.
      + rewrite in_cons in YIN. move:YIN⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | YIN]. move/eqP in AY;auto.
        simpl in FIND. case (P a) eqn:PA;clarify. move/eqP in AX;auto. apply IHl;auto.

  Lemma find_uniql:
     (x:T) l1 l2,
    uniq(l1 ++ l2)
    x \in l2
    ¬ x \in l1.
    intros. intro XIN.
    induction l1. auto.
    case (a==x)eqn:AX;move/eqP in AX;simpl in H;
    move:H=>/andP [NIN U];move/negP in NIN;auto.
    rewrite AX in NIN. have XIN12: x \in (l1++l2).
    rewrite mem_cat. apply/orP. by right.
    apply IHl1;auto. rewrite in_cons in XIN.
    move:XIN=>/orP [/eqP EQ | XL1];auto.

  Lemma find_uniq:
     (x:T) l1 l2,
    uniq(l1 ++ l2)
    x \in l2
    has (fun x': Tx'==x) l1 = false.
    apply /negP /negP /hasPn.
    intros. apply find_uniql with (x:=x) in H;auto.
    case (x0==x)eqn:XX;move/eqP in XX;last trivial.
    rewrite -XX in H0. by subst.

  Lemma findP_in_seq:
     (l:seq T) x,
    findP l = Some x
    P x x \in l.
    intros× FIND.
    - generalize dependent x. induction l.
      + by rewrite /=.
      + simpl. case (P a) eqn:CASE. intros x SOME.
        case : SOMEAX. subst. auto.
    - generalize dependent x. induction l.
      + by rewrite /=.
      + simpl. case (P a) eqn:CASE. intros x SOME.
        case : SOMEAX. subst. rewrite in_cons.
        apply/orP. left. trivial.
        intros x FIND. rewrite in_cons. apply/orP. right. auto.

  Lemma findP_notSome_in_seq:
     (l:seq T) x,
    findP l != Some x
    x \in l
    ¬ P x y, findP l = Some y.
    intros× NFIND IN.
    generalize dependent x. induction l;intros x G IN.
    - auto.
    - simpl in G. case (P a) eqn:CASE.
      + right; a;simpl;by rewrite CASE.
      + case (a==x) eqn:AX.
        × left. move/eqP in AX. by rewrite -AX CASE.
        × apply IHl in G. destruct G as [NP|EXIST].
          -- by left.
          -- right. simpl. by rewrite CASE.
             rewrite in_cons in IN. move/orP in IN.
             destruct IN as [XA | XINL].
             ++ move/eqP in XA. move/eqP in AX. auto.
             ++ trivial.

End find_seq.