Library prosa.model.task.preemption.fully_preemptive

Fully Preemptive Task Model

In this module, we instantiate the common task model in which all jobs are always preemptable.
Consider any type of jobs.
  Context {Task : JobType}.

In the fully preemptive model, any job can be preempted at any time. Thus, the maximal non-preemptive segment has length at most ε (i.e., one time unit such as a processor cycle).

Run-to-Completion Threshold

Since jobs are always preemptive, there is no offset after which a job is guaranteed to run to completion.
Consider any type of tasks with WCETs.
  Context {Task : TaskType}.
  Context `{TaskCost Task}.

In the fully preemptive model, any job can be preempted at any time. Thus, the only safe run-to-completion threshold for a task is its WCET.