Library prosa.analysis.facts.preemption.job.nonpreemptive

Furthermore, we assume the fully non-preemptive job model.

Platform for Fully Non-Preemptive model

In this section, we prove that instantiation of predicate job_preemptable to the fully non-preemptive model indeed defines a valid preemption model.
Consider any type of jobs.
  Context {Job : JobType}.
  Context `{JobArrival Job}.
  Context `{JobCost Job}.

Consider any arrival sequence with consistent arrivals.
Next, consider any non-preemptive ideal uniprocessor schedule of this arrival sequence ...
... where jobs do not execute before their arrival or after completion.
For simplicity, let's define some local names.
Then, we prove that fully_nonpreemptive_model is a valid preemption model.
  Lemma valid_fully_nonpreemptive_model:
    valid_preemption_model arr_seq sched.
    intros j; split; [by apply/orP; left | split; [by apply/orP; right | split]].
    - movet; rewrite /job_preemptable /fully_nonpreemptive_model Bool.negb_orb -lt0n; move ⇒ /andP [POS NCOMPL].
      move: (incremental_service_during _ _ _ _ _ POS) ⇒ [ft [/andP [_ LT] [SCHED SERV]]].
      apply H_nonpreemptive_sched with ft.
      + by apply ltnW.
      + by done.
      + rewrite /completed_by -ltnNge.
        move: NCOMPL; rewrite neq_ltn; move ⇒ /orP [LE|GE]; [by done | exfalso].
        move: GE; rewrite ltnNge; move ⇒ /negP GE; apply: GE.
        apply completion.service_at_most_cost; eauto 2 with basic_facts.
    - intros t NSCHED SCHED.
      rewrite /job_preemptable /fully_nonpreemptive_model.
      apply/orP; left.
      apply/negP; intros CONTR; move: CONTR ⇒ /negP; rewrite -lt0n; intros POS.
      move: (incremental_service_during _ _ _ _ _ POS) ⇒ [ft [/andP [_ LT] [SCHEDn SERV]]].
      move: NSCHED ⇒ /negP NSCHED; apply: NSCHED.
      apply H_nonpreemptive_sched with ft.
      + by rewrite -ltnS.
      + by done.
      + rewrite /completed_by -ltnNge.
        apply leq_ltn_trans with (service sched j t.+1).
        × by rewrite /service /service_during big_nat_recr //= leq_addr.
        × rewrite -addn1; apply leq_trans with (service sched j t.+2).
          have <-: (service_at sched j t.+1) = 1.
          { by apply/eqP; rewrite eqb1 -scheduled_at_def. }
            by rewrite -big_nat_recr //=.
            by apply completion.service_at_most_cost; eauto 2 with basic_facts.

We also prove that under the fully non-preemptive model job_max_nonpreemptive_segment j is equal to job_cost j ...
  Lemma job_max_nps_is_job_cost:
     j, job_max_nonpreemptive_segment j = job_cost j.
    rewrite /job_max_nonpreemptive_segment /lengths_of_segments
            /job_preemption_points /job_preemptable /fully_nonpreemptive_model.
    case: (posnP (job_cost j)) ⇒ [ZERO|POS].
    { by rewrite ZERO; compute. }
    have ->: n, n>0 [seq ρ <- index_iota 0 n.+1 | (ρ == 0) || (ρ == n)] = [:: 0; n].
    { clear; simpl; intros.
      apply/eqP; rewrite eqseq_cons; apply/andP; split; first by done.
      have ->: xs P1 P2, ( x, x \in xs ~~ P1 x) [seq x <- xs | P1 x || P2 x] = [seq x <- xs | P2 x].
      { clear; intros.
        apply eq_in_filter.
        intros ? IN. specialize (H _ IN).
          by destruct (P1 x), (P2 x).
      rewrite filter_pred1_uniq; first by done.
      - by apply iota_uniq.
      - by rewrite mem_iota; apply/andP; split; [done | rewrite add1n].
      - intros x; rewrite mem_iota; move ⇒ /andP [POS _].
          by rewrite -lt0n.
    by rewrite /distances; simpl; rewrite subn0 /max0; simpl; rewrite max0n.
      by done.

  Lemma job_last_nps_is_job_cost:
     j, job_last_nonpreemptive_segment j = job_cost j.
    rewrite /job_last_nonpreemptive_segment /lengths_of_segments
            /job_preemption_points /job_preemptable /fully_nonpreemptive_model.
    case: (posnP (job_cost j)) ⇒ [ZERO|POS].
    { by rewrite ZERO; compute. }
    have ->: n, n>0 [seq ρ <- index_iota 0 n.+1 | (ρ == 0) || (ρ == n)] = [:: 0; n].
    { clear; simpl; intros.
      apply/eqP; rewrite eqseq_cons; apply/andP; split; first by done.
      have ->: xs P1 P2, ( x, x \in xs ~~ P1 x) [seq x <- xs | P1 x || P2 x] = [seq x <- xs | P2 x].
      { clear; intros.
        apply eq_in_filter.
        intros ? IN. specialize (H _ IN).
          by destruct (P1 x), (P2 x).
      rewrite filter_pred1_uniq; first by done.
      - by apply iota_uniq.
      - by rewrite mem_iota; apply/andP; split; [done | rewrite add1n].
      - intros x; rewrite mem_iota; move ⇒ /andP [POS _].
          by rewrite -lt0n.
      by rewrite /distances; simpl; rewrite subn0 /last0; simpl.
      by done.

End FullyNonPreemptiveModel.
Hint Resolve valid_fully_nonpreemptive_model : basic_facts.