Library prosa.model.processor.multiprocessor
Multiprocessor State
Consider any types of jobs...
... and consider any type of per-processor state.
Given a desired number of processors num_cpus, we define a finite type
of integers from 0 to num_cpus - 1. The purpose of this definition is
to obtain a finite type (i.e., set of values) that can be enumerated in a
terminating computation.
Syntax hint: the 'I_ before num_cpus is ssreflect syntax for the
finite set of integers from zero to num_cpus - 1.
Next, for any given number of processors num_cpus...
...we represent the type of the "multiprocessor state" as a function that
maps processor IDs (as defined by processor num_cpus, see above) to the
given state on each core.
Based on this notion of multiprocessor state, we say that a given job j
is currently scheduled on a specific processor cpu, according to the
given multiprocessor state mps, if j is scheduled in the
processor-local state (mps cpu).
Let multiproc_scheduled_on (j : Job) (mps : multiprocessor_state) (cpu : processor num_cpus)
:= scheduled_in j (mps cpu).
:= scheduled_in j (mps cpu).
The service received by a given job j in a given multiprocessor state
mps is given by the sum of the service received across all individual
processors of the multiprocessor.
Let multiproc_service_in (j : Job) (mps : multiprocessor_state)
:= \sum_(cpu < num_cpus) service_in j (mps cpu).
:= \sum_(cpu < num_cpus) service_in j (mps cpu).
Finally, we connect the above definitions with the generic Prosa
interface for processor models.