Library rt.util.minmax
Require Import rt.util.tactics rt.util.notation rt.util.sorting rt.util.nat rt.util.list.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
Section MinMaxSeq.
Section ArgGeneric.
Context {T1 T2: eqType}.
Variable rel: T2 → T2 → bool.
Variable F: T1 → T2.
Fixpoint seq_argmin (l: seq T1) :=
if l is x :: l' then
if seq_argmin l' is Some y then
if rel (F x) (F y) then Some x else Some y
else Some x
else None.
Fixpoint seq_argmax (l: seq T1) :=
if l is x :: l' then
if seq_argmax l' is Some y then
if rel (F y) (F x) then Some x else Some y
else Some x
else None.
Section Lemmas.
Lemma seq_argmin_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_argmin l != None.
induction l; first by done.
intros x; rewrite in_cons.
move ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | IN] /=;
first by subst; destruct (seq_argmin l); first by case: ifP.
by destruct (seq_argmin l); first by case: ifP.
Lemma seq_argmin_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_argmin l = Some x →
x \in l.
induction l; simpl; first by done.
intros x ARG.
destruct (seq_argmin l);
last by case: ARG ⇒ EQ; subst; rewrite in_cons eq_refl.
destruct (rel (F a) (F s));
first by case: ARG ⇒ EQ; subst; rewrite in_cons eq_refl.
case: ARG ⇒ EQ; subst.
by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right; apply IHl.
Lemma seq_argmax_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_argmax l != None.
induction l; first by done.
intros x; rewrite in_cons.
move ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | IN] /=;
first by subst; destruct (seq_argmax l); first by case: ifP.
by destruct (seq_argmax l); first by case: ifP.
Lemma seq_argmax_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_argmax l = Some x →
x \in l.
induction l; simpl; first by done.
intros x ARG.
destruct (seq_argmax l);
last by case: ARG ⇒ EQ; subst; rewrite in_cons eq_refl.
destruct (rel (F s) (F a));
first by case: ARG ⇒ EQ; subst; rewrite in_cons eq_refl.
case: ARG ⇒ EQ; subst.
by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right; apply IHl.
Section TotalOrder.
Hypothesis H_transitive: transitive rel.
Variable l: seq T1.
Hypothesis H_total_over_list:
∀ x y,
x \in l →
y \in l →
rel (F x) (F y) || rel (F y) (F x).
Lemma seq_argmin_computes_min:
∀ x y,
seq_argmin l = Some x →
y \in l →
rel (F x) (F y).
rename H_transitive into TRANS, H_total_over_list into TOT, l into l'.
induction l'; first by done.
intros x y EQmin IN; simpl in EQmin.
rewrite in_cons in IN.
move: IN ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | IN].
subst; destruct (seq_argmin l') eqn:ARG; last first.
case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst.
by exploit (TOT x x); try (by rewrite in_cons eq_refl); rewrite orbb.
destruct (rel (F a) (F s)) eqn:REL; case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst;
first by exploit (TOT x x); try (by rewrite in_cons eq_refl); rewrite orbb.
exploit (TOT a x).
- by rewrite in_cons eq_refl.
- by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right; apply seq_argmin_in_seq.
- by rewrite REL /=.
destruct (seq_argmin l') eqn:ARG.
destruct (rel (F a) (F s)) eqn:REL; case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst; last first.
apply IHl'; [| by done | by done].
by intros x0 y0 INx INy; apply TOT; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
apply TRANS with (y := F s); first by done.
apply IHl'; [| by done | by done].
by intros x0 y0 INx INy; apply TOT; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst.
by apply seq_argmin_exists in IN; rewrite ARG in IN.
Lemma seq_argmax_computes_max:
∀ x y,
seq_argmax l = Some x →
y \in l →
rel (F y) (F x).
rename H_transitive into TRANS, H_total_over_list into TOT, l into l'.
induction l'; first by done.
intros x y EQmin IN; simpl in EQmin.
rewrite in_cons in IN.
move: IN ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | IN].
subst; destruct (seq_argmax l') eqn:ARG; last first.
case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst.
by exploit (TOT x x); try (by rewrite in_cons eq_refl); rewrite orbb.
destruct (rel (F s) (F a)) eqn:REL; case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst;
first by exploit (TOT x x); try (by rewrite in_cons eq_refl); rewrite orbb.
exploit (TOT a x).
- by rewrite in_cons eq_refl.
- by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right; apply seq_argmax_in_seq.
- by rewrite REL orbF.
destruct (seq_argmax l') eqn:ARG.
destruct (rel (F s) (F a)) eqn:REL; case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst; last first.
apply IHl'; [| by done | by done].
by intros x0 y0 INx INy; apply TOT; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
apply TRANS with (y := F s); last by done.
apply IHl'; [| by done | by done].
by intros x0 y0 INx INy; apply TOT; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst.
by apply seq_argmax_exists in IN; rewrite ARG in IN.
End TotalOrder.
End Lemmas.
End ArgGeneric.
Section MinGeneric.
Context {T: eqType}.
Variable rel: rel T.
Definition seq_min := seq_argmin rel id.
Definition seq_max := seq_argmax rel id.
Section Lemmas.
Lemma seq_min_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_min l != None.
by apply seq_argmin_exists.
Lemma seq_min_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_min l = Some x →
x \in l.
by apply seq_argmin_in_seq.
Lemma seq_max_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_max l != None.
by apply seq_argmax_exists.
Lemma seq_max_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_max l = Some x →
x \in l.
by apply seq_argmax_in_seq.
Section TotalOrder.
Hypothesis H_transitive: transitive rel.
Variable l: seq T.
Hypothesis H_total_over_list:
∀ x y,
x \in l →
y \in l →
rel x y || rel y x.
Lemma seq_min_computes_min:
∀ x y,
seq_min l = Some x →
y \in l →
rel x y.
by apply seq_argmin_computes_min.
Lemma seq_max_computes_max:
∀ x y,
seq_max l = Some x →
y \in l →
rel y x.
by apply seq_argmax_computes_max.
End TotalOrder.
End Lemmas.
End MinGeneric.
Section ArgNat.
Context {T: eqType}.
Variable F: T → nat.
Definition seq_argmin_nat := seq_argmin leq F.
Definition seq_argmax_nat := seq_argmax leq F.
Section Lemmas.
Lemma seq_argmin_nat_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_argmin_nat l != None.
by apply seq_argmin_exists.
Lemma seq_argmin_nat_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_argmin_nat l = Some x →
x \in l.
by apply seq_argmin_in_seq.
Lemma seq_argmax_nat_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_argmax_nat l != None.
by apply seq_argmax_exists.
Lemma seq_argmax_nat_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_argmax_nat l = Some x →
x \in l.
by apply seq_argmax_in_seq.
Section TotalOrder.
Lemma seq_argmin_nat_computes_min:
∀ l x y,
seq_argmin_nat l = Some x →
y \in l →
F x ≤ F y.
intros l x y SOME IN.
apply seq_argmin_computes_min with (l0 := l); try (by done).
- by intros x1 x2 x3; apply leq_trans.
- by intros x1 x2 IN1 IN2; apply leq_total.
Lemma seq_argmax_nat_computes_max:
∀ l x y,
seq_argmax_nat l = Some x →
y \in l →
F x ≥ F y.
intros l x y SOME IN.
apply seq_argmax_computes_max with (l0 := l); try (by done).
- by intros x1 x2 x3; apply leq_trans.
- by intros x1 x2 IN1 IN2; apply leq_total.
End TotalOrder.
End Lemmas.
End ArgNat.
Section MinNat.
Definition seq_min_nat := seq_argmin leq id.
Definition seq_max_nat := seq_argmax leq id.
Section Lemmas.
Lemma seq_min_nat_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_min_nat l != None.
by apply seq_argmin_exists.
Lemma seq_min_nat_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_min_nat l = Some x →
x \in l.
by apply seq_argmin_in_seq.
Lemma seq_max_nat_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_max_nat l != None.
by apply seq_argmax_exists.
Lemma seq_max_nat_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_max_nat l = Some x →
x \in l.
by apply seq_argmax_in_seq.
Section TotalOrder.
Lemma seq_min_nat_computes_min:
∀ l x y,
seq_min_nat l = Some x →
y \in l →
x ≤ y.
intros l x y SOME IN.
apply seq_min_computes_min with (l0 := l); try (by done).
- by intros x1 x2 x3; apply leq_trans.
- by intros x1 x2 IN1 IN2; apply leq_total.
Lemma seq_max_nat_computes_max:
∀ l x y,
seq_max_nat l = Some x →
y \in l →
x ≥ y.
intros l x y SOME IN.
apply seq_max_computes_max with (l0 := l); try (by done).
- by intros x1 x2 x3; apply leq_trans.
- by intros x1 x2 IN1 IN2; apply leq_total.
End TotalOrder.
End Lemmas.
End MinNat.
Section NatRange.
Definition values_between (a b: nat) :=
filter (fun x ⇒ x ≥ a) (map (@nat_of_ord _) (enum 'I_b)).
Lemma mem_values_between a b:
∀ x, x \in values_between a b = (a ≤ x < b).
intros x; rewrite mem_filter.
move ⇒ /andP [GE IN].
move: IN ⇒ /mapP [x' IN] EQ; subst.
rewrite mem_enum in IN.
by apply/andP; split.
move ⇒ /andP [GE LT].
rewrite GE andTb.
apply/mapP; ∃ (Ordinal LT); last by done.
by rewrite mem_enum.
Definition min_nat_cond P (a b: nat) :=
seq_min_nat (filter P (values_between a b)).
Definition max_nat_cond P (a b: nat) :=
seq_max_nat (filter P (values_between a b)).
Lemma min_nat_cond_exists:
∀ (P: nat → bool) (a b: nat) x,
a ≤ x < b →
P x →
min_nat_cond P a b != None.
intros P a b x LE HOLDS.
apply seq_argmin_exists with (x0 := x).
by rewrite mem_filter mem_values_between HOLDS LE.
Lemma min_nat_cond_in_seq:
∀ P a b x,
min_nat_cond P a b = Some x →
a ≤ x < b ∧ P x.
intros P a b x SOME.
apply seq_min_nat_in_seq in SOME.
rewrite mem_filter in SOME; move: SOME ⇒ /andP [Px LE].
by split; first by rewrite mem_values_between in LE.
Lemma min_nat_cond_computes_min:
∀ P a b x,
min_nat_cond P a b = Some x →
(∀ y, a ≤ y < b → P y → x ≤ y).
intros P a b x SOME y LE Py.
apply seq_min_nat_computes_min with (y := y) in SOME; first by done.
by rewrite mem_filter Py andTb mem_values_between.
Lemma max_nat_cond_exists:
∀ (P: nat → bool) (a b: nat) x,
a ≤ x < b →
P x →
max_nat_cond P a b != None.
intros P a b x LE HOLDS.
apply seq_argmax_exists with (x0 := x).
by rewrite mem_filter mem_values_between HOLDS LE.
Lemma max_nat_cond_in_seq:
∀ P a b x,
max_nat_cond P a b = Some x →
a ≤ x < b ∧ P x.
intros P a b x SOME.
apply seq_max_nat_in_seq in SOME.
rewrite mem_filter in SOME; move: SOME ⇒ /andP [Px LE].
by split; first by rewrite mem_values_between in LE.
Lemma max_nat_cond_computes_max:
∀ P a b x,
max_nat_cond P a b = Some x →
(∀ y, a ≤ y < b → P y → y ≤ x).
intros P a b x SOME y LE Py.
apply seq_max_nat_computes_max with (y := y) in SOME; first by done.
by rewrite mem_filter Py andTb mem_values_between.
End NatRange.
End MinMaxSeq.
(* Additional lemmas about max. *)
Section ExtraLemmas.
Lemma leq_big_max I r (P : pred I) (E1 E2 : I → nat) :
(∀ i, P i → E1 i ≤ E2 i) →
\max_(i <- r | P i) E1 i ≤ \max_(i <- r | P i) E2 i.
move ⇒ leE12; elim/big_ind2 : _ ⇒ // m1 m2 n1 n2.
intros LE1 LE2; rewrite leq_max; unfold maxn.
by destruct (m2 < n2) eqn:LT; [by apply/orP; right | by apply/orP; left].
Lemma bigmax_ord_ltn_identity n :
n > 0 →
\max_(i < n) i < n.
intros LT.
destruct n; first by rewrite ltn0 in LT.
clear LT.
induction n; first by rewrite big_ord_recr /= big_ord0 maxn0.
rewrite big_ord_recr /=.
unfold maxn at 1; desf.
by apply leq_trans with (n := n.+1).
Lemma bigmax_ltn_ord n (P : pred nat) (i0: 'I_n) :
P i0 →
\max_(i < n | P i) i < n.
intros LT.
destruct n; first by destruct i0 as [i0 P0]; move: (P0) ⇒ P0'; rewrite ltn0 in P0'.
rewrite big_mkcond.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := \max_(i < n.+1) i).
apply/bigmax_leqP; ins.
destruct (P i); last by done.
by apply leq_bigmax_cond.
by apply bigmax_ord_ltn_identity.
Lemma bigmax_pred n (P : pred nat) (i0: 'I_n) :
P (i0) →
P (\max_(i < n | P i) i).
intros PRED.
induction n.
destruct i0 as [i0 P0].
by move: (P0) ⇒ P1; rewrite ltn0 in P1.
rewrite big_mkcond big_ord_recr /=; desf.
destruct n; first by rewrite big_ord0 maxn0.
unfold maxn at 1; desf.
apply negbT in Heq0; move: Heq0 ⇒ /negP BUG.
apply BUG.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := \max_(i < n.+1) i).
apply/bigmax_leqP; ins.
destruct (P i); last by done.
by apply leq_bigmax_cond.
by apply bigmax_ord_ltn_identity.
rewrite maxn0.
rewrite -big_mkcond /=.
have LT: i0 < n.
rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split;
last by rewrite -ltnS; apply ltn_ord.
apply/negP; move ⇒ /eqP BUG.
by rewrite -BUG PRED in Heq.
by rewrite (IHn (Ordinal LT)).
End ExtraLemmas.
Section Kmin.
Context {T1 T2: eqType}.
Variable rel: T2 → T2 → bool.
Variable F: T1 → T2.
Fixpoint seq_argmin_k (l: seq T1) (k: nat) :=
if k is S k' then
if (seq_argmin rel F l) is Some min_x then
let l_without_min := rem min_x l in
min_x :: seq_argmin_k l_without_min k'
else [::]
else [::].
Lemma seq_argmin_k_exists:
∀ k l x,
k > 0 →
x \in l →
seq_argmin_k l k != [::].
induction k; first by done.
move ⇒ l x _ IN /=.
destruct (seq_argmin rel F l) as [|] eqn:MIN; first by done.
suff NOTNONE: seq_argmin rel F l != None by rewrite MIN in NOTNONE.
by apply seq_argmin_exists with (x0 := x).
End Kmin.
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq fintype bigop.
Section MinMaxSeq.
Section ArgGeneric.
Context {T1 T2: eqType}.
Variable rel: T2 → T2 → bool.
Variable F: T1 → T2.
Fixpoint seq_argmin (l: seq T1) :=
if l is x :: l' then
if seq_argmin l' is Some y then
if rel (F x) (F y) then Some x else Some y
else Some x
else None.
Fixpoint seq_argmax (l: seq T1) :=
if l is x :: l' then
if seq_argmax l' is Some y then
if rel (F y) (F x) then Some x else Some y
else Some x
else None.
Section Lemmas.
Lemma seq_argmin_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_argmin l != None.
induction l; first by done.
intros x; rewrite in_cons.
move ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | IN] /=;
first by subst; destruct (seq_argmin l); first by case: ifP.
by destruct (seq_argmin l); first by case: ifP.
Lemma seq_argmin_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_argmin l = Some x →
x \in l.
induction l; simpl; first by done.
intros x ARG.
destruct (seq_argmin l);
last by case: ARG ⇒ EQ; subst; rewrite in_cons eq_refl.
destruct (rel (F a) (F s));
first by case: ARG ⇒ EQ; subst; rewrite in_cons eq_refl.
case: ARG ⇒ EQ; subst.
by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right; apply IHl.
Lemma seq_argmax_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_argmax l != None.
induction l; first by done.
intros x; rewrite in_cons.
move ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | IN] /=;
first by subst; destruct (seq_argmax l); first by case: ifP.
by destruct (seq_argmax l); first by case: ifP.
Lemma seq_argmax_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_argmax l = Some x →
x \in l.
induction l; simpl; first by done.
intros x ARG.
destruct (seq_argmax l);
last by case: ARG ⇒ EQ; subst; rewrite in_cons eq_refl.
destruct (rel (F s) (F a));
first by case: ARG ⇒ EQ; subst; rewrite in_cons eq_refl.
case: ARG ⇒ EQ; subst.
by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right; apply IHl.
Section TotalOrder.
Hypothesis H_transitive: transitive rel.
Variable l: seq T1.
Hypothesis H_total_over_list:
∀ x y,
x \in l →
y \in l →
rel (F x) (F y) || rel (F y) (F x).
Lemma seq_argmin_computes_min:
∀ x y,
seq_argmin l = Some x →
y \in l →
rel (F x) (F y).
rename H_transitive into TRANS, H_total_over_list into TOT, l into l'.
induction l'; first by done.
intros x y EQmin IN; simpl in EQmin.
rewrite in_cons in IN.
move: IN ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | IN].
subst; destruct (seq_argmin l') eqn:ARG; last first.
case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst.
by exploit (TOT x x); try (by rewrite in_cons eq_refl); rewrite orbb.
destruct (rel (F a) (F s)) eqn:REL; case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst;
first by exploit (TOT x x); try (by rewrite in_cons eq_refl); rewrite orbb.
exploit (TOT a x).
- by rewrite in_cons eq_refl.
- by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right; apply seq_argmin_in_seq.
- by rewrite REL /=.
destruct (seq_argmin l') eqn:ARG.
destruct (rel (F a) (F s)) eqn:REL; case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst; last first.
apply IHl'; [| by done | by done].
by intros x0 y0 INx INy; apply TOT; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
apply TRANS with (y := F s); first by done.
apply IHl'; [| by done | by done].
by intros x0 y0 INx INy; apply TOT; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst.
by apply seq_argmin_exists in IN; rewrite ARG in IN.
Lemma seq_argmax_computes_max:
∀ x y,
seq_argmax l = Some x →
y \in l →
rel (F y) (F x).
rename H_transitive into TRANS, H_total_over_list into TOT, l into l'.
induction l'; first by done.
intros x y EQmin IN; simpl in EQmin.
rewrite in_cons in IN.
move: IN ⇒ /orP [/eqP EQ | IN].
subst; destruct (seq_argmax l') eqn:ARG; last first.
case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst.
by exploit (TOT x x); try (by rewrite in_cons eq_refl); rewrite orbb.
destruct (rel (F s) (F a)) eqn:REL; case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst;
first by exploit (TOT x x); try (by rewrite in_cons eq_refl); rewrite orbb.
exploit (TOT a x).
- by rewrite in_cons eq_refl.
- by rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right; apply seq_argmax_in_seq.
- by rewrite REL orbF.
destruct (seq_argmax l') eqn:ARG.
destruct (rel (F s) (F a)) eqn:REL; case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst; last first.
apply IHl'; [| by done | by done].
by intros x0 y0 INx INy; apply TOT; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
apply TRANS with (y := F s); last by done.
apply IHl'; [| by done | by done].
by intros x0 y0 INx INy; apply TOT; rewrite in_cons; apply/orP; right.
case: EQmin ⇒ EQ; subst.
by apply seq_argmax_exists in IN; rewrite ARG in IN.
End TotalOrder.
End Lemmas.
End ArgGeneric.
Section MinGeneric.
Context {T: eqType}.
Variable rel: rel T.
Definition seq_min := seq_argmin rel id.
Definition seq_max := seq_argmax rel id.
Section Lemmas.
Lemma seq_min_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_min l != None.
by apply seq_argmin_exists.
Lemma seq_min_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_min l = Some x →
x \in l.
by apply seq_argmin_in_seq.
Lemma seq_max_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_max l != None.
by apply seq_argmax_exists.
Lemma seq_max_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_max l = Some x →
x \in l.
by apply seq_argmax_in_seq.
Section TotalOrder.
Hypothesis H_transitive: transitive rel.
Variable l: seq T.
Hypothesis H_total_over_list:
∀ x y,
x \in l →
y \in l →
rel x y || rel y x.
Lemma seq_min_computes_min:
∀ x y,
seq_min l = Some x →
y \in l →
rel x y.
by apply seq_argmin_computes_min.
Lemma seq_max_computes_max:
∀ x y,
seq_max l = Some x →
y \in l →
rel y x.
by apply seq_argmax_computes_max.
End TotalOrder.
End Lemmas.
End MinGeneric.
Section ArgNat.
Context {T: eqType}.
Variable F: T → nat.
Definition seq_argmin_nat := seq_argmin leq F.
Definition seq_argmax_nat := seq_argmax leq F.
Section Lemmas.
Lemma seq_argmin_nat_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_argmin_nat l != None.
by apply seq_argmin_exists.
Lemma seq_argmin_nat_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_argmin_nat l = Some x →
x \in l.
by apply seq_argmin_in_seq.
Lemma seq_argmax_nat_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_argmax_nat l != None.
by apply seq_argmax_exists.
Lemma seq_argmax_nat_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_argmax_nat l = Some x →
x \in l.
by apply seq_argmax_in_seq.
Section TotalOrder.
Lemma seq_argmin_nat_computes_min:
∀ l x y,
seq_argmin_nat l = Some x →
y \in l →
F x ≤ F y.
intros l x y SOME IN.
apply seq_argmin_computes_min with (l0 := l); try (by done).
- by intros x1 x2 x3; apply leq_trans.
- by intros x1 x2 IN1 IN2; apply leq_total.
Lemma seq_argmax_nat_computes_max:
∀ l x y,
seq_argmax_nat l = Some x →
y \in l →
F x ≥ F y.
intros l x y SOME IN.
apply seq_argmax_computes_max with (l0 := l); try (by done).
- by intros x1 x2 x3; apply leq_trans.
- by intros x1 x2 IN1 IN2; apply leq_total.
End TotalOrder.
End Lemmas.
End ArgNat.
Section MinNat.
Definition seq_min_nat := seq_argmin leq id.
Definition seq_max_nat := seq_argmax leq id.
Section Lemmas.
Lemma seq_min_nat_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_min_nat l != None.
by apply seq_argmin_exists.
Lemma seq_min_nat_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_min_nat l = Some x →
x \in l.
by apply seq_argmin_in_seq.
Lemma seq_max_nat_exists:
∀ l x,
x \in l →
seq_max_nat l != None.
by apply seq_argmax_exists.
Lemma seq_max_nat_in_seq:
∀ l x,
seq_max_nat l = Some x →
x \in l.
by apply seq_argmax_in_seq.
Section TotalOrder.
Lemma seq_min_nat_computes_min:
∀ l x y,
seq_min_nat l = Some x →
y \in l →
x ≤ y.
intros l x y SOME IN.
apply seq_min_computes_min with (l0 := l); try (by done).
- by intros x1 x2 x3; apply leq_trans.
- by intros x1 x2 IN1 IN2; apply leq_total.
Lemma seq_max_nat_computes_max:
∀ l x y,
seq_max_nat l = Some x →
y \in l →
x ≥ y.
intros l x y SOME IN.
apply seq_max_computes_max with (l0 := l); try (by done).
- by intros x1 x2 x3; apply leq_trans.
- by intros x1 x2 IN1 IN2; apply leq_total.
End TotalOrder.
End Lemmas.
End MinNat.
Section NatRange.
Definition values_between (a b: nat) :=
filter (fun x ⇒ x ≥ a) (map (@nat_of_ord _) (enum 'I_b)).
Lemma mem_values_between a b:
∀ x, x \in values_between a b = (a ≤ x < b).
intros x; rewrite mem_filter.
move ⇒ /andP [GE IN].
move: IN ⇒ /mapP [x' IN] EQ; subst.
rewrite mem_enum in IN.
by apply/andP; split.
move ⇒ /andP [GE LT].
rewrite GE andTb.
apply/mapP; ∃ (Ordinal LT); last by done.
by rewrite mem_enum.
Definition min_nat_cond P (a b: nat) :=
seq_min_nat (filter P (values_between a b)).
Definition max_nat_cond P (a b: nat) :=
seq_max_nat (filter P (values_between a b)).
Lemma min_nat_cond_exists:
∀ (P: nat → bool) (a b: nat) x,
a ≤ x < b →
P x →
min_nat_cond P a b != None.
intros P a b x LE HOLDS.
apply seq_argmin_exists with (x0 := x).
by rewrite mem_filter mem_values_between HOLDS LE.
Lemma min_nat_cond_in_seq:
∀ P a b x,
min_nat_cond P a b = Some x →
a ≤ x < b ∧ P x.
intros P a b x SOME.
apply seq_min_nat_in_seq in SOME.
rewrite mem_filter in SOME; move: SOME ⇒ /andP [Px LE].
by split; first by rewrite mem_values_between in LE.
Lemma min_nat_cond_computes_min:
∀ P a b x,
min_nat_cond P a b = Some x →
(∀ y, a ≤ y < b → P y → x ≤ y).
intros P a b x SOME y LE Py.
apply seq_min_nat_computes_min with (y := y) in SOME; first by done.
by rewrite mem_filter Py andTb mem_values_between.
Lemma max_nat_cond_exists:
∀ (P: nat → bool) (a b: nat) x,
a ≤ x < b →
P x →
max_nat_cond P a b != None.
intros P a b x LE HOLDS.
apply seq_argmax_exists with (x0 := x).
by rewrite mem_filter mem_values_between HOLDS LE.
Lemma max_nat_cond_in_seq:
∀ P a b x,
max_nat_cond P a b = Some x →
a ≤ x < b ∧ P x.
intros P a b x SOME.
apply seq_max_nat_in_seq in SOME.
rewrite mem_filter in SOME; move: SOME ⇒ /andP [Px LE].
by split; first by rewrite mem_values_between in LE.
Lemma max_nat_cond_computes_max:
∀ P a b x,
max_nat_cond P a b = Some x →
(∀ y, a ≤ y < b → P y → y ≤ x).
intros P a b x SOME y LE Py.
apply seq_max_nat_computes_max with (y := y) in SOME; first by done.
by rewrite mem_filter Py andTb mem_values_between.
End NatRange.
End MinMaxSeq.
(* Additional lemmas about max. *)
Section ExtraLemmas.
Lemma leq_big_max I r (P : pred I) (E1 E2 : I → nat) :
(∀ i, P i → E1 i ≤ E2 i) →
\max_(i <- r | P i) E1 i ≤ \max_(i <- r | P i) E2 i.
move ⇒ leE12; elim/big_ind2 : _ ⇒ // m1 m2 n1 n2.
intros LE1 LE2; rewrite leq_max; unfold maxn.
by destruct (m2 < n2) eqn:LT; [by apply/orP; right | by apply/orP; left].
Lemma bigmax_ord_ltn_identity n :
n > 0 →
\max_(i < n) i < n.
intros LT.
destruct n; first by rewrite ltn0 in LT.
clear LT.
induction n; first by rewrite big_ord_recr /= big_ord0 maxn0.
rewrite big_ord_recr /=.
unfold maxn at 1; desf.
by apply leq_trans with (n := n.+1).
Lemma bigmax_ltn_ord n (P : pred nat) (i0: 'I_n) :
P i0 →
\max_(i < n | P i) i < n.
intros LT.
destruct n; first by destruct i0 as [i0 P0]; move: (P0) ⇒ P0'; rewrite ltn0 in P0'.
rewrite big_mkcond.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := \max_(i < n.+1) i).
apply/bigmax_leqP; ins.
destruct (P i); last by done.
by apply leq_bigmax_cond.
by apply bigmax_ord_ltn_identity.
Lemma bigmax_pred n (P : pred nat) (i0: 'I_n) :
P (i0) →
P (\max_(i < n | P i) i).
intros PRED.
induction n.
destruct i0 as [i0 P0].
by move: (P0) ⇒ P1; rewrite ltn0 in P1.
rewrite big_mkcond big_ord_recr /=; desf.
destruct n; first by rewrite big_ord0 maxn0.
unfold maxn at 1; desf.
apply negbT in Heq0; move: Heq0 ⇒ /negP BUG.
apply BUG.
apply leq_ltn_trans with (n := \max_(i < n.+1) i).
apply/bigmax_leqP; ins.
destruct (P i); last by done.
by apply leq_bigmax_cond.
by apply bigmax_ord_ltn_identity.
rewrite maxn0.
rewrite -big_mkcond /=.
have LT: i0 < n.
rewrite ltn_neqAle; apply/andP; split;
last by rewrite -ltnS; apply ltn_ord.
apply/negP; move ⇒ /eqP BUG.
by rewrite -BUG PRED in Heq.
by rewrite (IHn (Ordinal LT)).
End ExtraLemmas.
Section Kmin.
Context {T1 T2: eqType}.
Variable rel: T2 → T2 → bool.
Variable F: T1 → T2.
Fixpoint seq_argmin_k (l: seq T1) (k: nat) :=
if k is S k' then
if (seq_argmin rel F l) is Some min_x then
let l_without_min := rem min_x l in
min_x :: seq_argmin_k l_without_min k'
else [::]
else [::].
Lemma seq_argmin_k_exists:
∀ k l x,
k > 0 →
x \in l →
seq_argmin_k l k != [::].
induction k; first by done.
move ⇒ l x _ IN /=.
destruct (seq_argmin rel F l) as [|] eqn:MIN; first by done.
suff NOTNONE: seq_argmin rel F l != None by rewrite MIN in NOTNONE.
by apply seq_argmin_exists with (x0 := x).
End Kmin.