Library prosa.analysis.transform.swap

Require Export prosa.behavior.all.

This file defines simple allocation substitutions and a swapping operation as used for instance in the classic EDF optimality proof.
We begin by defining the notion of a schedule with a "tweaked" (i.e., overridden) allocation.
Section ReplaceAt.
For any given type of jobs...
  Context {Job : JobType}.
... any given type of processor states, ...
  Context {PState: eqType}.
  Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.

...consider any given reference schedule.
  Variable original_sched: schedule PState.

Suppose we are given a specific time t' ...
  Variable t': instant.

...and a replacement state new_state.
  Variable new_state: PState.

Then the schedule with replacement is simply one that returns the given new_state at t', and the original allocation at all other times.
  Definition replace_at (t : instant) :=
    if t' == t then new_state else (original_sched t).

End ReplaceAt.

Based on replace_at, we define the notion of a schedule with swapped allocations.
Section Swapped.
For any given type of jobs...
  Context {Job : JobType}.
... any given type of processor states, ...
  Context {PState: eqType}.
  Context `{ProcessorState Job PState}.

...consider any given reference schedule.
  Variable original_sched: schedule PState.

Given two specific times t1 and t2...
  Variable t1 t2: instant.

...we define the notion of a schedule in which the two allocations at t1 and t2 have been swapped.
  Definition swapped : schedule PState :=
    let s1 := original_sched t1 in
    let s2 := original_sched t2 in
    let replaced_s1 := replace_at original_sched t1 s2 in
    replace_at replaced_s1 t2 s1.

End Swapped.