Library prosa.analysis.facts.model.sequential
Consider any type of job associated with any type of tasks...
... with arrival times and costs ...
... and any kind of processor state model.
Assume a schedule ...
in which the sequential tasks hypothesis holds.
A simple corollary of this hypothesis is that the scheduler
executes a job with the earliest arrival time.
Corollary scheduler_executes_job_with_earliest_arrival:
∀ j1 j2 t,
same_task j1 j2 →
~~ completed_by sched j2 t →
scheduled_at sched j1 t →
job_arrival j1 ≤ job_arrival j2.
End ExecutionOrder.
∀ j1 j2 t,
same_task j1 j2 →
~~ completed_by sched j2 t →
scheduled_at sched j1 t →
job_arrival j1 ≤ job_arrival j2.
End ExecutionOrder.