Library prosa.classic.model.arrival.curves.bounds
Require Import prosa.classic.util.all.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq div.
(* In this section, we define the notion of arrival curves, which
can be used to reason about the frequency of job arrivals. *)
Module ArrivalCurves.
Import ArrivalSequence TaskArrival.
Section DefiningArrivalCurves.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_task: Job → Task.
(* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* Recall the job arrivals of tsk in a given interval t1, t2). *)
Let arrivals_of_tsk tsk := arrivals_of_task_between job_task arr_seq tsk.
Let num_arrivals_of_tsk tsk := num_arrivals_of_task job_task arr_seq tsk.
(* First, we define what constitutes an arrival bound for task tsk. *)
Section ArrivalBound.
(* Let max_arrivals denote any function that takes an interval length and
returns the associated number of job arrivals of task.
(This corresponds to the eta+ function in the literature.) *)
Variable max_arrivals: Task → time → nat.
(* Then, we say that max_arrivals is an arrival bound iff, for any interval t1, t2), [num_arrivals (t2 - t1)] bounds the number of jobs of tsk that arrive in that interval. *)
Definition is_arrival_bound (tsk: Task) :=
∀ (t1 t2: time),
t1 ≤ t2 →
num_arrivals_of_tsk tsk t1 t2 ≤ max_arrivals tsk (t2 - t1).
(* We say that max_arrivals is an arrival bound for taskset ts
iff max_arrival is an arrival bound for any task from ts. *)
Definition is_arrival_bound_for_taskset (ts: seq Task) :=
∀ (tsk: Task), tsk \in ts → is_arrival_bound tsk.
(* We provide the notion of an arrival curve that equals 0 for the empty interval. *)
Definition zero_arrival_curve (tsk: Task) :=
max_arrivals tsk 0 = 0.
(* Next, we provide the notion of a monotonic arrival curve. *)
Definition monotonic_arrival_curve (tsk: Task) :=
monotone (max_arrivals tsk) leq.
(* We say that max_arrivals is a proper arrival curve for task tsk iff
max_arrivals tsk is an arrival bound for task tsk and max_arrivals tsk
is a monotonic function that equals 0 for the empty interval delta = 0. *)
Definition proper_arrival_curve (tsk: Task) :=
is_arrival_bound tsk ∧
zero_arrival_curve tsk ∧
monotonic_arrival_curve tsk.
(* We say that max_arrivals is a family of proper arrival curves iff
for all tsk in ts max_arrival tsk is a proper arrival curve. *)
Definition family_of_proper_arrival_curves (ts: seq Task) :=
∀ (tsk: Task), tsk \in ts → proper_arrival_curve tsk.
End ArrivalBound.
(* Next, we define the notion of a separation bound for task tsk, i.e., the smallest
interval length in which a certain number of jobs of tsk can be spawned. *)
Section SeparationBound.
(* Let min_length denote any function that takes a number of jobs and
returns an associated interval length.
(This corresponds to the delta- function in the literature.) *)
Variable min_length: Task → nat → time.
(* Then, we say that min_length is a separation bound iff, for any number of jobs
of tsk, min_separation lower-bounds the minimum interval length in which that number
of jobs can be spawned. *)
Definition is_separation_bound tsk :=
∀ t1 t2,
t1 ≤ t2 →
min_length tsk (num_arrivals_of_tsk tsk t1 t2) ≤ t2 - t1.
End SeparationBound.
End DefiningArrivalCurves.
End ArrivalCurves.
Require Import prosa.classic.model.arrival.basic.arrival_sequence
From mathcomp Require Import ssreflect ssrbool eqtype ssrnat seq div.
(* In this section, we define the notion of arrival curves, which
can be used to reason about the frequency of job arrivals. *)
Module ArrivalCurves.
Import ArrivalSequence TaskArrival.
Section DefiningArrivalCurves.
Context {Task: eqType}.
Context {Job: eqType}.
Variable job_task: Job → Task.
(* Consider any job arrival sequence. *)
Variable arr_seq: arrival_sequence Job.
(* Recall the job arrivals of tsk in a given interval t1, t2). *)
Let arrivals_of_tsk tsk := arrivals_of_task_between job_task arr_seq tsk.
Let num_arrivals_of_tsk tsk := num_arrivals_of_task job_task arr_seq tsk.
(* First, we define what constitutes an arrival bound for task tsk. *)
Section ArrivalBound.
(* Let max_arrivals denote any function that takes an interval length and
returns the associated number of job arrivals of task.
(This corresponds to the eta+ function in the literature.) *)
Variable max_arrivals: Task → time → nat.
(* Then, we say that max_arrivals is an arrival bound iff, for any interval t1, t2), [num_arrivals (t2 - t1)] bounds the number of jobs of tsk that arrive in that interval. *)
Definition is_arrival_bound (tsk: Task) :=
∀ (t1 t2: time),
t1 ≤ t2 →
num_arrivals_of_tsk tsk t1 t2 ≤ max_arrivals tsk (t2 - t1).
(* We say that max_arrivals is an arrival bound for taskset ts
iff max_arrival is an arrival bound for any task from ts. *)
Definition is_arrival_bound_for_taskset (ts: seq Task) :=
∀ (tsk: Task), tsk \in ts → is_arrival_bound tsk.
(* We provide the notion of an arrival curve that equals 0 for the empty interval. *)
Definition zero_arrival_curve (tsk: Task) :=
max_arrivals tsk 0 = 0.
(* Next, we provide the notion of a monotonic arrival curve. *)
Definition monotonic_arrival_curve (tsk: Task) :=
monotone (max_arrivals tsk) leq.
(* We say that max_arrivals is a proper arrival curve for task tsk iff
max_arrivals tsk is an arrival bound for task tsk and max_arrivals tsk
is a monotonic function that equals 0 for the empty interval delta = 0. *)
Definition proper_arrival_curve (tsk: Task) :=
is_arrival_bound tsk ∧
zero_arrival_curve tsk ∧
monotonic_arrival_curve tsk.
(* We say that max_arrivals is a family of proper arrival curves iff
for all tsk in ts max_arrival tsk is a proper arrival curve. *)
Definition family_of_proper_arrival_curves (ts: seq Task) :=
∀ (tsk: Task), tsk \in ts → proper_arrival_curve tsk.
End ArrivalBound.
(* Next, we define the notion of a separation bound for task tsk, i.e., the smallest
interval length in which a certain number of jobs of tsk can be spawned. *)
Section SeparationBound.
(* Let min_length denote any function that takes a number of jobs and
returns an associated interval length.
(This corresponds to the delta- function in the literature.) *)
Variable min_length: Task → nat → time.
(* Then, we say that min_length is a separation bound iff, for any number of jobs
of tsk, min_separation lower-bounds the minimum interval length in which that number
of jobs can be spawned. *)
Definition is_separation_bound tsk :=
∀ t1 t2,
t1 ≤ t2 →
min_length tsk (num_arrivals_of_tsk tsk t1 t2) ≤ t2 - t1.
End SeparationBound.
End DefiningArrivalCurves.
End ArrivalCurves.